The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Elusive Trope's picture

    All Politics is Local

    I have to say that I have always understood Tip O'Neill's pithy little saying a little different than the generally understanding of what he meant. From Wikipedia:

    obama has his ducks in a row for 2012

    Two days I wrote a blog about Obama's second chance to get it right. I especially highlighted some areas about the economy which might be very positive for Obama and which were possibly being overshadowed by doom and gloom. I am happy to report that I beat Joe LaVorgna of Deutsche Bank to the punch. He has just revised his 2011 GDP forecast up, to 4.5% for the year. Astoundingly enough, his forecast includes a year end unemployment rate of 7.8% instead of 8.8%.

    MrSmith1's picture

    Bringing the jobs back home...

    I am sick and tired of hearing about the American workforce losing jobs to countries where the people are willing to work for pennies a day.  Clearly something has to be done, and since, we can't expect American workers to work for pennies a day, the answer is obvious; We must dramatically raise the salaries of all those youngsters in Guatemala that are undercutting our beloved American labor force by working for practically nothing.

    Richard Day's picture






    DAVID GREGORY: Welcome to Meet the Press. The single greatest tribute to Free Press in America and the greatest single scam upon the American Public since Boss Tweed ran the elections in NYC!

    oleeb's picture

    "We ought to hold Obama to his promise to be different & bold & to make change"


     Though we lost this genuine American hero in January 2010, his words on Obama are right on the money even now.  This video is short, but certainly worthwhile.

    jollyroger's picture

    Is there such a thing as a sincere, well informed, non-venal Republican?

    As consternation sweeps the ranks of Dems in the wake of Wisconsin, and as a back and forth rages on these pages over the prospect of Obama's next campaign, a subtext that may bear some examination is the appropriate frame within which to view the voters who pull a lever adjoining the letter "R"

    I should at the outset, for purposes of candor, state the premise I bring to this question.

    It seems to me that if you have an annual income below $250k you are a deluded moron to vote Repugnant.

    This is an important blog post to read...

    I won't spoil it for you because it's well-written and short enough. I think it's clear how it relates to many of the discussions we've having here for some time...


    Markets tanking! Obama's second chance?

    As I write this the DOW is down nearly 400 points! Sky is falling. European Banks are in crisis. Obama needs to get a plan. Fed needs to get a plan. Super committee needs to get a plan. Wait, the French banks are the problem, they are dumping gold in scads! Hold on, the price of gold is going up. Did you notice that oil dropped below $80? Toomey on the super committee, a tea party favorite--but he wants to reform the tax code so G.E. can't get away with paying no taxes.

    Wisconsin-not quite enough

    Best case the dems will only pick up two seats. They needed 3.

    Worst case there could be no change


    As of 1 40 edt the democrats were only able to unseat two of the 6 republican senators they were challenging. A third repub was in a tight race but will probably survive..


    Next week two democrats will undergo a recall it's possible that the apparent gain of two seats tonight could be offset.  

    oleeb's picture

    Will the Obamabots now finally admit he's not worth re-electing? If not, are they really okay with cutting Medicare to fund endless, illegal wars?

    Here's what our fake Democratic President had to say when pressed to disassociate himself from comments Leon Panetta made about cutting Social Security and Medicare in order to fund the fucking Pentagon:


    The Liberal Mob's picture

    Standard & Very, Very Poor



    Over the weekend, and into today, there has been much sound and fury about Standard and Poor's downgrade of the United States' credit rating to AA.  Unfortunately for S&P (or fortunately for the rest of us), it turns out that it is signifying nothing.  It is now left to the rest of us to wonder: what is happening here, what does it mean for us, and what does it mean for S&P?

    Richard Day's picture



    miguelitoh2o's picture

    Are Americans a bunch of Suckers?

    Having watched the alacrity with which our public servants (legislators and chief executive), recently handed away resources ascribed to the commonwealth of the citizenry at large and the difficulty those same servants had with reigning in health care costs in 2009, I’ve further refined my ideas about how our democracy works in 2011, and who the constituents of those public servants truly are.  It should not surprise most of my readers that their constituency excludes 99% of Americans.

    is the norquist tax pledge constitutional?

    Actually my original intent was to ask if the pledge signed by Republicans is an act of 'treason". One definition of treason is "the betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposefully acting to aid its enemies." In the case of the Republicans in Congress, no one could ever prove "conscious". But Republicans may have given aid and comfort to China, our military competitor.

    jollyroger's picture

    Standard & Poor to Prez: "How ya like us now, chump?"

    There's just no way Prez can win for losing.

    He abases himself beyond all measure before the austerity gods, he does his "family around the kitchen table" schtick, he promises to shove it directly up the ass of the poor and retired, and what does he get?

    All they say is "sorry, buddy, no dime for you..."

    Richard Day's picture


    Throughout our history, both as a state and as individuals, Texans have been strengthened, assured and lifted up through prayer...It is fitting that Texans should join together in prayer to humbly seek an end to this ongoing drought and these devastating wildfires."...

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, RICK PERRY, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, do hereby proclaim the three-day period from Friday, April 22, 2011, to Sunday, April 24, 2011, as Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas. I urge Texans of all faiths and traditions to offer prayers on that day for the healing of our land, the rebuilding of our communities and the restoration of our normal and robust way of life.

    CHAAC (Mayan Rain God)

    I guess that sometimes prayer works!

    Flooding in Charlotte.

    Flooding in Missouri.

    Flooding in Iowa.

    Flooding in Tennessee.

    Flooding in North Dakota.

    Flooding in Arkansas.

    Flooding in Texas.

    Thank you Governor Perry!

    And thank the good Lord!


    The Glory that was Gre.....America

    Some Congressional Republicans are just backward rejecting modern economics on the same basis they reject Darwin and climate science. Others are cynical, desiring the worse possible economy as an aid to recapturing the White House and Senate in 2012. Still others simply do not believe that government action can ever be a force for good……………………………..

    The US suffers with an increasingly third-world level of infrastructure, third-tier education system and enormous gaps in the preparedness of its workforce….

    Jeff immelt, you need to rescue this dog!

    An underweight dog limps onto your property. Her eyes slay you. She's been running the roads of Fairfield county for months, fighting for food. She looks up at you as if to say,"
    I'm tired now. I need a hand"

    You make a gut decision, not a corporate one. You say to yourself, "I'm going to rescue this dog". After a few weeks of nourishment and vet bills you discover you were the one rescued. You become less selfish. And you are happier for it.

    Rich Americans, Uncle Sam wants you--to hire a fellow American, or your tax cut is toast!

    I e-mailed our President today to suggest that he use his 3-day "Listening" bus tour to do some talking instead--and that he tell the American People that now that the Republican spend-cutters have clearly put the Govt. out of the business of job creation, the onus falls on our private-sector Job-Creator pals.
