The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Donal's picture

    Jack and the Statstalk


    Statistics are the magic beans of pop science. Tell someone that heavy drinkers live longer than teetotallers, and she'll say, "How is that possible? What about cirrhosis of the liver?" Tell her there are statistics proving it, and she'll say, "Wow, I never would have guessed that!" That particular stat is making the rounds of the news talk shows right now, and I'd imagine so are a lot of beers.

    stillidealistic's picture

    Sometimes I Think I Live In An Alternate Universe

    Not too long ago, I was up late one night going back and forth with a few of my night owl friends over at TPM discussing President Obama's performance. After signing off, I went to bed, and after a few fitful hours of sleep woke to words going through my mind that made me wonder if I am living in an alternate that appears on the surface to be the same one many of you are living in, but way different in many respects. I'll get to that alternate universe in a minute.

    There has not been a better opportunity to try to get a wedge into the corruption....

    Over the past few decades a lot of things have been done to take away power and autonomy from the voters, the people.  The past 10 years, very aggressive efforts were made to take away the people's voice and ability to stand up to wrongdoing.  In a way, it has been a sort of coupe. 

    Joe Wood's picture

    Money Don't A-Matter When You're Free; Freedom No Mind If You' Broke

    I walk, and I see the world. Talking to no one Like a silent storm. Thinking of things to do And say Waiting on a train platform. Nobody knows who I am. Invisible cameras follow my footsteps My boots, in...
    cmaukonen's picture

    What Happened to the Protest Marchers ?

    I can tell you. In a previous blog I pointed out how distracted and manipulated we have become by our current technology. Insted of being out in the streets showing how incensed we are with the current employment situation. The bank bailouts and the continued war in Afghanistan, we are sitting pounding out blogs and comments to blogs and playing video games and watching all sorts of diversions.

    Are you sick of corporate and government corruption? Read this.

    Here is a link to a site where you can sign up to join the ranks of those who are fed up, totally.  You can check out to see how the congressional and senate candidates stand on some key issues, which if handled well, might clean up the swamp a bit.  People who are a part of this organization include Alan Grayson, FL. 

    The original email stated the cause this way:


    "Sick of corporate corruption?  Join me and Stand for Democracy

    What? I can't use MS Word?

    Seriously, that is what I use on my PC to write.  I do not use the other things you described, nor am I familiar with them.  I believe a friend was complaining about her students using Notepad and screwing up their assignments.   Please advise. 

    oleeb's picture

    Labor Day Remembrance And Inspiration: Mother Jones & The Virden Massacre

      Like many of my brothers and sister workers I have been thinking a lot lately about how to stop the predator class from feasting further on the workers of the United States and I keep coming back to the...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                    GEORGE W. BUSH AT HIS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.  (M. Twain) Vanity Fair provides more than just a good read...
    we are stardust's picture

    Can Science Help Frame a Moral Landscape?

    So much of our conventional wisdom maintains that our morals have been formed by Christian-Judeo principles (peace to the American devotees of other religions).  Atheist Sam Harris blogged about his new book at Huffpo last week, in which he claims...
    Ramona's picture

    Labor in America: Those were the Days

    President Obama talked about the needs of workers and the declining middle class in his Weekly Address. If he lets us down this time, I'm going to go out and find me my own bibble-babbling mob and take action.
    wws's picture

    Flash: Fiction

    We Reader Bloggers really do need a break from the angst of how and where to regroup, whether during a hiatus, or permanently, depending. Tomorrow is a holiday -- you'll be busy tomorrow afternoon or evening, but not both, and probably...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Neda's Song

        The streets So crowded Like some Revived ancient fleet Swept back from the dead   A bell came ringing Like a telepathic human alarm sounded I saw numbers in the street Painted bright red I saw the...
    Donal's picture

    Firearms = Freedom, Discuss

    I know just enough about guns to be dangerous, and since it is practically illegal for an ordinary person to keep a firearm in Baltimore, it will probably stay that way for a while. But when Robert Farago sold The Truth About Cars, where I used to contribute, and started up The Truth About Guns, I took the opportunity to read and write some articles.

