Richard Day's picture

    International Business Machines!

    IBM logo history
    Logo Years

    Original IBM Logo.png 1924–1946
    Older IBM Logo 2.png 1947–1956
    Old IBM Logo.png 1956–1972
    IBM logo.svg 1972–present


    Did you know this computer giant can trace its roots back to the 1880’s?

    I did not.

    There were tabulating machines in those days. Their purpose?

    Stopwatch the workers so that the greedy owners could squeeze all the blood, sweat and tears from its workers down to the last minute.

    Help the corporate accountants keep track of debits and credits.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Middle East Out of the Box: Schrodinger's Cat is Dead

    There is a cat in a box with a flask of poison. The random decay of a radioactive isotope is rigged to shatter the flask and kill the cat. We don't know if the cat is alive or dead.

    According to the well-known quantum paradox of Schrodinger's cat, the cat is neither alive nor dead (or both alive and dead) until someone opens the box to find out, which disrupts the quantum uncertainty and resolves the cat's fate.

    we are stardust's picture

    Visions of Oppenheimer’s Afterlife

                       (by permission of Anthony Freda,


    From this plane in The Afterlife it’s impossible for me to know where my essence hovers; whether it is hell or heaven…or just an in-between place I have created from my imagination.  I sense, more than see the local Universe; the tug of force from black holes almost causes a sensation at the back of my head…or what might have been my head.  The sounds that emanate from stars almost unimaginable distances away resonate inside me, providing diversion at times from the over-arching images that dwell within me like live beings.

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: On Click and Clack, Coulter, The Donald, and the question of Looting

    Normally I'm not that thrilled with loudmouths from New York but with Anthony Weiner I make the grand exception.  When he gives up his Good Fight gig in Congress, he could take over Late Night and give Leno and Letterman big time runs for their money.  Here he defends the already puny government funding of NPR by talking about my favorite Car Talk guys, Click and Clack.

    Richard Day's picture



    I am reviewing a 158 page report on the NOPD. The report was created by the Civil Rights Division of the Federal Justice Department.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Why We Shouldn't Intervene In Libya

    While my wife and I were gallivanting in Barcelona, which is a heck of a town, some pundits here at home and even some world powers, began beating the war drum once again.  To be fair, nobody is calling for an outright invasion of Libya (right?) but they do want the U.S. to impose a no fly zone, to bomb Gadhafi's air defenses and to basically use its might to tip the balance of power in favor of Libya's rebels.


    Newsmax: False Neutrality in Thinly Veiled Attack on Labor and President Obama

    A conservative publication, Newsmax, posted an advertisement on my Facebook page for this thinly veiled "opinion poll" on Scott Walker:

    Donal's picture


    Most news outlets are noticing that higher food prices are accompanying higher fuel prices. CNNMoney uses the i-word:

    Rising wholesale prices ring inflation alarm bells

    MrSmith1's picture

    The Death March of Dimes ...

    John D. Rockefeller, one of the richest men in the history of the world, used to give out dimes to people he would meet.   Many of the recipients cherished their "Rockefeller dimes" and kept them as inspiration (read hope), that the magic of his great wealth would somehow, even in just a small way, be transferred to them.  So much for wishes.

    Today, the super-rich have nearly everything. Their accumulation of wealth boggles the mind.  The richest 400 people in this country have more than the combined assets of over half their fellow countrymen.

    The old line about "The rich get richer ..." has gone from humorous rejoinder to sadly ironic statement to pathetically cruel redundancy.

    So, I believe it's time to respond in the only way the working poor can respond to a situation which is totally out of their control, with defiant sarcasm.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Genghis on the Radio...Again

    Tomorrow, I'll be discussing Blowing Smoke with host Tim Danahey on Castle Rock Radio from 2 to 3pm ET, Wednesday, March 16th.

    Please listen in at

    Also, for those of you who missed my television appearance on C-SPAN last month, you can watch it online at

    Wattree's picture

    Has the GOP Become a Threat to America?

    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree  

    Has the GOP Become a Threat to America?


    The current leadership of the GOP is the most dangerous threat to America in the history of this country. Hyperbole? I wish it were. But the evidence clearly demonstrates that the GOP has mounted a concerted effort to circumvent the American people and install a modern-day feudalism that effectively abolishes the will of the people and their elected officials to allow our cities and states to be run by corporate-like CEOs - and there’s no telling where it will go from there.

    In spite of the GOP claim that they believe in limited government, The Michigan Messenger has reported that newly elected Republican governor, Rick Snyder is poised to sign an emergency management bill that will hand total control of local governments over to "emergency managers" appointed by the government.

    On a Potential Sanders Primary Challenge

    Having made an offhand remark in another thread (indicating that if the Virginia primary were held today and it was Obama and Sanders on the Democratic side, I'd vote for Sanders--still true as of today, BTW) I want to elaborate a bit, partly so as to do what I can to avoid being misunderstood. 
    Two thought experiments. 


    Ramona's picture

    Michigan under threat of Dictatorship. NOW can we panic?

    Friends and neighbors,
    The call has gone out and I'm asking everyone who can to take Wednesday [3/16/11] off and head to the State Capitol in Lansing to protest the cruel and downright frightening legislation currently being jammed down our throats.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    God Smites the Living Hell Out of Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church

    HARRISBURG, Pa — After years of fielding complaints that he had not taken a hard enough stance against Westboro Baptist Church and its hate speech, Almighty God today unleashed what onlookers have described as a “shitload of smiting” against the controversial group that just won a Supreme Court case on free speech.

    Watt Childress's picture

    March Hare meets the Mob

    This post was first published as a column in the Cannon Beach Citizen, in the 1st congressional district of Oregon.

    “We’re all mad here.” -- Lewis Carroll

    Actually, Mr. Carroll didn’t say that. He merely put those words into the mouth of a furry character in one of his children’s books. Surely the man was as sane as the average deacon.

    we are stardust's picture

    Two Indictments of the War on Drugs Targeting Blacks and the Underclass

    Author and producer David Simon created the HBO serial ‘The Wire’ about life in Baltimore that ran from 2002-2008, a total of sixty episodes that many critics claim was the best television series ever aired.  His background was as a journalist covering the police beat of Baltimore, and his reportedly unerring eye looked into the depths of the personal lives of Baltimore’s residents as they interrelated with others and were bumped into the institutions and systems, both official and unofficial, of the city.

    Simon said that the show was …"really about the American city, and about how we live together. It's about how institutions have an effect on individuals. Whether one is a cop, a longshoreman, a drug dealer, a politician, a judge or a lawyer, all are ultimately compromised and must contend with whatever institution they are committed to."


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