The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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President Hoover Is Back

I've Been watching State of the Union Speeches since LBJ was President.  Never have any of them been so inadequate to the moment.

Our President and the rest of the leaders of our country have failed us all and miserably so.  Worse than everything else is how badly our elites are failing our children.

oleeb's picture

God Bless Bernie Sanders! Go Bernie Go!

Hats off America to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont who is trying his damndest to save the country and stop the rotten deal the Republicans and Obama are trying to foist upon the nation!

I urge one and all to call his office in Washington or in Vermont and literally voice your support for his effort to save the New Deal from it's longtime enemies and from the corporate/centrist Democrats. 

The number in DC is: 202-224-5141

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Lies My President Told Me

Now I hate to think sometimes how long I've been around and paying attention to national politics but it has been one helluva long time.  I've seen a lot of water go under the bridge.  I've seen politicians pull just about every trick in the book and as a result I've developed a pretty damn good nose for when I'm being hornswaggled, bamboozled and otherwise lied to by the braying asses we send to Washington DC to look out for the nation's interests.  Now is one of those times.  But this is a time that will stand out because it is a pivotal moment for the natio

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Just Say NO To All The Tax Cuts And Say It NOW!

Sometimes I wonder how gullible most Democrats really are and since we elected President Obama I've wondered that a whole helluva lot more than usual.  Time after time in recent years the Democrats manage, no matter what, to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, to come back with half a loaf of rotten bread when they had set out with plenty of money to get a whole loaf and each time they do most of the media, average citizens, typical active Democrats, and even bloggers are left scratching their heads as to how it could be that when the task seemed so clear

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Godspeed Tyler Clementi

I attended graduate school at Rutgers.  Just a few minutes ago, to my great shock and horror, I ran across this news article running at  It is difficult for me to grasp the kind of cruelty it would take to do this to someone.  I am just so horrified by this news it is difficult to express fully the range of emotions I feel for this young man and his family.

May God forbid that such a monsterous, sick act of sadistic humiliation ever happen again to anyone.

Godspeed to Tyler Clementi, to his family and to his friends.

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George Carlin: A Nation Turns It's Lonely Eyes To You!

I think I first saw George Carlin when I was about 10 on the Ed Sullivan show.  It was before he grew the long hair and showed the audience who he was and what he believed in.  I can't think of many people in our celebrity culture who had the staying power he had.  Nor can I think of many who had such a loyal and grateful following. 

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Shades Of The White House Correspondents Dinner Batman! Colbert Shames The Ruling Elite... Again!

I watched Stephen Colbert's opening statement today on Capitol Hill and it was, as usual, very funny.  In my opinion the man is a genius at satire.  He skewered all the hypocrites in both parties and in the media without fear or favor (as usual) while standing beside and standing up for the lowly migrant farmworkers.  Farmworkers are people who are nearly powerless in our country because they have no legal rights.  They and those who came before them have been exploited mercilessly, brutally treated, grossly underpaid and ultimately physically broken by the extreme working conditions that a

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What Makes Right Wing Authoritarians Tick?

The right wing authoritarian Republican Nominee for US Senate in Delaware shown above. Over the past 40-50 years we have seen American right wing extremism and authoritarianism grow from a tiny, isolated, and reviled but committed faction to a...

The right wing authoritarian Republican Nominee for US Senate in Delaware shown above.

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The Party Of Stupid Rallies Ignorant Authoritarian Followers While Democrats Still Have No Strategy

Teabaggers of 2010 above. Teabaggers of the past below.  And no, this is not exaggerating the case at all.  Make no mistake, today's Teabaggers are the direct descendants of the right wing, racist whites of the past.  The only...


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