The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    OK Guys read E-Ghazi

    that's the title of a article/blog in Daily kos by Armando.

    The FBI has released a report on Hillary's email "scandal". Armando goes through it point by point and comments.

    If you're going to comment read that first. I haven't included a link- it's easy enough to go to Daily kos and I'm not sure about the propriety of linking to other paddlers in the Internet puddle.

    It's on the opening page, on the right a few clicks down  under recommended

    Read it and draw your own conclusions.

    I was pleased.



    "Armando"s blog is followed by 30 pages of  comments from a plethora of participants clearly from inside the whale:

    people who work in the field and approach the subject already knowledgeable in the way you can only be as the result of day-to-day involvement. Reading them  not only at least brought me up to speed to a level approximating

    that of the more than casually involved media, but also gave me  pretty strong confidence in what has always been my gut feeling that at the end of the day "there's no there, there".

    That feels good.

    The truth doesn't it always win but it's still a damn site better than the alternative. If only  because when you start

    out trying to confuse your opponents sooner or later you confuse yourself:

    ' ere how do we get home?
