The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Shia LaBeouf: Sage investor or InterOil dupe?

    So who do you get your stock tips from, these days? How about 23-year-old actor Shia Labeouf? Yes, in studying for his role in the upcoming film “Wall Street 2,” Labeouf spent time at John Thomas Financial. At John Thomas, InterOil (IOC) is their “favorite energy stock.”

    So guess which stock LaBeouf is praising?

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Maddow and Liberal Celebrities Stalk Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown

    Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) is desperately fighting off an election challenge from MSNBC host, Rachel Maddow. Though Maddow insists that she has no interest in running for Senate, Brown is not deceived by her evasions.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Blogger receiving death threats from extremist birds

    BRAZIL – In an attempt to show that Democratic politicians aren’t the only ones dealing with threats and violence, blogger William K. Wolfrum today admitted that a bird crapped on his car, which he called an “obvious attempt to shut me up.”

    “You know, Democrats are whining and complaining about receiving death threats and whatnot, but really, I’m the victim here,” said Wolfrum, formerly a back-up singer with the band A-Ha. “But do you hear me complaining about it? No, death threats and bird crappings are par for the course in today’s world.”

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Death Threats Aren't Politics as Usual

    Apparently, there are some Republican lawmakers and conservative pundits who feel that the worst thing about death threats and vandalism is that the politicians being threatened might gain public sympathy. Digby and Billmon both have brilliant analyses of the victim-blaming rhetoric being used here.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Didn't ESPN Know That Tiger Woods Was Cheating?

    After a televised statement, and then a very brief exclusive televised interview, Tiger Woods plans to give another press conference at the beginning of the Master's. All of these press availabilities are on the same subject: his admitted infidelities to his wife. And after each one to date, the media, especially the sports media, has the same verdict: Tiger hasn't said enough. He needs to be more "open." He needs to answer every question that crosses sportswriters' and sportscasters' minds. But the sports media have absolutely no right to ask for more.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Baby Jesus molested by Catholic Priest, disappears

    BETHLEHEM (March 24, 0008) – The parents of Jesus Christ – the much ballyhooed Son of God – have accused a Catholic Church Priest of molesting their child, causing him to flee from the area.

    “We really should have known better than to let him hang out with Catholics,” said Mary, mother of Jesus. “They’re just a bunch of predators.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Tiger Woods shocker! I admit to affair with golf legend

    BRAZIL – In a telephone interview, I admitted to an affair with sex-addicted golf legend Tiger Woods.

    “Yes, I, William K. Wolfrum, had an affair with Tiger Woods,” I said. “The man is insatiable.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Jesus Christ sees vision of himself on tortilla

    FRESNO – Jesus Christ Almighty was making himself and his followers a quick bite to eat when he noticed something amazing – he could see himself on the tortilla he had just made.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    I dream of a better world (with no pedophile-protecting Popes)

    I have always lived my life as an optimist. Because of this, I have vivid fantasies of a better world for all of us.

    I believe that one day, man will put down his arms and celebrate peace. That enemies will become friends. And that we won’t have a Pope that covers up for Pedophiles.
