The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    jollyroger's picture

    Prez to Romney:"It's about sincerity-once you can fake that, you got it made"

    Reduced as we are to a choice between smarmy and loathsome,it is disturbing to realize that part of the reason for Romney's stiffness and discordant address is that he is not the facile and suave pretender that is our Prez.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Warm March and little snow and rain = Early and Intense Fire Season

    And according to this report from MSNBC 25 - yes 25 - East Coast States are on Red Flag warning for wild fires.

    jollyroger's picture

    Arise, ye Greek prisoners of Starvation-Rise up on May 6!

    Finally a wind blows through the Balkans, and it will blow the austerians all the way back to Berlin.


    In the first vote (other than Iceland's resounding rejection of debt peonage) since the shit really hit the fan in Greece, I think it impossible to imagine this people will stand for more.


    FurudeRikaChama's picture

    Batman at his very best: Batman the animated series review

    The caped crusader, the avenger of the night......he goes by so many nicknames. Batman has earned his rightful place in our society by having many different movies, tv shows, books, and comics done in his name. But do any of them really portray the real Batman?

    Does The JOBS Act Really Suck?

    Matt Taibbi has a recent blog giving his analysis of a  jobs bill signed into law by our President, Barack Obama. Taibbi believes it is a very bad law. He gives his view and quotes the opinion of others in position to have informed opinions.

    Richard Day's picture




    jollyroger's picture

    Prez: "You say I'm 'bout to be under siege? I'm skinny but I'm tough"

    Learning in astonishment that Romney plans to run as the man who can save the tattered economic lives of "ordinary americans", we can anticipate that only the full tilt boogie return of Obama Agonistes can overcome the voters' susceptibility (already well shown) to repeated high priced agitprop

    coatesd's picture

    Taking the Republicans to Task: (4) On Health Care Reform

         As we await the verdict of nine Supreme Court Justices on the constitutionality of all or part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it is worth asking what the remaining Republican Presidential nominees would create in its place. We know that they would have to create something, because each is committed to the rapid abolition of what they insist on calling “Obamacare”. Mitt Romney’s Plan for Jobs and Economic Growth is quite clear: “An Order to Pave the Way to End Obamacare,” it tells us, will be the first of “five executive orders for Day One” of a Romney presidency.[1] Newt Gingrich would be similarly engaged on the first day of his presidency. So too would Rick Santorum and Ron Paul. All four remaining Republican presidential candidates are enthusiastic First Day Abolitionists!

    jollyroger's picture

    Ryan, Romney, Santorum:"We're here to sell some blood"

    After announcing themselves pleased beyond all human power to describe by the outcome of the Clinton Welfare Massacre, the three amigos declared their intention to show how empowering it could be to live the life of a timed-out single mother of four.

    Bowdlerizing for Columbine - or "Living within your (ends justifiying the) Means"

    As I've been regaled with requests to blog (or more accurately, "get off my lawn, go shit on your own"), I've been looking for inspiration to return to a post (or reason to quit commenting at all, and Get.A.Life, as I often suggest to others).

    It's not that I'm not inspired or urged on by events, with a chronic distaste in my mouth. But what to say that I haven't already said or is being droned on by others?

    [yes, I posted something like 150 diaries of my own over the course of a couple of years - some serious, humorous, distasteful, incendiary, lame, and other aspects to my personality]

    One reader's comment, "I call it Somerbyitis," almost got an "oh yeah" response, but it goes back to Greenwald and Digby and Gene Lyons' "Fool for Scandal".

    I'm tired of people making shit up. Left, right, conservative, liberal, centrist, whatever.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    The 10 Rules for Everyone About John Derbyshire and Conservatives

    John Derbyshire fills his kids heads full of racist crap, I am pretty sure he does that right after they place those white hoods upon their heads and go out for a good old fashioned cross-burning. If you want to read his BS piece of crap piece it is at a place called Taki Magazine, something I've never heard of but Dave Weigel says it is a magazine of one of the former founders of the American Conservative, let's call him "not Pat Buchanan".

    Mitt Romney as a Rescue Dog.

    Even though Romney's prospects look dismal by virtue of today's polling matchups with the President, I would not count him out. And anyone who thinks this election will be won by more than a few points in the national popular vote is dreaming. Romney may look like a lost dog but he will be rescued by Karl Rove, Frank Luntz and the Super Pac money crowd, as well as the unlimited wealth of the Koch Brothers funneled into the election on his behalf.

    As was predicted on this site previously, the onslaught of negative advertising from both camps will reduce this election to a choice between which candidate one dislikes the least. Having said that, Romney's numbers (if you exclude what seems to be an outlier in Rasmussen's national polling) have deteriorated rather quickly. Whereas for the last three years Obama has been on the defensive, it is now Romney who must make a comeback---particularly with women and Independents. 

