Richard Day's picture




    T-Rump won the gamut this year in the repub primaries/caucuses
    And some of the links tell us that this orange man received two billion bucks 
    in free advertising.

    The New Normal

    Below is our future President and Commander-in-Chief. While there have been loads of photos of politicians with kids, this one seems to say so much - not teasing, not mugging, simply doing what women do with children, communicating on so many levels including just being there, calmly.

    As I read yet another "Hillary doesn't know why she's running" article, I think somehow they haven't been listening. For 25 or 40 years. Or the ultimate damning quip, "she's running on a laundry list", I think, "what's wrong with a laundry list? that's how my wife gets 3 million things done before I get home." Most of us need an app for that.

    Richard Day's picture


    Seeley Booth is attempting to speak to someone on his phone as he makes his way upon the sidewalk and this damned ice cream truck keeps making these sounds. hahahaha
    So Seeley looks back and shoots the clown.
    This has got to be my favorite episode of any law and order comedy drama I have ever viewed.

    synchronicity's picture

    Dear Hillary Voters, Will You Listen Now?


    As the recently released DNC emails show, this primary has been a fraud against the public.

    Richard Day's picture


    Hillary is looking into potential Vice-Presidents.

    I love Al Franken, as I have stated before.

    But damn, Hillary has an opportunity here.

    Why not choose Sheldon Whitehouse.

    I mean the ticket would be:


    How can you do better than that?

    DC by 57%, it's wrap

    It's a wrap on DC with Hillary winning by a 57% margin - her 34th of 57 contests and 15th of the last 21. Her final popular vote is about 16.5 mill (2.2m in California alone), up by nearly 4 million over her opponent (a half million up in CA). The results include a 31-9 margin in primaries (including non-binding Washington and Nebraska).

    The map below pretty well sums it up - a romp in the park, took the gold. On to the convention.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Real Orange Husckster of Trump Tower

    The Real Orange Huckster of Trump Tower basked in the glory of his bigotry and how far it had taken him.

    Tolerance with a whisper (Planet 9 from Outer Space)

    [Welcome back, ArtAppraiser, even if a short visit - had thought I'd be gone long before you. Plus as response to Mike Maiello and in general thoughts on our cultural jiu-jitsu]

    In answer to "People get a bit of a pass for their religion-based intolerances."  Like duh, when something's a 4000 year old tradition, it tends to carry weight. As do other long-standing traditions along with well-cemented ideas or structures, even if recent.

    if we want to stop mass shootings we must call them crackers

    I hate to say it but Trump has a point. If we want to stop mass shootings by Muslims we must call them Radical Islamic terrorists.  If only Obama had done this the Orlando shooting would never have happened

    We must face the fact that most mass shootings are committed by white men. The only way to stop this is to call them Cracker terrorists. Or perhaps Trailer Trash terrorists. It's the only way to stop it.

    Richard Day's picture


    Deepak Chopra (2011).jpg

    Obama does not get it or he gets it better than anybody understands.

    (Donald  Trump)

    MrSmith1's picture

    The usual, ineffective rant in knee-jerk response to another shooting incident ...

    Hi.  Again.  

    Well, it happened again.  Just like we knew it would.   We will cry and make statements like:
    "No-one needs an AK47.  It is a military weapon designed to kill people as quickly and efficiently as possible.  That is it's only purpose.  It is not a gun used for target practice or to hunt for food or protect one's home and hearth.  It is a killing weapon.  Period.   F*ck the NRA.  F*ck Everyone that supports the NRA.   If you are an NRA member, you support the Death of Innocents.  Their blood is forever on you."  

    Let me be the ant

    at the picnic.

    It was great to celebrate Tuesday night. And Hillary didn´t miss a beat. She could have been practicing that speech for 8 years. Maybe she was.


    She ain' t gonna win unless Bernie supports her. Enthusiastically.

    True? Who knows. But we need to think that way.

