I'm hoping you all remember friend of Dagblog, Colin Asher, who has spent the last seven years working on a literary biography of Nelson Algren, once one of the most famous and celebrating working novelists in the United States and always a solid progressive and friend to the working class.
I haven't read Colin's book yet, but I have read the article in The Believer that was the genesis of the project. Colin's onto something big here, perhaps one of the last untold stories of McCarthyism. He's also a terrific writer and this is going to be a great introduction to Algren's work for a lot of us. It's not every day you get to discover a lost novelist of quality.
The book's been getting great reviews, including five stars from Publisher's Weekly and serious treatment from The Nation and The New Yorker.
You can make Algren spin in heaven by purchasing this book from Jeff Bezos. Such is life.