The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    quinn esq's picture

    Stevie Wonder Say.

    After all the hullabaloo, I don't have much to say tonight.As a kid, I loved the song "Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)" by Stevie Wonder. So did the President apparently.But 4 years later, after he grew up a little, Stevie...
    oleeb's picture


    The President delivered a speech tonight.  Perhaps you saw it? Thud! He told us all what we already know: that the Deepwater Horizon "spill" is the worst enviornmental disaster in our history. Thud! He told us that in this matter...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                    STEVE KING'S HEROI just came upon some secret correspondence between that namesake of that guy who likes to write about zombies and talking cars addressed to Sharron Angle, the current repub Senate Candidate in Nevada. I SHALL...
    Barth's picture

    Why We Love Rachel

    not the one in my family, who I truly love but the one on the television machine as she calls it, who I love as much as one can love someone they've never met. She certainly comes in handy when...
    we are stardust's picture

    My Little Town Is Scheduled for a Planetary Paradigm Shift Today; or: a little fun here for you, folks

    I find I'm unable to let this day pass without sharing it with you. Notification of this event was in the local paper; their web address was included.    Rhythm and Soul: Participate in the Global Shift as We Ignite...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                         SYMBOL OF WORLD GOVMENTWinston Churchill has come back from the grave to make this announcement: The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American democracy. For...
    Richard Day's picture


                           AINT THIS DEAN MARTIN A KICK IN THE HEAD?Mrs. Birtholt: Do you really think we knew of these things? That women and children were murdered like that? Do you really think that? It was Goebbels and the SS....

    Yay! Another 500 barrel oil spill! In Utah this time.

    With all love showered on that attention whore of oily disaster, BP, some of her slippery compadres have been feeling a bit left out recently. Well, Chevron officials got together and came up with a plan to rectify the situation:...
    Richard Day's picture


               !                                            THE SNOW JOB Well let us begin with this: The Government Accountability Office has issued recommendations to make MMS more efficient in gathering revenue, but they have yet to be...
    Barth's picture

    Losing if not Lost

    Yes, we all had such high hopes coming out of the election two years ago. Some cautioned that we had not really turned a corner; that the successful election of a real Democratic president, for the first time since the...
    quinn esq's picture

    Stop Me (If You Think That You've Heard This One Before...)

    I know you know how government & the oilco's & the media are crossbred on this Gulf disaster thing... And that we need fundamental changes in our energy system... This li'l rant was triggered by something simpler - the media...
    oleeb's picture

    Obama: Keep Your Promise! Restore The Rule Of Law! Abandon Your Illegal, Unconstitutional Policies

    A recent secret decision by a federal judge to grant a petition for habeus corpus was declassified and made public for all to see.  The decision makes clear what an aberrant and odious policy the United States continues to pursue in...

    Helen Thomas Unedited.

    Any honest discussion surrounding the 'firing' of Helen Thomas, would I proffer, require viewing/reading/hearing of the complete, unedited video in question.To wit:COMPLETE VERSION -Helen Thomas Video-Filmed & Interviewed by Rabbi David F. Nesenoff' think the complete, unedited video sheds a...
    Richard Day's picture

    18 USC Section 201

                                                     Once upon a time there was the Mineral Management Service. Basically it is an agency of the United States Department of the Interior that manages the nation's natural gas, oil and other mineral resources on the outer continental...
    we are stardust's picture

    I Never Wanted to Put Up a BP Blog.....but this quote is spot on

    Like him or not, (I've come to more and more), on Keith Olbermann's program June 7, Howard Fineman said: The US cannot be viewed as an appendage of British Petroleum (as it in the UK, he'd said earlier); that's the thing...
    amike's picture

    Two Faces of the American Dream

    I'm writing this without access to preview.  Apologies in advance for links which don't work,  typos, grammar glitches, etc. etc. Yesterday Bluebird asked a very interesting question in response to a post I created.  "When did choosing the lesser...

    ALERT: Senate Votes Today on Giving Big Coal, Big Oil Unfettered License to Pollute Air

    Call your Senator now. Heavy duty, evil, bad voodoo shit is going on in the U.S. Senate as you read this. Call your senators now before it's too late. The worst polluters on the planet are trying to shove regulators...
    Richard Day's picture


    This morning some asshat came on regular and cable TV to tell us that by next week the oil gusher will be nothing but a trickle. So it's all gonna be good by next week. But trickle? What...
    amike's picture

    The Lesser Evil is still the Lesser. Is that so evil?

    Short and sweet, or maybe just short.  A recommendation of a book by the novelist,  Sinclair Lewis--some of you may have heard of him, or even been forced to read a novel or two of his--too bad it took forcing,...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                             PRUDENCE "Empowered by faith, consistently, prayerfully, we need to find our way back to civility.  That begins with stepping out of our comfort zones in an effort to bridge divisions... Civility also requires relearning how to disagree without...

    Israel circulates Depraved YouTube spoof video mocking Peace Activists aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Question for Josh Marshall? the turn of events, you would think the government of Israel and the IDF would take the time now to seriously consider their illegal, collective punishment of the people of Gaza.Instead, Israel has been busy circulating a spook...

    'We Shall Overcome' Roger Waters. "End The Blockade of Gaza."  peace must prevail,                   SALAAM fotolia.comSHALOM
    we are stardust's picture

    Ute Bear Dance........a real purty mental health break

      One spring long, long ago, a man dreamt of A Bear.  It told him that if he would go to a certain place in the mountains, The Bear would teach him something that would make him and his...
    Richard Day's picture


                                   Tony Snow died a couple years ago. I hated the son of a bitch. It's so easy!   I do not think that I believed one word coming out of Snow's mouth ever. And I am from Minnesota...
    Barth's picture


    This is a day that has more meaning than many of the artificial holidays we celebrate with such fanfare.This was the day the Allied Expeditionary Forces landed in Europe to liberate it from the greatest tyranny it has known at...