    She came, she saw, he died

    Taking California by 13% (with 92% counted, including all Bernie counties) along with NJ by landslide and victories in New Mexico & South Dakota, Hillary underpromised and overdelivered: she came, shesaw, and Bernie cried, died (and lied a little bit). There is no path for Bernie to anything - she nailed it shut. Rather than leaving a tinge of doubt, to America's buyer's remorse, her east-west romp bookends a successful romp across NE, midwest, south and southwest, with a few good showings in northwest and even South Dakota, presumably Bernie country.

    A home run

    Hillary´s ¨acceptance speech¨. When all is said and done it´s always helpful to be smart.

    Now if she can just stay out of jail maybe Obamacare can be improved and reissued as Hillarycare. What goes around comes around. Sometimes twice.

    Cleveland forfeits title

    Recognizing that Cleveland had little chance of beating Golden State and that other teams matched up better in head-to-head contests, the NBA revoked the Cavs' league title and asked for a review to determine which team might be able to take on the formidable Warriors. Despite the Cavaliers' domination of their schedule, their collapse in the face of overwhelming Warriors' pressure in post-season play is confirmation of FiveThirtyEight's prognosis that they weren't ready to carry the torch, and it should be passed on to a more deserving team.

    Richard Day's picture




    We are going to seG steinem 2011.jpge the first woman nominated by a major party as President of the United States of America.

    I am watching MSNBC right now.

    For whatever delegate count change; HERE SHE IS!

    I have said a thousand times: I LIKE BERNIE.

    But this is a big frickin deal when you stand back from the canvas.


    hollywhitman's picture

    #GorillaLivesMatter — Why the Internet Went Insane

    What does it say about us, as a species, that the loss of animal life seems to provoke more sympathy and gnashing of teeth than the loss of human life? Evolution results in the expression of altruistic behaviors in species as diverse as ravens and macaques on a regular basis, after all.

    So what went wrong with us? Did evolution fail us — or is it the other way around?

    Champ vs Chump

    Large wins in Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico put Hillary within 27 delegates from victory (2358 out of 2383), 215 if you don't count superdelegates (1811 of 2026). 

    With 714 pledged delegates left, Hillary needs 30% to clinch the pledged vote, far below her average.

    A 20%+ loss in Puerto Rico also heavily dents Sanders' claim that he does better with Hispanics going into heavily Hispanic California and New Mexico.

    Richard Day's picture


    Everybody on the left and most in the center (and even some on the right like Ben Stein and Kristol  along with others) seems concerned as to what would happen in T-Rump wins the Presidency; which I see as a 30% likelihood at this juncture in the proceedings.

    Bernie was just being intellectually respectable

    when he said he was sick and tired of hearing about the emails.

    It´s at the very least inconsistent to admire Snowden´ s exposure of  the dangerously illegitimate over reach of the security apparatus and simultaneously express alarm about Hillary' s  view that the Secretary of State would be more effective if she  could work at home..

    Clearly the Inspector General  ,like the Ferguson Police chief , knows he thinks should be in charge.

    The question is , said Alice, whether you can make words mean so many different things.

    Richard Day's picture


    Secretary Clinton finally attacks T-Rump in the right way.



    This reminds me of the LBJ attack on Goldwater in '64:



    Bernie stops making sense

    Bernie's always been math challenged, and his wishful "we have to do very very well in California" understates matters significantly. To win the pledged vote, Hillary needs 2026 delegates (1/2 of 4051 + 1). Which means 257 of the remaining 781 pledge delegates or 32.9% - fewer than 1/3. That's not just "very very well" - that's deliriously fantastical, based on any primary to date, along with current polls, the most optimistic for Sanders putting Hillary 2% ahead, the worse one for him showing Hillary with an 18% lead.

    The News from All Over

    well at least from some other places.

    According to TPM Bill Kristol says he'ś found a viable third party candidate.

    According to Daily Kos former Attorney General Holder says that Edward Snowden´s revelations (Holder seemed to be trying to avoid the term ¨whistle blower¨) did some good. While still claiming that overall Snowden damaged the interests of this country and endangered some specific individuals.


    I could comment but why?  

    Orion's picture

    Captain America: Steve Rogers Joins Hydra

    I recently read the first issue of Captain America: Steve Rogers, wherein Captain America reveals that not only is the captain a fascist, an agent of the fascist network Hydra, but he always has been.
