The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Your new crappy band

    This is a web meme that has been around for a while, but seems to be getting more traction lately so it deserves some more pub.  I invite y'all to participate.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Lame or Awesome: MLK Autotuned


    Is this incredibly lame or amazingly awesome? 


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    What the BET Awards (and everybody else) Forgot to Mention About Michael Jackson

    I know his death is old news, but after seeing and hearing all the adulation about the guy, I can’t help but rail against it.  

    So Michael Jackson died and amnesiac people everywhere are morning his death. Amorous TV specials, internet tribute sites, and an jump in record sales seems to suggest that his death is a tragic thing. Granted, he was talented and made his share of good music, but I can’t help but think that people are forgetting one important thing about Michael Jackson: HE TOUCHED LITTLE BOYS! WTF?
    Larry Jankens's picture

    Sanford's Emails to Argentinian Lover, Maria

    Wow, and I mean wow.  This is a quite the romantic email thread.  After reading this, I honestly think he originally went to Argentina with the intent of never coming back, but his conscience got the better of him and he decided it would be poor taste to leave his South Carolina (oh, and his 4 young children) hanging.  I can't really blame him, what would you rather do: wrangle in American politics with blowhard unscrupulous lawyers or live on the beach in Argentina with your South American lover?   The thing that strikes me about these emails is that he genuinely seems to care for this wom

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Top 5 and Bottom 5 Animal Hybrids (with pics)

    One of my favorite movies from the 90’s is The Island of Dr. Moreau. A disturbing tale of a mad scientist splicing genes of animals and humans to make ungodly hybrids that eventually run amok on the island. I liked the movie so much that I even tried to read the book, but there were no pictures so I quickly lost interest.
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    When you wish upon a czar...

    In the United States we have a “drug czar,” a “terrorism czar,” a (newly appointed) “pay czar”, a “cybersecurity czar”, a “war czar”, an “energy czar,” a "copyright czar," a “food safety czar,” and we even have a “hurricane Katrina recovery czar.” This wouldn’t be alarming if this was the Roman Empire (the term was originally derived from word Caesar and meant emperor) or 13th century Russia, but it’s not, it’s 21st century America a coun

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    Bawdy ESL Mishap

    Hello there on this Friday. I hope this picture set's your head right like it was Red Stripe after a long night.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Handy Guide to Iranian Political System.

    Being the President is cool and all, but how about Supreme Leader?  Way tighter.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Diving Boards and Dinosaurs

    Apparently, diving boards may be as common as a live dinosaur. Pool companies refuse to install them because they are afraid of liability claims should they fail and Homeowner insurers don’t want to insure homes with diving boards for the same reason. Because businesses are so afraid to get sued the younger generation of kids are deprived of the joy of a well executed cannon ball or the satisfaction of a diving into the pool like a seal getting after fish.

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    Rush has a question for you... And I hope to hell, you have an answer

    Would a white male judge have fractured his ankle?  Hmm.....  I have a few questions for you, Rush.

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    The Ghost of Reagan: A Neocon's Inexplicable Love

    Our friends over at have a series called, Ask a Wingnut, in which a former Bush official who wishes to remain nameless (I can only assume it’s Jeff Gannon) answers questions from wacky liberals about why conservatives do and think what they do. He goes by the moniker Glenallen Walken, borrowed from the fictional character of the television show The West Wing. This is fitting since he bases many of his arguments for neocon ideology in a fictional world.

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    Sotomayor Hating: You're Doing It Wrong

    Oh, how I love the political drama that arises with the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice. Such classics like Robert Bork whose nomination was so disastrous that a verb was created to describe it (“borked,”follow the link if you don’t know, it ain’t good), Clarence Thomas who graced America with the only R-Rated hearing discussing squirrel genitals, and G. Harrold Carswell who just so happened to be a white supremacist (whoops) – oh the entertainment.

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    Memorial Day: A Time for Honor... And Shame

    Memorial Day is a day that we honor our troops and their sacrifices. However, I think we should also take some time to shame some of the people that put them in harms way by enabling war profiteering for an ill-conceived war. After all, putting outmoded neocon foreign policy ideals and the pursuit of money in front of your own soldiers is something these people should be ashamed of.

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    Harvard Study Concludes: Church Sucks!

    A new study by Harvard researcher Robert Putnam (from Bowling Alone fame) says that the percentage of young Americans who claim they have no religious affiliation that usually hovers between 5-10% has skyrocketed to 30-40%. While this trend started in the 90’s and has continued through Generation X and Y this is still a startling change. Putnam is releasing his findings and his corresponding musing in a new book, “American Grace” due out later this year.

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    My New Favorite Websites (MNFW)

    There is something about picking a ridiculous concept and building a website around it that puts a quiver in my liver.  Today I found two websites that are mind-blowingly awesome, if only for the fact that they straddle the line between absolutely outlandish and categorically awesome.  I encourage you to visit these sites and bask in their preposterous magnificence.

    1)  Black People Love Us - The blacks just can't get enough of them!

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    Larry vs. Congressional Resolutions

    Happy Train Appreciation Day!  Oh, you didn’t know it was Train Appreciation Day?  Neither did anybody else and it was this past Sunday, so don’t feel bad if you missed it.  Apparently, Congress regularly passes resolutions establishing pseudo-holidays and resolutions of support for all sorts of things that are either: a) insignificant; b) blatant pandering to special interests; or c) down right non-sequitur.

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    Larry vs. Homophobic Idiots: Maine Legalizes Gay Marrige!

    I want to marry gays.  I really do.  If it were legal to do so in my state, I would become an ordained minister to join a gay couple in holy and legal matrimony.  I view it as a benchmark of American progress.  It would be a fine example of the reason prevailing against rhetoric, because reasonably LGBT folks should be able to marry and enjoy all the benefits that heterosexual couples do. 

    Why should gay marriage be legal?  Because the arguments against it are so asinine they make neocon political ideals look logical, or even moral.

