Scott Walker, the Koch Brothers, and the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page as Bull Connor

    There are others here who could write this post a lot better than I could.  If I had the elementary technical skills to do so I'd paste in one of the iconic photographs of African American citizens being "pacified" or whatever Bull Connor thought he was doing with those fire hoses and police dogs.  If I were a cartoonist I'd figure out a way to substitute in for the folks on the receiving end of those assaults on their dignity and humanity any of the many subgroups of middle-class, or once middle-class, and poor fellow citizens who are getting hammered--impersonally, usually, but no less me

    cmaukonen's picture

    Welcome to the new feudalism

    As we set here bandying about how the Republicans are decimating union and people's rights, how we should or should not support the current administration, hurl righteous brick-bats at the left and evangelical right and other amusing activities - we seem to forget one of the biggest reasons we are at each others throats these days.  That the policies of the last 50 years or so have set this situation up to a tee.

    jollyroger's picture

    NPR Exec whacked, stated fact, tea party racist stacked. Truth no defense?


    Robert Schiller, erstwhile N(ot) P(rogressive) R(adio) fundraiser shitcanned.  Punked by Breitbart's videographer, (cf. Acorn, Planned Parenthood, and whenwilltheyeverlearn) Caught saying:


    Wisconsin had to abolish the public sector employees' right to collective bargaining ( and really to unionization) because the State couldn't afford it. And could do that in a bill not requiring a 20 member quorum because it had no fiscal implications.

    I see. 

    And the voters should see.

    Whatever the tactical argument until now for the Administration to stay on the side lines and let the democratic senators carry the ball, now it's time, more than time, for Obama to say Which Side We Are On.

    oleeb's picture

    Gov. Mussolini Has Made His Big Move In The Belief Our Side Will Have to Give In: Will We?

    The pathological power grab that Governor Mussolini in Wisconsin and his fellow travelers have so desired has been carried out.  They could not wait any longer to strike at the unions.  They saw that their original strategy was working inexorably against them and they had little time.  The Wisonsin Duce didn't want to take the heat for all the layoffs he promised if his union busting provisions weren't approved so, like any bully who is about to lose the game he kicked the board across the room and demanded a do over.  They rammed the unions busting provisions through the Senate and hope to

    cmaukonen's picture

    Why Evangelicals Hate Jesus

    According to a poll published by the Pew Forum on religion they really do hate Jesus.

    Ah, yes.

    Musee des Beaux Arts


    Maddow and Michael: The Charge of the Light Brigade

    Into the valley rode the 14, or at least, if Michael Steele had his way, the game should have ended like this. Instead it got ugly, and it got drawn out, and it still ain't over!

    Of Envy and Upside

    In the discussion of  "overpaid"  Public Service workers, some one compared them with young lawyers carrying a  heavy debt load acquired on the way to passing the bar. And wondered whether those lawyers might resent the PS workers.  Or vice versa (I  wondered).

    Let us assume that Joe Taxclerk might be fairly confident that some day he'll reach $60K/year. And young Sally Lawyer might hope to reach that - but can't be as sure as Joe.

    FurudeRikaChama's picture

    Is the separation of church and state being threatened-again?

    The separation of church and state is one of the most important changes made to our government. It allows all people to practice whatever religion they choose, while preventing them from making any established religion in the government or abolishing religion altogether.

    Richard Day's picture


    File:TaftOfficial Portrait.jpg


        (And body type too!)

    Karl Rove, one of the greatest political minds of our time, had this to say about Sarah Palin, one of the greatest helicopter moose hunters of our time:

    Clay Feet

    Paul Krugman reflects on Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software - in Degrees and Dollars -

    Diagnosis, good. Prescription, lousy.

    coatesd's picture

    Turning Down the Radio, Slice by Budgetary Slice

             These are frenzied days in Washington DC. They are also particularly dangerous ones for publicly-supported institutions that Republican politicians happen to dislike. With the threat of a complete government shut-down as their ultimate weapon, House Republicans are entering this year’s budget round with some very clear targets in mind. High on that list of targets is the $445 million federal subsidy to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.  The President’s 2011 budget proposed to increase that subsidy by a meager $6 million.

    There is no fiscal crisis

    There's a political one. We have to stop electing supply side republicans.




    Richard Day's picture


    File:The Jury by John Morgan.jpg

                                                   CONCERNED PEERS



    cmaukonen's picture

    Here's an Idea

    Convince the upper income bracket, especially those in the tea party right, that the ONLY way they will be safe from crazy Islamic terrorists, economic catastrophe, revolution and environmental disaster is to colonize and relocate to another planet.

    We would get a major boast to the space program, and increase in employment and best still, we would be free of a major nuisance.

    We could call it The Project for a New Astronomical Century.

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Cartoon: Watch out Twitter, Here comes Tiger Blood and Adonis DNA

    Cartoon: Watch out Twitter, here comes Tiger Blood and Adonis DNA Copyright 2011 Kaveh Adel

    In 2009, Twitter was revolutionary!  Even in early 2011 it was dictator-toppling.

    This week, thanks to Charlie “Tiger Blood” and “Adonis DNA” Sheen  it has been demoded to a publicity stunt.

    Today, I offer my condolences to the  animal kingdom and Greek mythology!

    Collective Bargaining should be a constitutional Right.

    That's my position. To which no doubt a popular response will  be: who cares?

    Probably law schools expend millions of class hours exploring the criteria for any "right" even to  be worth considering for elevation to that level ... I say "probably" not actually knowing never having eased my anatomy into a seat in a law school ampitheatre.  So I'll happily  stipulate the subject is above my grade of pay. Before  proceeding  to discuss it.

    Richard Day's picture



    A volunteer group in San Marcos, Texas has set up scholarships for a group of students they think is underrepresented: white men.

    Barth's picture

    Dangerously Out of Touch

    Go ahead. I dare you. Watch those Sunday talk shows from our nation's capitol and see how much of what passes for political discussion concerns the need for government to cut back on spending. David Gregory will almost certainly ask someone what ideas there are to get "entitlements" "under control".

    Then, even if you have already seen this, listen to what those who study these things say (about halfway into this):

    Good Press, Bad Press. The GOP Gets All the Press ... Even at HuffPo.

    There are bloggers right now going to say, "Duh!" The MSM is owned by multinational corporations and therefore it furthers their interests.  Yeah.  I know that.  But Huffington post, too!

    CVille Dem's picture

    For the first time in 24 years, I don't have to hurry home...or RIP sweet Skarlett

    I am going on a trip next week, and my sons are going to be gone also, so for the first time ever, I planned to board my sweet dog, Skarlett at the Vet's. I took her there to get advice about what would be the best plan for her, and (considering her age -- 15!) we planned all kinds of accommodations for her (extra-large kennel, extra walks, and home-cooked meals from me). I was reassured when Skarlett seemed to relax when I was talking to the vet, and I thought it was going to work out.

    The News from all over-

    Excerpts from one day's copy of the FT

    "Europe looks depressing. When you go to Asia ...they are always talking abut how they can make more money.......... Jurisdictions that are planning to require their banks to.......guard against another crisis ..will see higher risk activities migrate elsewhere. CEO of UBS


    FurudeRikaChama's picture

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: 2 Explorers of Darkness: Does it hit or miss?

    I have been an avid video game player for ages. I have played a lot of games, but I played mostly Pokemon when I was younger, and play it occasionally. I would like to review the game mentioned above, and discuss my pros and cons for the game. 

    Does it hit the mark, or does it miss?
