The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Larry Jankens's picture

    Bristol Palin and the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

    Today is the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, brought to you by the Candies Foundation.  Yesterday, the Candies Foundation announced teen-mom/example-that-abstinence-only-doesn’t-work, Bristol Palin, would be it’s new ambassador.  This is the most ironic spokesperson since Stephen Hawking did a Nike cross-training commercial. I mean, come on!

    In the press release announcing the ambassadorship, Palin said "If I can prevent even one girl from getting pregnant, I will feel a sense of accomplishment."

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Larry vs. Jesus Christ License Plates

    In case you didn’t hear, Florida approved the production and sale of the Jesus Christ license plate.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    My Favorite Civil Liberty: Stupidity

    In these times of intense political discourse (or non-discourse if you're so inclined) it's nice to be reminded why you love this country: our civil liberties.

    Many people don’t realize that our most sacred freedom in America isn’t explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights, nor in any Supreme Court brief.  Yet, it is inherent in the theoretical underpinnings of this country’s Constitution; it’s the freedom of stupidity - perhaps the most widely used liberty.

