The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Are the Democratic and Republican Parties One and the Same?

    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


    Are the Democratic and Republican Parties One and the Same?

    Those of you who like to go around saying that there’s no difference between the Democratic and Republican Parties should pause a moment to take note. The Republican led United States Supreme Court is currently poised to give you some of that good old-fashion Republican love. They’re currently considering whether they can get away with taking away your healthcare, just as they all but disenfranchised you by declaring that corporations are people in their ‘Citizens United’ decision, and completely overruled your vote by appointing George Bush President in the 2000 election after you clearly voted for Al Gore.


    The Republican Party’s only platform and sole purpose in life is to make absolutely sure that the American people hate one another more passionately than they love themselves. That’s why Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and other Republicans are defending George Zimmerman after he killed Trayvon Martin. But that’s not surprising, since they created the environment that led to Zimmerman killing Trayvon in the first place. They’ve that by convincing many undereducated and weak-minded Whites that ALL Black men are out to kill their sons, steal their possessions, and rape their daughters. So for all of you who claim that Democrats are no different from Republicans, take a moment to ask yourself, "Who’s disseminating that message, Democrats or Republicans?"
    The Republican leadership benefits from the Black, public outrage over this atrocity. That’s why conservative pundits eagerly fan the flames of the anger in the Black community over the obvious injustice of the incident. The case is clear. Zimmerman, a full grown man, arm with a 9 mm pistol and weighing, reportedly, a hundred pounds more than his victim, stalked and killed a Black child armed with only with a bag of Skittles. And that was AFTER being instructed by the police to remain in his vehicle. Thereafter, Zimmerman, the son of a retired judge, was routinely released as though he’d been picked up for a traffic ticket. It should have been an open and shut case, but they didn’t even bother to collect a shred of evidence. Imagine what the consequences would have been for Trayvon if the situation was exactly reversed - in fact, under the given circumstances, Trayvon would have undoubtedly been jailed if he had managed to kill Zimmerman even in self-defense after being stalked.
    But by continually inserting red herring defenses and other justifications for Zimmerman’s deadly assault on Trayvon - the fact that Trayvon was wearing a hoodie, he had been suspended from school, showing a picture of Trayvon wearing a gold tooth, etc. - conservative pundits are purposely further enraging the Black community, and thereby, planting the seed in the White community’s mind that Black people are being both racist toward Zimmerman and unreasonably hateful toward White people in general. That serves to drive a wedge between the Black and White communities and distract them away from the recognition that the throats of both communities are being cut by Republican policies.
    If the middle class, and indeed this nation, is to survive, it is incumbent upon us to realized that we are now engaged in a class war, in which race is merely a tool to drive a wedge between us to keep us divided - and anyone who perpetuates that effort, including Tavis Smiley and Cornel West, is the enemy.
    Sure there are poor and middle-class racists in both communities. Racism has been built-in and carefully nurtured into our society, but we’ve been conditioned to be racist and divided by the social manipulation pointed out above. Thus, the only way that the poor and middle class are going to save themselves is for them to start doing more thinking, and stop allowing the social manipulators to control their thoughts through manipulating them into caving in to knee-jerk reactionism.
    The fact is, the corporate powers that be don’t care any more about White people than they do Black people. The attack on Social Security, Medicare, and organized labor isn’t race specific. It’s an assault on the poor and middle class of all races. Of the millions of people across this land who were thrown out of their homes, they weren’t just Black. They were people of every race, creed, and color. And when Bush and Cheney sent our troops to Iraq without the necessary equipment to protect their lives, neither was that race specific. That was a direct assault on poor and middle class America as a whole. In fact, the children of the rich are no longer even expected to defend this country. Dying for America has now become the job of the "little people." Thus, the Republican Party is trying to drag America back into a social structure that our founding fathers left Europe to get away from - one based on class and social status.
    As a result, our government institutions have now morphed into facades designed to give us the ILLUSION of justice. Anyone who doubts that should try suing any major corporation. So in order to save ourselves we must ban together to FORCE American institutions to function as they are suppose to, and a huge part of that effort is coming together and learning to recognize demagoguery.
    A prime example of the demagoguery that we must be on the alert against comes in the form of idiots running around claiming that there’s no difference between the Democratic and Republican parties. That’s a flat-out lie that benefits no one but the social manipulators themselves. Granted, there are problems within the Democratic Party and there are more than a few Democrats that need to be thrown out of office. Through a combination of factors including human greed and the public’s tendency to be inattentive and apathetic, we’ve allowed politicians to become a class within themselves, a class that’s become a subset of the class that we’re fighting. That’s an issue that we must address through taking another look at political salaries and perks. So that’s more a problem of the emergence of a new political class than it is the philosophy of the Democratic Party itself.

