by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Camera UP: View of Signage:
Ten Years From Now Under the Romney/Ryan Dystopian World
Location: A typical doctor's office. Patient (Mr Jones -- around 65ish in age) is seated on an exam table, and his wife is standing by. They are both looking hopefully at the doctor ---
Dr. Smith: Mr Jones, I have evaluated all your XRays and tests, and it looks like you have a small lesion in your lung. I am happy to say that it is the kind of lesion we can take care of very easily with surgery, and I think you have a very good chance for a complete recovery. I just need to see your voucher card before we make these arrangements.
---Mr and Mrs Jones look hopefully at each other as she fishes the voucher card out of her purse--- then she hands it to Dr Smith.
Dr, Smith holds the voucher card up in front of her eyes and reads it carefully. She slowly lowers it.
Dr Smith: Mr. Jones, I am sorry to say that your voucher doesn't cover this surgery. I can take out your appendix though...
Mr. Smith: But my appendix is OK
Dr. Jones: I can take off that mole on your shoulder...
Mr. Smith: I don't HAVE a mole on my shoulder!
Dr. Jones: Oh, I wish we had the old Medicare! It would have covered all this!
OK, boys and girls! This was hyperbole. I have been researching my options for Medicare as they are coming up soon.
My short lesson is this: Insurance Companies are NOT going to be competing for elderly clients! They don't WANT people with health problems!
Without Medicare the elderly are fuc*ed
Yes I agree, 100%. Plus the point I keep making, I am just under 50 (for now) and have been paying into the system for 30 + years, so why on earth should Romney/Ryan/Koch get to decided that all those payments mean nothing. I hate that they treat the government like it is a private business and that they can just renege on any promises made, simply because they can. Well those folks should know, they don't get to do that, at least not without a fight.
And to your point, that's right, insurance companies don't want to insure old people since they are more likely to be sick. Rethuglicans are so stupid.
I have to facebook stalk you now so you don't close down your account. :D
by tmccarthy0 on Thu, 08/16/2012 - 9:15pm
The good news is that here in Alaska, we aren't as inundated with all the political ads most of the other 50 states are inundated with, whether televised or snail mail, etc.
But, what I'm reading and hearing about this ongoing medicare debacle is that it's too much ranting and politcalspeak for the average voter to truly comprehend. IMO, something like what is posted here and/or other simplistic examples representing the differences between the Romney v. Obama processes is what is needed and yet, not being put out there by Obama's campaign.
As with medicare and other important issues, it seems that Obama, et al are following the GOP's blueprint in 'advertising' instead of informing the public with a K.I.S.S. approach. Too much reaction and not near enough proaction.
Thanks C'ville, as always.
by Aunt Sam on Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:43pm
Just a month ago I turned 55 so ten years from now its no vouchers for me. What Romney/Ryan is counting on is me and those older than me giving the finger to everyone younger than me and saying, "I got mine, screw you." That's not who I am and I don't think that's who most of those older than me are. I hope I'm right.
Romney is going to end Obamacare on day one he tells us. So that ends the requirement that insurance companies accept those with pre-existing conditions. Even if that voucher covered the average price of a policy for the average 65 year old, which it doesn't, how many people at 65 have no pre-existing conditions? The voucher would be worthless for a substantial portion of the elderly.
This is not just a opportunity for Obama to defend medicare. Its also an opportunity for him to explain and defend the Affordable Care Act.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 2:49am
Great point, Kat. Pre-exisitng conditions in any privatization of Medicare is a huge issue. I havn't seen it mentioned anywhere in the media.
Of course Romney will say that a voucher program eliminates pre-exisiting conditions but how would you trust him.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 8:20am
That just adds another question. If private insurers must accept the elderly with pre-existing conditions how are they going to pay for it? Obama pays for it with the individual mandate, the increase in young participants offsets the cost of accepting those with pre-existing conditions. Of course Romney hates the mandate. Its pretty clear that Ryan's voucher plan is just a way to slowly eliminate medicare. In the end it will leave most elderly without any health care whatsoever.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 2:48pm
Great point again. I havn't seen this parsed in the media at all and yet it seems like the ultimate reason not to experiment with what we already have as a guarantee.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 5:26pm
deleted repeated comment
by ocean-kat on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 2:51pm
Let's see. What is Ryan's rationale for vouchers?
One suggestion by the media is that Ryan believes that users , shopping around with vouchers in hand , will cause the docs to lower their fees. But if that is the objective why did the Republicans ,surely including Ryan, when authorizing Medicare PlanD prohibit the Goverment from negotiating with Pharma to obtain the same sort of lower rates I enjoy when I buy meds through the VA- which does negotiate with Pharma.
Another is that vouchers ,simply,reduce the cost of Medicare .Full stop.
But if they do not reduce the docs fees how does that happen? In fact , it doesn't . The cost of Medicare won't be reduced ,instead it will be shifted to the patient paying more than they do now through copayments.
So "vouchers" translates into "patients pay more". Or go without needed medical care. And die.
And "saving Medicare" translates into "letting sick people die.Poor ones" .
Joe Nocera, and many in the media, are looking forward to the VP debate. Me too.
Paul Ryan is a clean cut , appealing liar.
AOBTW he's a fervent Catholic .With 3 children. Any Catholic or former one knows that means he's lying about that too.
by Flavius on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 3:01pm
Biden will be a big problem for Ryan. Biden was very consistent in his primary run for the 2008 election that huge outlays for military adventures was the biggest stumbling block toward fiscal sobriety regarding healthcare expenditures. Ryan's last budget proposal would have us slash "entitlements" sharply but double Defense spending.
I hear the grinding noise of sharpening knives coming from the old Delaware Hand.
by moat on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 4:12pm
Well presented, CDem. You put the tire on the road. Who the hell wants to go back to the days when one wondered if something was going to be covered, or whether pre-existing conditions would again be in play?
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 4:11pm
Thanks for all the thoughtful comments. I have spent several days reviewing my future Medicare options, and even as a medical professional I realize that it is a complicated process as far as the initial choices go. I am very well aware about deductibles, and what the term, "assignment" means. I work in a small private medical office, and our office manager negotiates yearly to find the best options for us.
I can't imagine an 80-year old doing that year after year with an array of insurance companies who only want to cover those whose premiums will add up to less than the insurance company will pay out (less profits and advertising, etc).
Competition? Paul Ryan and his co-runner both know that when profit is the only goal, sick (or likely-to-be-sick) people are to be avoided at all costs. How do they avoid them? By making their prices completely outrageous for the elderly and therefore driving anyone with health problem out of their system.
Push them into a government system AND THEN UNDERFUND IT AND BREAK IT! Yep! That is the Republican Way!
by CVille Dem on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 5:19pm
Dr. Hackenbush: Well, medically, my experiences have been most unexciting. Except during the flu epidemic.
Whitmore: Ah, and what happened?
Dr. Hackenbush: I got the flu.
by cmaukonen on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 7:06pm