This is huge ...
by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Expect the midnight flights with pallets full of US service members caskets if Trump gets into the Oval Office. Trump names John Bolton, who has "no regrets" over backing the war as his 'go to guy' for foreign policy because 'Bolton knows what he is talking about'. Donald Trump's Curious Relationship With an Iraq War Hawk The tycoon decries the US invasion of Iraq but embraces one of its architects... David Corn/Mother Jones
Trump 'supporters' filed suit against Cruz for his 'place of origin'!
This is so ironic to me, anyway, that I could not let it go!
Hell, even Marco has been accused of being an anchor baby!
Vote Hillary, get Henry. That seemed to be the message Hillary Clinton wants to send; she’s spoken highly of Kissinger in her last two debates with Bernie Sanders. Last night, Sanders fired back at Clinton for seeking foreign-policy wisdom from the Vietnam-era secretary of state.
A $2.8 billion dowry - makes $200K-$300K speaking fees look quaint.
If only black people knew more, understood better, where the candidates stood —now and over their lifetimes —they would make a better choice, the right choice. The level of condescension in these comments is staggering.
This week, the Syrian army, backed by Russian air strikes and Iranian-supported militias including Hezbollah, launched a major offensive to encircle rebel strongholds in the northern city of Aleppo, choking off one of the last two secure routes connecting the city to Turkey and closing in on the second. This would cut supplies not only to a core of the rebellion against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, but also to the city’s 300,000 remaining civilians, who may soon find themselves besieged like hundreds of thousands of others in the country. In response, 50,000 civilians have fled Aleppo for the Turkish border, where the border crossing is currently closed. An unnamed U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast’s Nancy Youssef that “the war is essentially over” if Assad manages to seize and hold Aleppo.
Nearly 15 months after a Cleveland police officer fatally shot Tamir Rice, 12, while the boy was playing with a pellet gun near a recreation area, the city has sued to collect $500 for his “last dying expense” — the cost of his emergency medical treatment....Cleveland refrained from charging Tamir's family for the cost of the cop bullets that killed him.....his case is far from over, the family has received no settlement
The new Republican anointed Congressional Budget Office is going to work fast to cut SS. By changing Social Security math to label beneficiaries as undeserving loafers. Using a switch from traditional 'median worker wages/benefits' to use of 'statistical means' which makes benefits for cohorts look 50% too generous. "those waiting for an opportunity to show that Social Security is excessively generous have pounced on the new CBO replacement rate number and publicized it in op-eds from coast-to-coast."
BLM activist and small business owner calls out African-Americans, including establishment Black Churches, who support the "white moderate" over Dr. King's true spiritual heir.
Eric Boehlert must read Ramona since she made identical points much more articulately here several days ago.
In the latest NYT Brooks HONORS President Obama.
( Although I have yet to discover real evidence, it is rumored that the RNC has hired six physicians to testify that
David is off his rocker!)
“It was pretty glowing about us,” one person who watched the event said. “It’s so far from what she sounds like as a candidate now. It was like a rah-rah speech. She sounded more like a Goldman Sachs managing director.”
What do Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Franklin Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson all have in common? They all accepted campaign contributions from Wall Street tycoons. all successfully imposed regulations on corporations anyway. Sen. Barack Obama was able to tap nearly 4 million individual donors in 2008. On the other, when it came to actual dollars donated, the share coming from small donors was a similar one-third. He also took in almost twice as much Wall Street money as his Republican opponent, John McCain.
Why did these supposedly liberal champions take all this corporate money? Well, there is the little matter of winning. In the 2012 campaign, the first of the Citizens United era, Mitt Romney and his allied super PACs spent just over $1 billion trying to win the White House. How did Obama survive? By spending the same amount, making sure his message could not be drowned out. And as good as Obama’s small-donor base was, it couldn’t produce $1 billion by itself.
It may seem I am harping on this subject but the story is simply enormous. Every day one more layer is peeled back.
This is what happens when the undocumented among us are left uninformed and too afraid to seek answers anyway.
In Flint, Michigan, where the municipal water supply has been contaminated with lead, undocumented immigrants have been turned away from getting emergency water at distribution centers because they couldn’t produce driver’s licenses.
Just three days ago, canvassers found family after family that wasn’t aware there was something wrong with the water.
Although Flint’s official water response team has distributed flyers alerting residents of the crisis, the materials were all in English. It wasn’t until a few days ago, after One Michigan for Immigrant Rights and the Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation translated and printed flyers, that materials in Spanish were finally available. These groups also distributed the flyers — all with their own funds.
Edit to add:
It's just picking up water at a distribution center and why can't they just go buy some at the store? and they can and they do, but it adds up after a few days. The average cost of bottled water for a small family is $200 or more for one month. When you are low income, or on a fixed income, that is an expense hard to cover month after month.
We may as well give it up, fellow Shillary supporters. A list has finally been compiled.
When Sanders was my opponent he focused like a laser beam on “class analysis,” in which “women’s issues” were essentially a distraction from more important issues. He urged voters not to vote for me just because I was a woman. That would be a “sexist position,” he declared.Sanders has emerged as a more sophisticated and astute politician since those early days, and his message has more resonance.
Four months ago, I coined the term “Berniebro” to describe a phenomenon I saw on Facebook: Men, mostly my age, mostly of my background, mostly with my political beliefs, were hectoring their friends about how great Bernie was even when their friends wanted to do something else, like talk about the NBA.
If Clinton was really being forthright about the speeches, here’s what she’d say:
You want to know why they paid me hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech? It’s because I’m famous and important, and the people who have that kind of money like to brush up against famous and important people. The executives want to get their picture taken chatting with me so they can put it up on their “brag wall.” They want to tell their buddies on the golf course, “Well here’s what I told Hillary Clinton …” It feeds their egos. And the money? Yeah, it’s hard to turn down that kind of money. So I go, I talk for an hour about the complex challenges America faces in an ever-changing world, blah blah blah, do the grip-and-grin and get a six-figure check. You would too, if you could.
90% of what goes on at The New Yorker can be explained by Vulgar Marxism
One of the epic miscarriages of justice of our time is unravelling. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention — — the international tribunal that adjudicates and decides whether governments comply with their human rights obligations — has ruled that Julian Assange has been detained unlawfully by Britain and Sweden.