    The primary reason that the Democratic Party has moved farther to the right is because that's where the votes are. Idiots like Ralph Nader, Tavis Smiley, and Cornel West have confused the left so badly that politicians can't depend on their votes. Then once the left suffers the resulting loses, people mentioned above simply go back to their lucrative hustles of complaining about the peoples’ misery until the next election - completely ignoring the fact that they are a major cause of that misery.
    The bottom line is, the worse we do as a people, the more people like Nader, Tavis and West are paid to complain about it. So if the poor and middle class ever did achieved true justice, it would be West's worst nightmare, because he’s reportedly paid $10,000 a speech to complain.
    So we, the people, are just not getting it. We're being blinded by West’s wooly hair and carefully nurtured persona. We tend to look at things superficially - "If he looks that Black and the White folks at Harvard says he's brilliant, he must be the man!" That’s a bunch of crap! Cornel is the one who’s the puppet. He and Tavis are not the darling of the corporate establishment for nothing - they keep us divided.

    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]

    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)

    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 


    I'm traveling now, but I am going to take advantage of a chance to hear Tavis Smiley speak at an urban college. It will be interesting to hear his take on the biggest domestic threat to the United States. It boils down to whether to take the stance that the only good Republican is the one that has been voted out of office, or to focus our wrath on Barack Obama. I will be taking antacids prior to attending the Smiley lecture.



    Please post your impressions.


    I will post them here. The lecture is tomorrow at 7PM Central time. I may not post until Friday. I have a LiveScribe pen to record the lecture so that if I cover my ears to keep from hearing pure nonsense, I can go back and listen when I have calmed down.

    Recipe - start with strawman, work way down.

    Who exactly is saying both parties are exactly the same?

    The Republicans are organized, the Democrats not.

    The Republicans stay on message, the Democrats don't.

    The Republicans define their wacky policy goals and pursue them beyond all reasonableness. The Democrats pant along trying to figure out how to help the Republicsns.

    I know what the Republicans want to do - gut health care bill, get rid of abortion, cut taxes to 0, extend our wars, kill education.

    I've no idea what Democrats expect to accomplish over the next 4 years, except to stay in office and help the GOP move us further to the right.

    [your summary of Martin-Zimmerman has some facts wrong - e.g. weight, et al. It behooves you to get details consistent.]

    [if you think Nader, Smiley and West have much influence on public thought, well, I think you're mistaken. $10K a speech is not very much - which gives you an idea of their irrelevance (Clinton gets $300K a speech). As for comments about West's wooly hair, I can only imagine if I made that statement.]


    First, the question was rhetorical. Of course there is a difference between the Democratic and Republican parties, and a much bigger difference than your response would seem to indicate. In addition, the article was written primarily for the Black community, where people like Cornel West have a powerful impact on his audience.  And finally, $10K per speech represents a tremendous amount of money to most people in the United States, and in any event, was presented to make a point regarding his possible motives for saying some of the things he says, and not as a comparative. So what's your point? 


    No, $10K per speech isn't a "tremendous amount of money to most people". 

    As one example, "New speakers usually get under 1K per hour, experienced speakers 5K to100K per hour depending on your topic, if you're published, your notoriety, etc

    Occam's Razor would say it's more likely West really believes Obama is a disappointment,

    rather than making stuff up for only $10K.

    In any case, point was you were misrepresenting the situation, and it always seems to start with "these people believe in fairies" and it goes down hill.

    As for your strawman assertion, see Resistance's latest comment.

    Divide and conquer is the plan for the corporatists in this country.

    No doubt about it and key people on the left will be recruited with the promise of wealth just as the people on the right.

    But I do find this new, revised women's movement interesting.

    There have been a lot of petitions circulating that focus on the desires of this movement and there have been some fine panels broadcasted on CSPAN lately.

    The polls (snapshots for sure) reflect this new energy.

    We will see but I am heartened by this.

    Rush really started something! Along with repub legislatures of course.

    And I think there is a reaction against this 'stand your ground' crap too!

    So on the whole, things are looking better Eric.

    I agree, Richard.

    The GOP leadership, who are primarily the corporatists, have been placed between a rock and a hard place. In the past they simply hid in the bushes and allowed the social bigots within the party to stir up dissension among the electorate. Then when the damage was done, they trot out and scoop up the benefits from the resulting social carnage. But this time, the troops have taken over the fort. As a result, the officer corps can't distance themselves from the bigoted stupidity of their without being taken hostage themselves. Thus, now Gen. Romney is now being forced to salute Pvt. Santorum.  It's a joy to behold.