    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                                  APPELLATE JUDGES RUN AMOKDavid Luban writes: Today the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the conviction of Daniel Millis, convicted of littering because he left sealed...
    Barth's picture


    We saw this first during the primary campaign in late 2007 and the first half of 2008, where the dueling factions supporting either Senator Obama, Senator Clinton or even Senator Edwards felt it necessary to demonize the candidates they did...
    Donal's picture

    Somebody's Daughter

    I apologize in advance for another post about Light Rail. This evening I left work a little after five PM,  and walked to the station as usual. I stood up when the Belvedere towers appeared between the trees, as usual. But for some reason, instead of holding the vertical bar with my left hand, and facing the door, I held the sloped bar with my right hand and turned towards the center aisle of the rail car. I never do that, but I did tonight, and therefore I could see the young woman lurching towards me.

    Joe Wood's picture

    A Love Song, In An Empty Room

    A dead party is crashing through the floor In the middle of a church is the darkness Prying open a door In the wilderness of town A girl is plunging headfirst through the window Though she said She didn't...
    quinn esq's picture

    My List Of The Top 100 Total Pricks Here At TPM That I Won't Miss At All.

    I know all you sooks probably gonna write about what you loved here and who you'll miss most and what's it's like here where everybody knows your name... But I know what you're really thinking is, "Jesus, I may not get another chance to diss...I know all you sooks probably gonna write about what you loved here and who you'll miss most and what's it's like here where everybody knows your name... 

    But I know what you're really thinking is, "Jesus, I may not get another chance to diss that loser."

    Which is why I wrote this list. To see if we can all find some common ground - and not just on the shallow stuff like "the issues," but on something we all care about, like "Who sucks the hardest?"

    Originally I had a list of 100, but I want to keep some of you pricks who are on it secret, so I can laugh at you with my friends (with whom I have formed what the experts call a "clique.")

    Herewith, a selection of TPM's Top 100 Total Pricks. Now let's see if we can work together on this, ok? 

    #74. That fargin' chicken. The one with the weird name "Barkfart" or somesuch. I know some of you liked her, but I didn't get Egg Fackin' One from her. Not Egg Fackin' One. 

    And I like eggs. I mean, I really like eggs. So the bird gives me this nice pitchfork and all, but months later.... still no eggs. Seems to me, at this point, you're not even trying to squeeze one out, bird. So. You made my list. 

    Which makes me the winner winner, chicken dinner.

    73. If all youse guys would quit jabbing me and shouting "Clearthinker, Clearthinker," maybe I could slot him in proper. But no way he ranks as low as Prick #73. Unless you were gonna pick him in as Prick #1 right through #73, which would make more sense. Am I right? 

    I mean, the guy's probably proud of the fact that he's getting mentioned for being such a complete prick. Anyway. Gimme some space, cause there are other bastards here who deserve some airtime.

    #72. Like Destor23. Prick, because of the way he flaunts his nipples. 

    I mean, so WHAT if he's got nipples you just want to rub? Against. 

    And bite. Quite hard. 

    And so what if Josh comes in here and sees we're biting nipples again, even really quite hard, because maybe I'm being "political" in the way I do it. 'Cause who SAYS that's not political?
    Anyway, I'm ok with the nipples, but not the way Destor just throws them about. It's flaunty. Like he WANTS to be noticed. And bitten. (Hard.) And no, I don't mean any of this in a sexual sense - it's just the politics of it all is intense.

    71. Des. I got this niece, on my ass all Summer about the way I talk, and gays, and women not being chicks anymore, and how when I say that Rahm said we're all retards it's hurtful and all. "You can't say that kinda thing anymore Uncle Q," says she, "We got the Facebook now." "What the fack," says I, "I dated LOTS of girls that turned lesbo afterward, and now I can't say 'gay' or even be a little bit bitter?" 

    Then I had to have this long debate with her about sensitivity, and how hard it was to live with hurtful labels, and me trying to tell her how the world works, and how ignorant people like me will take any nice neutral word that kind people like her can think up, and we'll turn it into a weapon, like we did with "special," which didn't last more than about ten days before it was a fightin' word.

    Anyway. By that point I'm stuck with the niece and more crying and overall high levels of sensitivity. Just like Des. But Jesus Des, we get it already - you're sensitive to chicks and chick issues. Just take it somewhere else, willya?

    we are stardust's picture

    To Those of You Who Are Locked Out of Commenting, (or those who can help)

    This is all crazy-making, waiting to hear the final, or even a tentative message about the fate of the Reader's Blogs section.  Josh says he wil speak tonight, so check in with the main page often.   In the meantime, please...
    cmaukonen's picture

    The Truman Show...American Style

    I was thinking of this when I read another blog concerning those build it/do it yourself for the well to do shows.
