The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Atheist promises to stick with Catholic Church during these ticklish times

    BRAZIL – Atheist blogger William K. Wolfrum – known primarily for posting pictures of his dogs – has come out in support of the Catholic Church today. A life-long Catholic, Wolfrum said it seemed that now was the time for him to “have the back” of his old faith.

    Even though I don’t believe in anything they preach and think they’re evil is no reason for me to abandon them now,” said Wolfrum, who has attended one Catholic Mass in the last two decades. “I’m no hater.”

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    A Brief History of States' Rights

    The New York Times and dagblog's own Larry Jankens reported today on the recent growth of the "states' rights" movement among right wing militants and Tea Party activists opposed to big government. The states' rights supporters are known as "Tenthers" for their veneration of the 10th Amendment, which reserves for the states all powers that the Constitution does not explicitly grant to the federal government.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    States Tell The Feds To Go F Themselves - Me like!


    There is a new trend among state legislatures to pass laws that are in direct or indirect contradiction to federal statutes.

    1.  South Dakota/Wyoming – Passed a bill saying that federal gun statutes are invalid if the gun is made and used in SD or Wyoming respectively.

    2.  Oklahoma/Utah – Passed a resolution allowing them to opt out of any new federal healthcare mandates.

    3.  Alabama/Tennessee/Washington – Considering measures that would give local police authorities supremacy over federal agents in certain situations.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Shock and Amen: Let's take the war to God

    It wasn’t long ago that we all celebrated our final, decisive victory in the War on Christmas. Once we saw that Fox News had taken to using the world “Holiday” repeatedly, it had become official. The dreaded scourge that was Christmas had once and for all been destroyed.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Prison isn’t even hiring

    How bad is the economy? Well, it’s getting harder to get your three hots and a cot for the first time in almost 40 years.

    Spurred by budget crises, California and Michigan together reduced their prison populations by more than 7,500 last year, contributing to what a new report says is the first nationwide decline in the number of state inmates since 1972.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Logic of Electing Hypocrites

    Q. What do you call a conservative gay legislator who's in the closet?

    A. A safe vote against gay rights.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    'Can't Stop the Music' - A Conservative Classic

    Has it really already been 30 years? Three long decades since one of the most important Conservative moments overran this fine nation of ours?

    Yes, it was 30 years ago since the stellar conservative film “Can’t Stop the Music,” with its themes of hard-work, love of country and personal responsibility hit theaters.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Best Post in the World: Daniel Larison

    The best post in the world today is Daniel Larison, dismantling Ross Douthat. Douthat has whined in the times that the film The Green Zone condemns the Iraq occupation without appropriate "nuance." That's right. You read that correctly. Take it away, Dr. Larison:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Vaccines don’t cause autism, part 12,374

    From a U.S. federal court, comes the latest inconvenient truth for antivaxxers to deal with:

    A federal court ruled Friday that the evidence supporting an alleged causal link between autism and a mercury-containing preservative in vaccines is unpersuasive, and that the families of children diagnosed with autism are not entitled to compensation.