    I wonder if Smiley will comment on his BFF West's opinion that Obama is the mascot of the Wall Street oligarchs.

    As such Obama is no different that the Republican oligarchs that West dislikes.




    Tavis has already become a laughingstock. He tried to back off by saying that he doesn't have a problem with Obama - "It's just some of his policies than I'm questioning." Even his friends started laughing at that ridiculous lie.

    You see, this controversy has gotten out of hand. Tavis overplayed his hand by assuming that he had enough clout in the Black community to put pressure on first, candidate, and then President, Obama. But the Black community turned on him big time, and now it's threatening, at the very least, his pocketbook, and very likely, his entire career.

    Tavis Smiley has been one of the biggest corporate shills in the Black community for years. He's lobbied for Walmart, Nationwide Ins., and many other corporations in  the community. But the Obama controversy is causing him to not only lose clout, but indeed, hated in the among Blacks, so he's no longer an asset to the corporations that's been propping him up. In fact, he's rapidly becoming a liability for these corporations. But his huge ego caused him to be so strident initially, that now he's unable to repair the damage.

    Tavis has even become a liability to his lapdog, Cornel West's, credibility. Since Tavis and West are seen as being joined at the hip, given Tavis'  background as a corporate shill, when West mindlessly called President Obama a corporate puppet, he now places himself in the position of a man who's running down the street ranting about fascism after just having lunch with Mussolini.    


    So for all of you who claim that Democrats are no different from Republicans, take a moment to ask yourself, "Who’s disseminating that message, Democrats or Republicans?"

    The sad and frustrating truth is that we, both Republicans and Democrats, have become self-serving pundits - spouting hypothesis, opinions and half-truths that 'fits' our personal agendas and .  This Martin case is a prime example of how we all rush to judgment and just as quickly, publish (either verbally or by written word) our skewed perceptions far and wide.  IMO, it's harmful, careless and seldom results in a positive outcome.

    The truth is, just like any individual, no one group is all saints or sinners; all right or always wrong; good or bad, etc. 

    If only we were as quick to tout the positive as we are to spread the negative, as well as to opine on and on without a factual and reality based foundation.

    Good post, appreciate.



    I'm reminded of Hanlon's Razor:

    Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

    Many democrats stupidly disseminate this message (either explicitly or implicitly), or the similar one that it doesn't matter if Obama or Romney wins the general election. However, it helps to remember that it is done without malice. Why does it help? Because it gives us a clue as to the proper means of responding to it.

    Constructive discussion/debate with facts in evidence is usually always a 'learning experience' for me (if participants do so without malice and armed with common sense and facts).  I endorse this process with enthusiasm and appreciation.

    Aunt Sam,

    Enough facts have come out regarding the Trayvon Martin case to know the following:

    1). Trayvon was simply walking home after going to the store to purchase a bag of Skittles.

    2). Zimmerman targeted him as "suspicious."

    3). Zimmerman called 911 and was told by the police to stay in his car and not to approach him.

    4). Zimmerman ignored those instructions and approached Trayvon while armed with a 9mm handgun.

    5). Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon.

    6). Zimmerman was released after killing an unarmed child who was guilty of nothing but going to the store.

    What else is there to know? 


    #1 likely, though Zimmerman's 911 call doesn't sound like Martin was just walking straight home.

    #2 Martin was unknown in neighborhood, so "suspicious". (Guests in gated neighborhoods drive, at least in America). 

    #3 Dispatcher did not say "stay in car" - said  Neighborhood watch should reasonably keep in sight suspicious persons - not confront them. However, in this case Zimmerman had already left car when dispatcher said "we don't need you to do that [follow him]", to which Zimmerman replied "Ok", and after notes about Martin "he ran".

    #4 We don't know if he approached Martin. 

    #5 Yes, though circumstances not confirmed. 

    #6 Zimmerman was questioned for about 4 hours, and his clothing and gun were confiscated as evidence.

    What else? Martin at 17 was over 6'1", so focusing on being a "child" is misleading. Zimmerman had lost a lot of weight since his age 21 mug shot, so your "100 pounds" difference is inaccurate. In any case, had a physical encounter been avoided, it wouldn't have mattered.

    Did Zimmerman attack Martin or Martin attack Zimmerman, or how did the encounter go down? We still don't know.

    There have been media frenzies over Laci Peterson, Jon Benet Ramsay and Natalie Holloway, among others, The outrage over Trayvon Martin follows the same pattern. Trayvon wore a hoodie on a rainy night. Trayvon was unarmed. The burglary tools were Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea.