    The Decider's picture

    I Am Still Working for Freedom!

    Just to let you guys know what I am up to, I thought I would blog a blog about my new initiative, "The Bush Center Freedom Collection." This week, I hosted China founder Bob Fu who said, “President Bush is a compassionate and unwavering advocate for freedom, especially in China."

    These days I tend to fly under the radar because I do what I do for the good of all humans and not for publicity (I told turd blossom to take a hike), but I wanted my buddies here at Dagblog and my friends at RedState to know what the little woman and I were doing with this new freedom emphasis. I plan to bring other freedom marchers to town as well.

    After the ceremony, I invited Bob to break some boards with his karate (he said he wasn't into that so I was disappointed) and we all went to Asia kitchen for lunch (they have a great buffet). As you can see from the picture, Bob eats pretty good.

    jollyroger's picture

    The House Budget passed with a reconciliation clause. No filibuster in the Lame Duck. Uh-oh?

    So much heat as attended the substance of the Ryan Budget that some may have failed to note that his budget resolution carries a reconciliation motion.

    The same filibuster defense that was ultimately successfully used to obviate the Repugnants' intractable resistance to any policy with Prez's name on it, including one with Heritage Foundation Grandparents (viz, individual health insurance mandate...)

    Richard Day's picture




    tmccarthy0's picture

    Breitbart Blogging Troll Attacks Emerald City Comicon Guest Wil Wheaton

    What is it with those bloggers at BigJournalismLies? Do they never ever leave their politics at home and have some damn fun? The answer to that question people, is they never fucking do not ever.  Let's take the example of Adam Baldwin, the actor from Firefly and Chuck etc, he came to Emerald City ComiCon this past weekend. Well guess what he also writes for BigLies. I was going to go over and chat with him and tell him how much we loved Chuck and his character, but then some stuff went down and he tried to turn ComiCon into Breitbart world.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Vive la Différence!

    Brussels Belgium - Flickr

    Most people in this country try are totally ignorant of how people outside of it live.  In fact according to this piece from a 2006 Denver Post, “Only about 23 percent of Americans own a passport, and only 10 percent of those actually leave the country.” That’s not very many and I am sure the figure now is much lower. It also does not even specify the destinations. This was not always the case. When the dollar was higher, there was significantly more travel and in the 1950s and 1960s when there was still a military draft, a lager number of service men and service women would be stationed in Germany or France of Greece or some other NATO country for their length in the military.

    jollyroger's picture

    In praise of the universal surveillance state. No shame in our game.

    The left has fought tooth and nail as the proliferation of surveillance devices, both privately and publicly installed, continues apace.

    I believe that this is an error.

    One, we'll never roll back the surveillance devices because they give to their controllers the irresisstable superpowers of being in more than one place at once, and being invisible.

    Two, we should welcome, not oppose universal surveillance.

    Alongside Bullying

    Does the US Supreme Court practice bullying? Under the guise of “seniority,” the newest justice is expected to perform menial tasks such as answering the conference door during closed sessions,  transmitting orders of the Court to the court’s clerk— and serving coffee to the others. How many years did Ruth Bader Ginsberg have to stand before she was allowed to sit for photo ops? Are these time-honored practices another form of hazing as we see in college fraternities or the military academies—a rite of passage?

    The recent focus on bullying has captured the nation’s attention, from pop stars such as Madonna, all the way to the President and First Lady. And now there is a major movie based on real life experiences of children. We’ve read numerous accounts of bullying in the classroom, hazing in college fraternities and in the military. And among Wall Street traders. We’ve seen repercussions at a distance in cyber bullying and webcam spying. And blatant examples in hate crimes, sexual harassment, and the devastation caused by gangs. Intolerance of differences and control of others by coercion: hardly characteristics of democracy.

    Each of us can recognize inhumane, anti-democratic practices and change them into positive encounters.

    jollyroger's picture

    First thing we do, let's pack the court

    As we shuffle along the slough of despond, occasionally raising our tired eyes to the cryptic countenance of Anthony Kennedy, who has been rendered by the vagaries of retirement and  poor health into the emperor of the universe, may we not look, once more, to the imagination of FDR for a remedy.

    Once before an embattled president sought to rally the people to their own salvation, once before "nine old men" placed their flabby bodies athwart the road to progress, once before the salutary interventions of the democratic branches of our government were rendered useless and impotent by hidebound ideologues and partisan shills.

    Then FDR took the court to the edge of the abyss, and showed them what lay at the bottom, if they persisted in their most pernicious error

    cmaukonen's picture

    America's (not so) liberal past. A brief history lesson.

    With all the talk of how the political right seems to be heading off a cliff and equated to fascists, I thought I would do a little reminiscing of how wonderful life was here during my childhood in the 1950s.

    Lets start with the women first.
