The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    oleeb's picture

    "Health Reform" Proposals in Congress: No Connection to Reality The Time for Single Payer is NOW!

    Why are we even discussing the "Public Option" that our President has proposed and that is being ground to dust by the likes of Max Baucus and other DINO's in Congress?  Yes, the public option provides for at least the...
    amike's picture

    Progressivism Gone Awry? A few speculations.

    I've told you how I got rich by honest graft. Now, let me tell you that most politicians who are accused of robbin' the city get rich the same way.  They didn't steal a dollar from the city treasury....
    Richard Day's picture

    A Perfect Day

    There is a delightful movie starring Stan & Ollie called: The Perfect Day. (1929) Stanley & Ollie have been working all day to prepare their food so that they might go on a family picnic. They enter their car...
    amike's picture

    Yet ANOTHER Health Care public service announcement.

    I'm really beginning to see this as an example of a new technique of governing...  I've written a bit about my (limited) understanding of how Community Organizers work, and I've speculated that Obama might be trying to craft a new...
    Richard Day's picture


    Where is the money going to come from? ask the repubs when presented with health care legislation. Where is the money going to come from? ask the repubs when presented with new education legislation. Where is the money going...
    Richard Day's picture

    Dadaism: The Answer to Republicanism

    Jean Arp, where are you when we need you most? Joe the plumber shows up again this week. But he's still a star in conservative circles -- and still saying some odd, hostile things. At an event Thursday for...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Health Care Public Service Announcement -- It's Time!

    This Wednesday, the President will hold a town-hall on Health Care  and the White House is asking for input.  To learn more about how to submit a question, read here.This is it, boys and girls!  Time to put up or shut up!...
    Barth's picture

    Popular Music and Being Jewish

    There are so many things to write about this week, how government that is not responsive to the people it serves is not only useless, but destructive (that means you Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi---the public wants national health care...
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Republicans Have Figured Out What To Do About Their Scandalous Behavior!

    Seriously, folks, there is a real discussion going on in the Party of Family Values about what they need to do about all these pols among them who just can't behave.  Are they going to have prayer meetings to help...
    Richard Day's picture


    We really know so little about the ancients. I mean the real ancients. You will oft times hear of the 'missing link'. That is so 19th century. Silly really. I mean Homo Erectus arose, so to speak, amidst several...
    Ramona's picture

    Chamber of Commerce vs. Labor Unions: Guess who Wins?

    Labor is the great producer of wealth: it moves all other causes. Congressman Daniel Webster, 4/2/1824 With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization that ever existed. They have done more for decency,...
    Richard Day's picture

    INTO THE BERESHIT: The Search for Nuclear Power

    Why take the time for bible studies? Well for me it is easy, I have no life. But for others who do have a life, think about this: A 2005 poll suggested that 63% of Americans believe that every...
    we are stardust's picture

    Which lying liar are we supposed to believe?

    Kenneth Lewis of (now) Bank of America told Darrel Issa's Congressional committee a couple weeks ago that Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke pressured him not to back out of the Merril Lynch acquisition deal.  He claims they threatened him that if he...
    amike's picture

    A Tale of Three Fathers and Seven Sons

    This entry is provoked (that's a good word) by two of the most disturbing Father's Day news stories I heard this week.  Marshall, Landon, Bolton, and Blake were left by their father in the care of their mother over Father's...
    amike's picture

    My Letter of Complaint to the Management: it Worked!

    I just fired this off to TPM via the e-mail address at the top.Greetings, to whomever gets this: I wrote yesterday about two spam posts--advertisements in the form of advertisements.  They remained up all day.  Nothing was done.Today I sign on...

    A Quickie Theory On the Side-Topic of Fox News' Chyron "Slip-Ups"

    I skimmed a few discussions on a couple of sites about Fox News and its repeated "slip-ups" on labeling R's who (humanly) slip-up on the family values, and I've participated in similar discussions in the past.   A frequent comment seems...
    Richard Day's picture

    ARTHUR OF THE ROUNDISH TABLE: The Lady of the Forest Capitulates

    Lisbee, the Lady of the Forest checked in on Sir Boner to make sure he was not doing seemed to be in his very nature. He seemed to be half awake as his fever broke and he was...
    amike's picture

    I'm trying

    Some of my friends think I'm Really trying, but generally they forgive me, shaking their heads ans saying that's just his crazy way.  I got another health care e-mail.  This time from Bold Progressives for their "We want the Public...
    oleeb's picture

    Things That Ought To Be Done Right Now... the first in a series... Ban Prescription Drug Advertising

    I think we can get a broad consensus on the question of whether or not there are a number of things that are unnecessary or just downright stupid that go on in this country and that ought to be...
    Richard Day's picture

    APLOMB: I Did Not Have Sex With That Cigarette

    a⋅plomb -noun 1. imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance.   2. the perpendicular, or vertical, position. Origin: 1820-30; < F à plomb according to the plummet, i.e., straight up and down, vertical position   Synonyms: 1. composure, equanimity, imperturbability. Antonyms:...

    Insurance companies, Baucus vow to fuck public option

    I'll let the AP story speak for itself. Here's part of it:WASHINGTON (AP) -- The insurance industry Tuesday laid down a marker on health care, warning in stark terms that a proposed government insurance plan would dismantle the employer coverage...
    Richard Day's picture

    Sweet Baby James & Mark Sanford

    I am out of my mind in Carolina Cant you find any sign of me Cant you just find my SUV Aint it just like a friend of mine To stop coverin' my behind Crazy lost in Carolina outta...
    amike's picture

    ANOTHER Public Service Announcement

    I just received this e-mail from Democracy for America signed by Dr. Howard Dean, and I'm betting many of you did as well.  This is the kind of community pressure to which I referred in my previous post.  I've already...
    Richard Day's picture


    Genesis is the name we use for the first book of the Old Testament. It literally means: IN THE BEGINNING. But the stories in the first book of the Old Testament were not originally recounted in Greek, but in...
    amike's picture

    Parsing the President V: It's all about Community

        The Chicago Tribune greeted the publication of "Rules for Radicals" with a lead editorial headlined "ALINSKY'S AT IT AGAIN" and concluded:              "Rubbing raw the sores of discontent may be jolly good fun for him, but we are...
