The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Sean Hannity vs. The NYC Subway: A Dumb Story

    In a recent show, America's favorite ex-jock-turned-opinion-maker, Sean Hannity discusses his disgust for New Yorkers tolerance of anti-christian propaganda, or as some people call it: common sense.

    If you’ve been riding the New York City subway lately, you may have seen some curious ads plastered on the walls, spreading the word that you can live a great life without God.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    George W. Bush's New Gig

    We all assumed that George W. Bush would spend the rest of his days clearing brush from his ranch in Crawford, Texas - much the way he spent his presidency.  But because of global warming there is a world wide brush shortage and W has had to find other things to occupy his time.  What you ask?  I'm so glad you asked 'cause it's hilarious - he's become a motivational speaker!

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    Dr. WHO Says No Alcohol For You


    In interest of full disclosure, I love to drink.  I am in no way an unbiased party when discussing alcohol and alcohol consumption.  Happy hour is not just a phrase, it’s the happiest hour of my day.

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    America Loves Bacon and Bacon Related Products

    We all love bacon, that’s not to dispute, but has this country gone overboard in it’s zeal for bacon?  I asked the almighty Google and the answer was a resounding yes in the form of the amazing amount of bacon related products that are available.  Below are just a few pictures of images found when one googles “bacon.”

    Where I’m from “bacon briefcase,” has a different meaning.

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    Come on Baby Light My Ire: Jim Morrison's Ghost is Real!


    According to a new book entitled Ghosts Caught on Film 2, a photograph taken in front of Jim Morrison’s tomb in Paris shows the ghost of Jim Morrison; you can tell it’s him be cause the ghost looks sexy and brooding.   Predictably, paranormal websites are treating this photo as proof of the existence of ghosts. Equally predictably, this raises my ire.

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    News from the hopefully future: Obama Un-Arrests Arrested Development Through Executive Order

    Dateline: 2 Days from now

    Obama made history yesterday when he signed an executive order forcing Fox Corp. to make a new season of the acclaimed and prematurely canceled television show Arrested Development. “We are at a crossroads,” said President Obama. “We can either go back to pushing the failed agendas of the past, such as canceling a hilarious television show, or we can move forward by doing the things necessary to make TV more watch-able.”

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Obama and Sex vs. Dalai Lama and The Wall Street Journal: The 8 Fold Path to Unenlightenment

    The Dalai Lama is in Washington this week trying to arrange a meeting with President Obama. It's Obama, however, who is acting like the Buddhist master, i.e. he’s doing nothing. The Wall Street Journal, has been quick to decry Obama’s Zen like response to the Lama. Saying that meetings with the Dali Lama are important because they “affirm the religious and democratic freedoms America stands for while setting a precedent for the rest of the world.”

    Larry Jankens's picture

    David Blaine, Magic or Tragic

    David Blaine has wowed gullible audiences with his mix of magic and guile for years. Little do people know that when he first started out he would use his powers for evil. Below are 4 videos demonstrating David Blaine’s penchant for malevolence.

    Video 1: Experience the awesome power David Blaine
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    Why Healthcare Is NOT a Right

    According to the internet Gods (Wikipedia) a constitutional right is defined as: a freedom granted by a government's constitution (on the national or sub-national level), and may not be legally denied.

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    4 Surprising Facts About Baby Rearing

    I was over at my buddy James’ place earlier today and while he and the wifey were tending to their newborn baby in the nursery I was reading over the maternal material provided by the hospital to the new parents. Most of the info in the parenting pamphlets was pretty boring (i.e. babies eat food, sleep and poop - not necessarily in that order or at different times), but I did find out some interesting facts about baby raising that I found both alarming and surprising. 

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Tea Cup Piglets and Mini-Elephants

    Pictured below is a Teacup Piglet, just like Teacup Poodles and Matchbox Chihuahuas, these animals are bred to be diminutive in stature to enhance their adorability rating - and look at the pig below, they are goddamn adorable. Chris Murray at Pennywell Farm in Devon, England, has spent the last 9 years breeding pigs to be smaller and smaller, to the point where they can fit easily into a teacup when
    Larry Jankens's picture

    Inbreeding is Good?

    I was always under the impression that inbreeding was a bad idea. Not only is it creepy, but a diverse gene pool is desirable – at least that’s what I thought.  Until I read about the Italian town of Stoccareddo.  Just as a narrowed gene pool can increase the probability of a bad trait becoming overly prevalent, it can also do so for a good trait.

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    Obama is Hitler: Satire for the satirically challenged

    Obama is Literally Hitler

    So should we call him Obitler? Hiltama? Seriously though folks, this is funny stuff.

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    Anti-Capitalist Losers and Healthcare Reform

    “Greed: A word commonly used by liberals, low achievers, anti-capitalists and society's losers to denigrate, shame and discredit those who have acquired superior job skills and decision-making capabilities and who, through the application of those job skills have accumulated wealth.” Neal Boortz

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    The Ad Council Commercials: Stupid or Super-Stupid? You Decide

    Oh, how I disdain the Ad Council and their stupid commercials. Just look at these. Few things boils my blood more than seeing our government piss away our tax dollars. Our hard earned capital is routinely spent on frivolous endeavors that benefit few while burdening the majority. While I think government spending in certain areas is absolutely necessary, spending money on stupid stuff is deplorable. An awesome example of horrible government spending is the Ad Council. While the organization itself is not a governmental agency, it accepts millions of dollars in public funds.