    As we see the supposed Conservative Party including religious leaders like Richard Land of the Southern Baptists attempt to downplay the murder,I have no problem siding with Obama and the Democrats. There are no moderate Conservatives. Sen Collins voted with the folks attacking women's rights. She is a coward.

    We were told that Obama's two Supreme Court nominees were not "Progressive" enough, yet they have voted on the correct of the major issues.

    GOP Governors are trying to crush unions. In Michigan, the Governor has become the dictator of Benton Harbor. The GOP HAS DECLARED WAR.

    Russ Feingold got voted out. Dennis Kucinich got voted out. The Progressive candidate in Illinois lost. Your statement about Obama knowing where the voters are is accurate. Progressives seem to have a messaging problem. Obama is winning among women and minorities. The majority of White males may stick with the GOP, others are fleeing.

    The only thing that the GOP can do to alter the tide is voter suppression.  They are telegraphing their moves.

    Once Zimmerman, who was armed, stalked Him, Trayvon could "Stand His Ground".Let's make a leap that an armed Zimmerman started to turn away, would you trust a nut job to not turn back around and shot you in the back.?. If you still feared for your life, would you not attack. Under any scenario, Martin was the one who was in jeopardy.

    If killing Martin is legal  killing any black youth is legal. Why would you trust the legal system in Florida again? The law was put in place to kill minority teens to make some other folks feel safe.


           Usually am on same page with you, but respectfully have to disagree with the stance you put forth in your reply comment.

           Some of what you are stating in your list as facts are not proven to be such YET as others have noted.

           IMHO, we need to wait until 'facts are in evidence and published' in total before making judgment call.  Personally, I tend to give credence via my personal opinion as to Zimmerman's guilt/innocence, but I don't know with absolute certainty YET.

           And my comment was referencing a much broader spectrum than just the Martin case.

    The Tavis Smiley lecture got canceled . Apparently there was a problem related to the recent tornadoes in Dallas. I hope that things turn out well for him, my differences are political.

    I have been thinking about Trayvon martin being an "unrecognized" person to the would-be neighborhood watch captain. Many blacks have had the experience of carrying out long conversations with members of other ethnic groups and being totally ignored and unrecognized when seen outside of the context of where the initial meeting occurred. If the safety of black teens is going to depend on a neighborhood watch person remembering a black teen's face, those teens lives will always be in jeopardy.

    The term "stalking" is dramatic for following someone for a couple minutes, especially as 1) it was reported to the police and 2) we don't know if Zimmerman approached or had the intent of encountering Martin.

    While profiling is unfortunate, humans work on repetition for clues as well. If thefts have been noted after a short guy in a grey cap has been around, anyone short wearing a grey cap will be suspect - even if the cap is not really grey or they're not really short - people are poorly observant.

    Many blacks will look at whites suspiciously in a black neighborhood, especially if there have been any racist incidents from outsiders.

    Additionally, if you're trying to watch out for burglaries, you tend to look for unfamiliar people who don't belong in the neighborhood. Calling him a "whack job" is unsupported until we know what happened.

    As someone noted, many police are obnoxious, will taser you at a moment's notice, will use any excuse to search your car or house, etc. - whether you're white, black, pink, whatever. Many sane, unprejudiced people profile cops and steer clear of them, even though there might be some good cops out there.



    Rather than mocking those who believe the Republicans and the Democrats are alike.

    TRY to fully grasp why some believe that.

    BOTH parties want SLAVES,

    Both parties bury the individual under a heavy load and throw many in the pit. Only to have the cover of the pit removed when the parties need the slaves to give them more resources.

    We slaves are so grateful to the Party, that lets a little light into the pit we’re buried in, even if it is only for a brief moment.

    The Republicans want the slaves to pay more in TAXES, the Democrats want the slaves to pay more.

    Both parties want someone to pay.

    The only division……. WHO WILL YOU SLAVE FOR? 

    Both parties; ARE ALIKE, …….. because both PARTIES want the slaves to serve them; otherwise stay in the dark pit until you’re needed.  


    Except;  we will never be free under the present system,  BECAUSE too many fools, accept the notion;  One slave owner IS  better than the other, so the people remain enslaved

    When the majority of the populous rationalizes, they’ll never be anything, other than a slave. All of us are enslaved  and will remain so.

    We will never get out of the pit,  because our fellow slaves will drag us back in

    Both parties playing the same game  “LOOK OVER THERE; that thief…… is stealing your money; and while you’re “looking over there”  the other tag team, thief, is picking your pocket.

    Get back in the pit slave.


    PS..     Notice how the slave owners got debt relief, in the form of government bailouts. 

    Notice the slaves are still under the heavy burden and yoke of debt. 

