The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    MJS's picture

    Health Care Book Making Few Waves

    So, you, like so many oth­ers, have spent the recent months on the road with a mot­ley crew of Mensa mem­bers in 18th cen­tury gar­ments, protest­ing against health care, tax cuts, edu­ca­tion, lamp-posts, and shop­ping carts with one miss­ing wheel.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Arizona "Immigration" Law

    Let's be clear about one thing: the Arizona immigration law signed by Governor Janice Brewer this week is not about illegal immigrants. It is about arresting legal immigrants and about American citizens. Because it makes not having your documents on you a crime.

    Deadman's picture

    Lucky: A lesson on living, loving and loss.

    My brother put his 18-year-old dog to sleep yesterday.

    My sadness today is profound, almost overwhelming, and I am trying to figure out why.

    Obviously, the dog himself, a terribly sweet, ridiculously cute cocker-beagle mix, is the primary reason. He was my brother's dog -  there's no denying that - but he was really my first pet as well, my roommate and companion for the nine-plus years I lived with my brother after college.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Let's Go Out to the Movies: Movie Trailer Reviews: VIDEOS

    If you are like me you have been fooled by movie trailers too many times. I’ll see a movie trailer and think to myself, “Hey that kinda seems cool, I’ll go see that in theaters,” and then go to the theaters and be severely disappointed. Or I’ll see a movie trailer and think to myself “Hey that seems like a flaming piece of crap that I will never waste my time on,” and then I’ll see the movie and it will actually be good.
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Doctor refuses KFC Double-Down Sandwich as payment for treatment

    LOUISVILLE – Billy-Bob Wolfrum was pleased that Dr. McBride had removed the tick from the bottom of his foot, that had given him so much trouble. Wolfrum was much less pleased when Dr. Mkfc  double-downcBride refused the KFC Double-Down Sandwich for treatment.

    Orlando's picture

    Boobquake: Let's Do Our Part for Science

    I know that I'm the only one at Dagblog in possession of actual boobs (not counting Wolfrum's third nipple) but I hope the Dagboys and all of our esteemed readers will join (by participating or in solidarity) in a potentially earth-shattering scientific experiment on Monday, April 26th that has been termed "Boobquake."

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    How I came to Dominate DagBlog by William K. Wolfrum

    Hey kids, it's me, Bill. I hope you like the headline to this post, as it will be coming in book form soon. And not the Genghis translation of soon, which equals 14 weeks. He's like a Brazilian that way.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Ben Roethlisberger's one chance to stay with Pittsburgh Steelers

    Now that the NFL has decreed that un-litigated rape is worthy a four-to-six-week suspension along with a “comprehensive behavioral evaluation by professionals,” the future of Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is becoming slightly clearer.

