William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Winning and losing

    Spc. Jason M. Weaver will not be appearing on the Howard Stern show.

    Insurgents attacked Spc. Jason M. Weaver's unit in the Kandahar province on March 3. An improvised explosive device killed the 22-year-old, who had been deployed for the first time.

    Richard Day's picture



    A volunteer group in San Marcos, Texas has set up scholarships for a group of students they think is underrepresented: white men.

    Barth's picture

    Dangerously Out of Touch

    Go ahead. I dare you. Watch those Sunday talk shows from our nation's capitol and see how much of what passes for political discussion concerns the need for government to cut back on spending. David Gregory will almost certainly ask someone what ideas there are to get "entitlements" "under control".

    Then, even if you have already seen this, listen to what those who study these things say (about halfway into this):

    Donal's picture

    Lion in the Lobby

    Tonight on WEAA FM, the Anthony McCarthy show profusely lauded Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., a civil rights leader who was born 100 years ago. I had never heard of him, but McCarthy and his guest said no one surpassed Mitchell's work for civil rights, and that he was not well known, even among African-Americans, because so much of his contribution was behind closed doors.

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: On Sheen, Cryer, Franco, Oscar, Boehner, and small triumphs where we find them

    Okay, this was the week of Charlie Sheen.  He was all over the place (in more ways than one) and actually set a Guinness World Record  by opening a Twitter account and getting a million followers in 25 hours and 17 minutes.  (Thereby giving some credence to his semi-delusional "Rock Star of the Planet" claim.) 

    Richard Day's picture


    Battle of Gettysburg, by Currier and Ives.png
    American Civil War

    The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Section 1:

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    The U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division has been evaluating the Huntsville, AL school system’s racial integration, and earlier this month released a report that “wasn’t promising.” The DOJ listed “several outstanding desegregation issues that the school district must address,” including “that predominantly black schools have too few advanced courses” and “that black children at predominantly white schools are punished and suspended at alarming rates.”

    But Hugh McInnish, a member of the Madison County Republican Executive Committee who also sits on the state Republican Executive Committee, set out to school the DOJ on the real reason racial disparities exist in Hunstville: “Life is unfair.” In a press conference at his gated community and a letter responding to the DOJ last week, McInnish offered a litany of bizarre “proof” that racial disparity isn’t “manmade,” claiming “blacks misbehave on average more frequently than whites do,” and that black students are unable to perform as well as white students. To McInnish, the only “manmade unfairness here” is that the DOJ wants to “correct a problem that is not of their making”:

    Donal's picture

    Right of Way

    Larger photo here

    Most news outlets carried the story of the car plowing through a Critical Mass bike event in Porto Alegre, Brasil. 15 were injured, eight severely. There are some very graphic videos posted on youtube if you search for Massa Critica Porto Alegre.

    Feds Get Conviction in Oil Finance Scandal

    It's not a conviction of BP, Transocean or Halliburton; none of the companies has even been indicted in the Macondo/Deepwater Horizon oil blowout that killed 11 workers, spilled a gazillion barrels of oil killing untold numbers of marine life and coating miles of coastline with oil and dead animals.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Respect Jon Cryer

    Jon Cryer isn’t all about winning. Jon Cryer is happy with a draw.

    Jon Cryer’s best-known role as an actor was as Ducky. And he’s Ok with that.

    If a neighbor asked Jon Cryer to pick up their mail while they were on vacation, Jon Cryer would do it. Maybe he’d miss a day, but he would never let the mail pile up.

    Ramona's picture

    I am a Democrat, that's who I am

    I am a Democrat, just as I'm a liberal and an American and a Michigander and a woman.  I make no apologies for any of those titles.  They're indelibly, irrefutably, absolutely who I am. 
    Michael Maiello's picture

    Why Jay-Z and Beyonce? Oh, For The Money

    I was really disappointed to see that Beyonce took seven figures to perform for the Gadhafi clan and that she and her husband Jay-Z then partied with the dictator's family after the show.  I wrote about it today for The Daily and pretty much make my case there.

    Donal's picture

    Looking For Trouble

    In Why Your Boss Is Wrong About You, an OpEd for the NY Times takes on the idea that unions discourage exceptional workers. It strikes a few chords with me:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Bill O'Reilly discovers violence - and palm trees - in Wisconsin

    It seems Bill O'Reilly and Fox News have discovered violent protesters in Wisconsin:


    cmaukonen's picture


    For a long time it was wood and coal that provided the energy that was needed to keep one warm, light the world when dark, run the machines and move people from point A to point B.

    Union busting in Idaho.

    Well, like most of the states that posses a Republican governor, Idaho decided this was the year to break our teacher's unions as well. Basically, there are three bills. One strips collective bargaining rights (passed the senate), then there is the, "merit pay" one (also passed the senate). The bill that would have axed over 1000 teachers outright is back to committee. The teachers association page on the saga tells the basic tale.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Get Ready for the Martyrdom of Roger Ailes

    Barry Ritholtz reports that Roger Ailes, the president of Fox News, may soon be indicted on federal charges. Judith Regan has alleged in civil court filings that Ailes pressured her to lie to federal agents who were doing a background check on her ex-boyfriend, Bernard Kerik.

    Donal's picture

    Safe or Free?

    There were two parallel stories recently. In one, Lara Logan was assaulted by a crowd in Cairo.



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