    Phone records support that a nut job was following Trayvon and did approach the teenager. Any subsequent event is on Zimmerman. If There is no conviction any black teen who runs from a whack job can be murdered legally.

    Phone records support a non-nutjob-sounding neighborhood watch guy reporting a suspicious character. About 20 seconds in the middle of the recording sound like fast moving/running - the rest is calm description.

    Martin's friend reported Zimmerman's statements on phone, not recorded, but I don't dismiss it.

    Can see the neighborhood here, helps events make more sense:


    I wonder how many of the "let's calmly wait for the facts to be revealed" people would feel the same way if Trayvon would have been their child. 

    Trayvon was doing absolutely nothing but walking home from the store. He was killed for that offense and the killer was set free. 

    Question: How many of you would feel like you were living in America if you and your children were held to the same standard that led to Trayvon's death. The mere fact that there are so many who want to give Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt clearly demonstrates why many Black people are so angry and consider the entire concept a farce. 


    Listen to the words of an untainted child:

    It's not my child, so I don't have to play "what if", and even if, the law works by investigations, not by snap judgments. 

    We don't know how the confrontation happened - specifically the last 2 minutes or so - so can't answer without doubt "Trayvon was doing absolutely nothing but walking home from the store". Having been 15 at one time with a small hobby of occasionally stealing little stupid stuff from unlocked cars, I can't assume Martin was or wasn't doing something wrong. Nor does that call for being shot even if so, but context is important.

    It seems doubtful that Zimmerman just walked up and shot him, so how did they start fighting? Who swung first? How did it escalate to reaching for a gun? None of the other facts really matter - Zimmerman had a right to carry a gun, and a reason to patrol the neighborhood, Martin had a right to be walking home.

    Try this - if Zimmerman were a policeman, would our conversation be any different? It'd still be "did Martin do anything to provoke a fight, or did the cop go off unhinged?"

    Many Florida police departments do not advise that neighborhood watch not carry weapons. They are only to observe.

    Neighborhood Watch are not to follow an alleged suspect. The case needs to be decided at trial. The initial States Attorney seemed to drop the ball legally. Another States Attorney was assigned, a reasonable idea.

    The Sanford Police Department does not seem to be one that can be trusted to be unbiased in a case like Trayvon Martin's. Even Zimmerman's co-worker defender, Joe Oliver, notes problems with the Sanford Police Department. Outside reviewers seem reasonable.

    Having the decision made by a jury is reasonable. Neither the police department or the initial States Attorney had the trust of the people. Let a jury decide.

    Those not living in Florida have a free speech right to voice opinions. Even if we lived in Florida and were called for jury duty, we would say "I've made up my mind. Try him and fry him." We would not be asked to serve on the jury trying Zimmerman and thus don't represent any threat to Mr Zimmerman from a legal standpoint.


    1) I've never defended the Sanford police as handling or investigating properly - they did take his gun and clothing and had him at the police station for 4 hours, but short of that, I don't know how well they gathered evidence and looked past Zimmerman's excuses - or messed up evidence that should have been documented, such as forensics on injuries rather than cleaning them up. An independent investigation is warranted.

    2) Zimmerman was on the way to the store, so not on standard watch. Whether he normally carried a gun on rounds, I don't know. It does seem bad practice - however most gun carrying seems bad practice to me. More people die from unintentional killing of family and friends than from hostile killings.

    3) Before going to court to try him, the police and DA usually decide if they have enough evidence to convict - even if they think guilty, they won't try a case that they don't think they can win. Our courts don't just hold trials to sort out a mess - that would be a grand jury, which I think they're convening now.

    4) There's a difference between confronting someone suspicious vs. reporting and observing. If you see someone suspicious and they just disappear into the night, having the police come out is fairly useless - they'll just shine their flashlights around a bit and file a useless report. If someone crawls in a window and closes it, the police won't see a thing. Knowing where the suspicious person went vs. approaching them - 2 different things.

    5) From my personal view & opinion, I get from Zimmerman's phone call that he was planning on following Martin through the cut-through, and that's why he asked for the police to meet him by the mailboxes. It's obvious from where the shooting took place - behind the row of buildings heading to Martin's flat - that he did that, which could have been the running while on the phone, or what he did after hanging up. (I don't know where his car was parked). Martin's path is consistent with his just walking home.

    What is critical is whether Zimmerman then approached Martin behind that row, or whether Martin confronted him (or "attacked him on his way back to his car" as Zimmerman contends). I would think that if Martin attacked as claimed, there would be bruises on knuckles and other indicators, but I'm not a medic. In any case, should be examined, not white-washed.


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