by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I love this one. But there are some Wellesley women who prefer Clinton. Their reason - she's a woman - according to the Post.
Bernie: Thanks for the endorsement Lloyd! "Both Clintons have long ties to Blankfein and to Goldman Sachs, which has been a heavy donor to Bill Clinton's charity work."
People Got No Money. And they keep reminding him that he does the Republic no favors when he gives platforms to the likes of Michael Gerson, a pious fraud, and torture-porn enthusiast Marc Thiessen. What Bernie Sanders proposes may be blue-sky stuff, but at least it's looking at the sky. It's not the shoe-gazing trudge toward oligarchy with which The Washington Post is comfortable.
Charley Pierce takes on a Washington Post editorial. He is always worth a read even if you don't agree with him.
There's nothing like the scorn of the Church Of The Savvy.
You got that right Mr. Pierce.
I chose to post this on Hal's "Incurable Romantics" blog because, well ... if you read the link you might understand why. But my first instinct was to put it here. It's personal, wonky, thoughtful and full of perspective about and largely by, Hillary Clinton. The woman she's always been.
I normally don't post a blog from Daily Kos. This was just posted and it is excellent.
The Millennials are the largest voting block now and even out number the baby boomers. This is the generation that is going to drive the direction of future policy in politics. We are experiencing a generational realignment in our political discourse. The conservative Reagan era is headed to the dust bin of history. The GOP is in decline and disarray. This realignment isn't going to be in little baby steps because history shows it never is. Sanders gets this and has offered to lead.
Clinton's credentials are excellent only they are the skills that was needed in the last era to hold the line. But are they the skills that are needed for this generation to push the kind of changes through that they want?
Please read this Daily Kos diary. In fact read it more then once because this is the direction the realignment is going to take and why.
The super PAC supporting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for president, uses footage of the late Terri Schiavo, a decision her husband slammed as "disgusting." The ad calls Bush "a man of deep faith who fought time and again for the right to life," while flashing an image of Schiavo...also features an image of a vigil outside of Schiavo's home with someone holding a "Jeb" sign...autopsy showed Schiavo had irreversible brain damage and was blind. Examiners determined Schiavo could not have been aware of her surroundings, and that no treatment would have improved her condition.
Dayne Walling, then the town’s mayor, ceremoniously pushed a button to stop the flow of treated Lake Huron water from Detroit for the first time in nearly 50 years. Water from the nearby Flint River began gushing into Flint’s 700-mile-long pipe system instead. The politicians raised glasses of water and toasted the historic change.
Wantwaz Davis — the recently elected city councilman from Flint’s 5th Ward — did not join in on the toast.
“I was in the corner like, ‘Nah, I’m not drinking that,” Davis recalls.
The finger-pointing, buck passing, blame shifting and other various forms of non-culpability is like a big swirl of non-information right now. The poisoned babies in Flint don't really care about that. All they want is for the itching to stop.
Davis sought outside help again and again. Starting in June 2014, he sent the exact same letter to the Justice Department, addressed to then-Attorney General Eric Holder, every Monday morning.
He received a reply several months later, telling him to contact the state police.
No one listened in time for these lead-laced water problems to be stopped.
Is Councilman Davis correct in saying it was "genocide"? Not of a racial kind, but of class.
The FBI moved in on Bundy while he as driving to a rally, Tarp guy threw down.
Graspers, meet straws (perhaps) but worth noting this academically connected analysis
Those who try to understand military policy often confuse themselves by focusing on minor matters such as strategy, tactics, logistics, and armament. Here they err. For years the central goal of the military, the brass ring, has been independence from control by civilians. It has been achieved.
Former Mayor Bloomberg might run for the Presidency as an Independent?
I think this could turn out to be a big deal.
Another billionaire (although this former mayor is a real billionaire) in the race could really make it a three-person race.
I certainly feel that Bloomberg could take more repubs than dems....but?
Time is ticking of course and a real decision must be made soon.
But this decision could surely shake things up.
Any serious conversation on the polarization of American politics cannot ignore the drop in primary voters, though up to this point it mostly has. While the general elections decide whether conservatism or liberalism are dominant at the time, the primaries decide what conservatism and liberalism are.
"Democrats have occupied the White House for sixteen of the last twenty-four years, and in that time . . . they’ve done nothing to change the vicious cycle of wealth and power that has rigged the economy for the benefit of those at the top, and undermined the working class."
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the six-term congresswoman from South Florida and chair of the Democratic National Committee, has been embroiled in numerous significant controversies lately.
I'm going to vote for Bernie in the primary despite my support for Hillary because it just makes sense to do so in New York. Hillary will likely win my state primary anyway and if I somehow tip the scales to Bernie, I am not going to lose sleep over it.
But, damn, Jonathan Chait just makes me want to switch sides entirely.
On Sunday night, mere hours before the fourth Democratic debate, Sanders tried to head off Clinton's attacks by releasing his plan. Only what he released isn't a plan. It is, to be generous, a gesture towards a future plan. To be less generous — but perhaps more accurate — this is a document that lets Sanders say he has a plan, but doesn't answer the most important questions about how his plan would work, or what it would mean for most Americans. Sanders is detailed and specific in response to the three main attacks Clinton has launched, but is vague or unrealistic on virtually every other issue. The result is that he answers Clinton's criticisms while raising much more profound questions about his own ideas.