The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Orlando's picture

Color Me Gobsmacked: Roland Burris Not Running for Reelection

I can admit when I'm wrong. Sometimes.

I was absolutely certain that Roland Burris would never let go of his senate seat without a contentious primary. I was also pretty sure that Lisa Madigan would challenge him in a primary.

Looks like the Illinois Democratic party might have something up its sleeve. I can't wait to see who the final candidate will be

Orlando's picture

Who Has a Choice on Health Care?

Mitt Romney was on Meet the Press on Sunday, where he argued essentially that the United States doesn’t need a public health insurance option because Americans like to have choice when it comes to health care. After hearing this, I realized a couple of things.

First, Romney needs a Thesaurus for Christmas. Badly. Desperately, too.

Orlando's picture

Shorter Evan Bayh on Health Care: Blah Blah Blah

I've been sort of hounding my elected officials lately; sending them poll results, asking them to commit to the public option, following up on their correspondence with me to ask them to please answer my questions instead of responding with canned crap that somebody on their staff wrote.

Seriously, how hard is it to answer the question "Do you support a public option for health insurance?" Yes? No? You haven't made up your mind yet because you get a lot of money from the insurance industry and you're afraid the Republicans will use the issue to run against you in 2010?

Orlando's picture

A Dangerous Game: Playing Politics with Iran

Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) and Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA) have introduced a resolution expressing support for Iranian citizens, condemning the violence in Iran, and spouting off about the importance of free and fair elections.

Orlando's picture

Stuff I Want to Learn: Why Are Republicans So Dumb?

No, seriously. I want to know why.

They get six years of free reign during which they drive the country into a ditch. Not just any ditch, either--a snow-filled ditch with a pond of thin ice at the bottom, far, far away from the nearest gas station.

Then, they start losing. So, instead of asking themselves why they are losing, they double down, and lose some more.

Orlando's picture

Grief and Stuff

This feels like a strange thing to share so publicly, but since I've written about my mom a few times, I also feel compelled to tell you that she has finally passed away.

The end was as fast as the disease was agonizingly slow. I got a call and six hours later she was gone. There were no signs that the end was coming, at least that I would have recognized. Monday she was fine. Tuesday she was gone. It was a very peaceful death. She simply slipped away, with her family around her.

Orlando's picture

Finding Your Joy

I should disclose at the outset that this is not a "How To" piece. If I knew how to find my joy, I'd surely have located it by now. But I've been thinking about happiness since Ross "What Women Want" Douthat declared why women are unhappy in his New York Times column last week.

Orlando's picture

Hey Ross Douthat: What’s Your Point?

I love it when men pontificate about what is wrong with women. Really (not really). I mean it (I don’t mean it).

Love. It.

That’s why I was so pleased to see Ross Douthat’s New York Times column today in which he discusses a new paper that a couple of economists have written, detailing how American women are less happy today than their 1960s counterparts (and also less happy than men).

Orlando's picture

Stuff I Want to Learn: National Security

Right after the election was over, I started a series of posts called Stuff I Learned, about the history of American presidents, as I read a book called The American Presidency. I didn't get very far into the book, and now I can't find it. I'm not all that worried about finishing, not being a fan of non-fiction.

So, at least for now, I won't be sharing with you the stuff I learned about American history. Instead, I'm hoping you'll share with me stuff you already know, because I'm confused.

Orlando's picture

The Abortion Debate


We’ve had quite a month in South Bend. When the President accepted the invitation to speak at Notre Dame’s commencement ceremony, the media jumped all over the supposed re-ignition of the abortion debate. 



TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryIndonesian Travel Journal: Oh, the Places I'll Go Orlando514 years 4 months ago
Blog entryWatching the Elections from Afar Orlando814 years 4 months ago
Reader blogAngle's Latest Angle LisB3714 years 4 months ago
Blog entryIs the Castle Doctrine for people that can afford castles? Donal414 years 5 months ago
Blog entryBreaking: Chilean Miners On Their Way to the Surface, One by One Orlando1314 years 5 months ago
Reader blogResponsibility for Capital Oxy Mora314 years 5 months ago
Blog entryWhy is this question column different than all other question columns ... Deadman11614 years 5 months ago
Blog entryWhat's the Matter with New York? What Doug Hoffman's Election Loss Means for America's Future Michael Wolraich1514 years 5 months ago
Blog entryWomen Against Christine O'Donnell Doctor Cleveland2214 years 5 months ago
Blog entryStuff I Want to Learn: Sociology Edition Orlando2714 years 5 months ago
Blog entryIndonesian Travel Journal: Watching the World Go By Orlando1214 years 5 months ago
Reader blogCountering the Enthusiasm Gap coatesd614 years 5 months ago
Blog entryDeadman: A quick reintroduction and quicker lament Deadman3114 years 5 months ago
Reader blogWe Have Work To Do! Michael Maiello514 years 5 months ago
Blog entryIf aliens don't exist, does God? Deadman3014 years 5 months ago
Blog entryPalin vs. the Tea Party Doctor Cleveland814 years 5 months ago
Reader blogFirefighting and Capitalism, from Marcus Licinius Crassus to Obion County, Tennessee NCD6214 years 5 months ago
Blog entryQuestions: The Concert Edition (Encore!! Encore!!) Deadman6014 years 5 months ago
Blog entryWilliam K. Wolfrum’s Morning – All Coked-Up Stimulus Monkey Edition William K. Wolfrum314 years 5 months ago
Reader blogThe Day The Music Came Alive LisB714 years 5 months ago
Reader blogSARAH'S MINI ME Richard Day914 years 5 months ago
Reader blogThe Economy is Just a Symptom - it's Hypocrisy, Stupid! Wattree1414 years 5 months ago
Blog entryMr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert Go to Washington: We Must Stop Them! Michael Wolraich2714 years 5 months ago
Blog entrySocieties Fail: We Might Have to Get Over It Orlando3514 years 5 months ago
Blog entrySharia Law: The answer to all America's problems William K. Wolfrum1214 years 5 months ago
