The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Tiger Woods & William K. Wolfrum return to golf course

    LAS VEGAS – The golfing world is buzzing as two of the world’s most important golfers – Tiger Woods and William K. Wolfrum returned to the game of golf on Thursday. Woods shot a first-round 68 at the Masters in Augusta, Ga., while Wolfrum shot a 99 at Arroyo Golf Club at Red Rock in Las Vegas.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Role Models Don't Golf

    The public shaming of Tiger Woods is apparently never going to end. Too many people are drunk on the feeling of moral authority they get by scolding him.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Who Can't Get a Gun in This Country?

    Norman Leboon, who has threatened to kill Congressman Eric Cantor, has been found unfit to stand trial for psychiatric reasons. This is not a big surprise; last year Leboon was arrested for threatening to have the Archangel Gabriel kill his roommate.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Avatar II: The Tax Revoltening

    If you thought the movie “Avatar” wasn’t enough of a trite rehash, just wait until “Avatar 2: The Tax Revoltening.” Coming April 15, this new epic will feature a new Dick Armey led brigade marching on Washington – but this time, they’re doing it virtually*.

    Yes, tapping into the Tea Party’s overwhelming desire to stay at home and grunt loudly while wearing their underwear, this march promises to do to the Internet what the Tea Party has done to National Politics – absolutely nothing.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Why Play with Fire? Four Explanations

    In my last post, I was worrying aloud about politicians who just couldn't seem to get it together to denounce violence and generally encourage the lunatic fringe to chill out. The intervening days, with the arrests of the "Hutaree army" and of the lunatic who threatened Eric Cantor on YouTube, make the question even more pressing.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    What ChatRoulette Says About the Internet, And D*ck Jokes

    When the internet was invented by Al Gore’s uncle I wonder if Unky Gore realized that while it would revolutionize the digital world it would also become a freak show.  And not just the traveling kind with a bearded fat lady, dog boy, and some guy with way too many weird tattoos, but the holy shit I can’t believe how depraved and psychotic people are freak show.  Need I remind you of two girls, one cup?  I’ve never actually seen the two girls or the one cup in question, but I had it described to me in vivid fashion and I think that’s enough.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Pope Benedict shoot & kills God – claims he was just protecting the Church

    VATICAN – Claiming he had no choice and was only protecting himself and his Church, Pope Benedict today shot and killed God. The Almighty was rushed to a nearby hospital but was pronounced dead from the wounds.

    The shooting took place moments before the Pope’s annual Easter Mass. During the Mass, the Pope declared that the act of violence was necessary to help stop the “Flood of Gossip” which threatens to derail the church. A senior Pope spokesman later discussed the incident with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

    acanuck's picture

    I bought a toaster today

    I know, I know. Daglog is not Twitter. And as Joe Biden would say, big F-ing deal. It's just that I'm over 60 years old (there, I said it) and to the best of my recollection I have never before bought a toaster.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Conservative Blogger Erick Erickson Threatens to Shoot Census Workers

    Erick Erickson, the founder of political blog, which CNN calls "the preeminent right of center community online," has threatened to drive off census workers with a shotgun if they ask him how many times he flushes the toilet and other highly classified information.


    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Glenn Beck Stand-In Tries to Out-Racism Beck, Says Obama Hates "White Guys and Capitalism"

    Last summer, a number of advertisers boycotted Glenn Beck's FOX News show after he accused Obama of being a "racist" with a "deep seeded [sic] hatred for white people or the white culture." Since then, Beck has avoided overt race-baiting, focusing instead on Obama's affection for Marxism, progressivism, fascism, totalitarianism, and many other unsavory "isms," not to mention a few unpleasant "y's" like oligarchy, tyranny, and the Democratic Party.

