The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Michael Maiello's picture

Obama is Magic!

Last night, I was underwhelmed by Obama's speech but in the light of morning I think I was perhaps expecting a little too much, given the context of an extremely effective and well put together convention.  He is the president, not a cheerleader and he's trying to defend his program while showing how it will play out if he's given more time.

Michael Maiello's picture

Clinton's Real Lesson For Obama

Tonight, the most recent two-term Democratic president will address the party’s convention to make the case for Barack Obama’s re-election.  If everything works out, Obama will face a second term that will resemble Bill Clinton’s, where the President faced a powerful opposition party determined to undermine him.

Michael Maiello's picture

Labor Day and the Myth of Henry Ford

Every so often, somebody tells the story of Henry Ford, friend of the working man.  You see, he paid his workers a higher wage, helping to transform a population of Detroit immigrants into part of a mass affluent American middle class that supported America's economic growth for the better part of the 20th century.

Michael Maiello's picture

Ross Douthat Wants To Be Ruled By The Rich

Since David Brooks made a funny, the universe has been out of balance.  Ross Douthat, Brooks' mini-me conservative in The New York Times op-ed land, has righted the balance with a perfectly ridiculous column about Ann Romney's convention speech.

Michael Maiello's picture

NItpicking Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson wrote a Newsweek cover story called "Hit the Road, Barack" and now seems surprised that people are picking over the carcass.  This is, of course, ridiculous.  Newsweek editor Tina Brown very often chooses stories specifically to inspire reaction.  There's nothing wrong with that, from where I stand.  It's okay to be provocative on purpose.  Though this one seems as half baked as when Forbes, my alma mater, published Dinesh D'Souza's musings on Barack Obama's Kenyan socialism.

Michael Maiello's picture

In Defense of Teacher's Unions

Frank Bruni wrote a pretty good column today about a new, anti-teacher's union movie coming out, starring Maggie Gyllenhaal called "Won't Back Down," about a mother who stands up to the entrenched interests who run her failing local school district.  Bruni also writes about the growing rift between Democrats and teachers unions and the growing public upset at unionized teachers.  Bruni doesn't wind up anti-union, but his sympathies are definitely strained.

Michael Maiello's picture

Your Charitable Donations Are Not A Tax

One thing I missed in the "Mitt Romney never pays less than 13% in taxes" story is his explanation that if you add in his charitable donations, he's paid north of 20% a year.  I have no problem with the federal government's decision to encourage charitable giving by offering people tax deductions.  But Romney's argument here is ridiculous and, taken to the extreme, dangerous.

Taxes and charitable donations are not the same.

Michael Maiello's picture

Veep Paul Ryan Open Thread

I'm sure we all have a lot to snark.  I mean, "to say."  Figured I'd make a place for it.

I'll start.

What a wuss!

Most people will never get to be governor of any state and even fewer will get a term as governor of Massachusetts.  Were I to ever accomplish something of that magnitude, I would not let a bunch of freaks in tricorner hats force me to apologize for the best things I did during that time.  Not even in pursuit of a bigger goal.  A human has to draw the line somewhere.

Michael Maiello's picture

Moving The Needle With Spike Lee

I just read David Denby's lukewarm review of Spike Lee's Red Hook Summer (subscription required) in which Denby calls the movie a failure but praises Lee as being one of the few filmmakers out there who would ask the kind of question about faith that he posed in the movie.  I haven't seen the movie and don't know that I will.  I don't watch every Spike Lee Joint the way I watch every movie made by Woody Allen.  But I do pay attention to him and some of his earlier films, especiall

Michael Maiello's picture

Sometimes It Makes No Sense To Compete With The World

I know, I can't quit Thomas Friedman.  But when a below average writer achieves fame and fortune while so many greater talents deal in obscurity, it's annoying.  Particularly when the below average writer makes arguments like "Average Is Over," where he accuses American politicians and citizens of not being up to the task of global competition.



TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryIn Praise of Gentle Ben Michael Maiello211 years 6 months ago
Blog entryBanned Words (In The Interests Of Freedom!) Michael Maiello3811 years 6 months ago
LinkBig Brother and Silicon Valley artappraiser1211 years 6 months ago
Reader blogThe American Hikikomori Orion611 years 6 months ago
Blog entryBlogging Like Chaucer Doctor Cleveland2711 years 6 months ago
Blog entryEdward Snowden: Your Technoutopian/Libertarian Hero Traitor? Michael Maiello1411 years 6 months ago
Reader blogTaking A Look Back At The Star Wars Prequels Orion911 years 6 months ago
Blog entryObama's Eyes and Ears Michael Maiello3511 years 6 months ago
Reader blogA Sensible Response to White Supremacy Wattree8011 years 6 months ago
LinkJames Clapper Lied To Congress Michael Maiello011 years 6 months ago
Reader blogThe Cruelty of Children: A few thoughts for the Day After Memorial Day SleepinJeezus1211 years 6 months ago
Blog entryBoston and the End of the War on Terror Doctor Cleveland1011 years 6 months ago
Blog entryI Wrote A Book! (Almost!) Michael Maiello1711 years 6 months ago
Blog entryObama Scandals: The Quest for the Perfect "Gate" Michael Wolraich11011 years 7 months ago
Reader blogLet’s Get Real - What We Call ‘American Ideals’ Are a Sham Wattree1811 years 7 months ago
Blog entryDefeat The Press Michael Maiello911 years 7 months ago
Reader blogSerenity Someday...Maybe Elusive Trope711 years 7 months ago
Blog entryBaz Luhrman’s The Great Gatsby is a Triumph (whether you like it or not) Michael Maiello1011 years 7 months ago
Blog entrySlaughter In Syria? Michael Maiello5611 years 7 months ago
Blog entryThe Biggest Political Scandal Ever... Michael Maiello711 years 7 months ago
Blog entryA Psychic Got it Wrong. Who Knew? Ramona3111 years 7 months ago
Blog entryHorrific Gang Rape in India is a Symptom of Larger Societal Problems Orlando3911 years 7 months ago
Blog entryThe Tyranny of Breakfast In L.A. Schools Michael Maiello1711 years 7 months ago
Blog entryWhy It's Hard to Smear Jason Collins (and Not as Easy to Smear Keynes) Doctor Cleveland911 years 7 months ago
Reader blogHumiliation Junction...What's Your Function? Elusive Trope911 years 7 months ago
