Barth's picture

    Fingers on the Scale

    Nothing in the following post is intended to or can be read to suggest that any political organization or affiliations as exist in the United States of America are offshoots, related to, intentionally emulating or seeking to impose a fascist or communist system in this country. It just seems that way sometimes.


    by trying to face facts.

    This started as a comment elsewhere but I decided to nail it to the church door.

    Of course I don't defend our system, who does? But I plead guilty to being defeatist about changing it. In all sincerity I'll wish good luck to those who try, but from the sidelines.

    Not that I'm always there. I spent an hour yesterday with my state representative and days in November going door to door for another candidate. Despite all the things that are wrong with our system, I believe in try to fix things that I think can be fixed.

    Scott Walker, the Koch Brothers, and the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page as Bull Connor

    There are others here who could write this post a lot better than I could.  If I had the elementary technical skills to do so I'd paste in one of the iconic photographs of African American citizens being "pacified" or whatever Bull Connor thought he was doing with those fire hoses and police dogs.  If I were a cartoonist I'd figure out a way to substitute in for the folks on the receiving end of those assaults on their dignity and humanity any of the many subgroups of middle-class, or once middle-class, and poor fellow citizens who are getting hammered--impersonally, usually, but no less me

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: On Gingrich and Dust Devils and Supply Side Jesus.

    Possible presidential candidate and every parent's nightmare of a potential son-in-law, Newt Gingrich,  revealed on the CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) that we're not the only ones who think he's been a bad boy:  "There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and th
    cmaukonen's picture

    Welcome to the new feudalism

    As we set here bandying about how the Republicans are decimating union and people's rights, how we should or should not support the current administration, hurl righteous brick-bats at the left and evangelical right and other amusing activities - we seem to forget one of the biggest reasons we are at each others throats these days.  That the policies of the last 50 years or so have set this situation up to a tee.

    Ramona's picture

    Michigan is under siege. Is Anybody Watching?

    Right now, [Michigan] Gov. [Rick] Snyder is pushing a bill that would give himself, Gov. Snyder and his administration, the power to declare any town or school district to be in a financial emergency.
    Donal's picture

    Klingons Attack

    One of my pet peeves is people that don't shower before swimming in a public pool. Even in upper class neighborhood clubs and Ys, I always see Type A guys that rush in, yank on their jammers and rush out of the locker room to get a lane in the pool. No one is as clean as they'd like to imagine.

    David Seaton's picture

    Arab Spring is 1989? Whose 1989?

    Barack Obamachev

    In the last decade, America has tried applying our individualistic narrative to the Middle East. Now, as the people in multiple countries there struggle to take greater control for themselves, we want to see our story play out in their efforts, and we worry that it won't.

    Sheena Iyengar - CNN

    Recognize that the last few generations of America's bipartisan leadership have ruined the domestic economy and brought us to war at every turn overseas.  Regarding what is to be done about the Muslim world, we should bend every effort to fix our oil problem and then adopt a non-interventionist foreign policy toward the Muslim world. What we want is Muslims killing Muslims, and Muslims killing Israelis. A pox on both their houses.

    Michael Scheuer - Washington Post

    "The Arab Spring is also a Western Winter." 

    "Do we really want to adopt another Muslim country?"

    Patrick J. Buchanan

    “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal”.

    Henry Kissinger

    Once, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was told that the execrable dictator of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Trujillo, was a S.O.B., he famously replied, "yes, but he is our S.O.B.".

    I wonder if anyone but me has noticed that in the Middle East -- so well stocked with S.O.B.s of every type, size and condition -- it seems that only our S.O.B.s are losing their jobs. Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran are quiet and Qaddafi is showing little sign of going gracefully or even of going at all. No, it is the dictators called -- until the day before yesterday -- "moderates" whose thrones or whatever are seen to be shaky or up for grabs.... as Kissinger said, being an enemy of the USA can be dangerous for sure, but serving America's interests is worth bubkes when push comes to shove.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Parents to fix household budget deficit by cutting child's allowance

    DES MOINES – Having declared that their current budgetary path is “unsustainable,” Bob & Peggy Thompson of Des Moines today announced that they will be cutting the $1-a-week allowance they give to their 5-year-old child, Jessica.

    Richard Day's picture


    File:TaftOfficial Portrait.jpg


        (And body type too!)

    Karl Rove, one of the greatest political minds of our time, had this to say about Sarah Palin, one of the greatest helicopter moose hunters of our time:

    Donal's picture

    Too Big To Save

    On Baseline Scenario, Simon Johnson has posted: Testimony submitted to the Congressional Oversight Panel, “Hearing on the TARP’s Impact on Financial Stability,” Friday, March 4, 2011.

    Donal's picture

    International Women's Day and Mardi Gras

    The Vandellas and Martha

    International Women's Day coincides with Mardi Gras this year.

    Interesting juxtaposition.

    Donal's picture

    Free Transit and Slugging

    In What Does Free Really Cost, I discussed the problems of free parking. A few weeks ago, in Should Transit Be Free?,  Mark Brown, who has been documenting his car-free lifestyle at Car-Free Baltimore, discusses the many advocates of free transit, and summarizes their arguments:

    coatesd's picture

    Turning Down the Radio, Slice by Budgetary Slice

             These are frenzied days in Washington DC. They are also particularly dangerous ones for publicly-supported institutions that Republican politicians happen to dislike. With the threat of a complete government shut-down as their ultimate weapon, House Republicans are entering this year’s budget round with some very clear targets in mind. High on that list of targets is the $445 million federal subsidy to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.  The President’s 2011 budget proposed to increase that subsidy by a meager $6 million.

    Ramona's picture

    Michael Moore and the War of the Classes

    For weeks now, ever since the people took over the State House in Wisconsin, we've been looking for a leader.  We've watched the momentum building, knowing this was our chance and we couldn't let this die.  Each of us in our own way has been spreading the word, supporting labor, doing what we could to build this movement to such a juggernaut nothing would stop it, ever again.

    Wattree's picture

    I Bear Witness

    I Bear Witness
    GotToBeMe's picture

    Cartoon: Watch out Twitter, Here comes Tiger Blood and Adonis DNA

    Cartoon: Watch out Twitter, here comes Tiger Blood and Adonis DNA Copyright 2011 Kaveh Adel

    In 2009, Twitter was revolutionary!  Even in early 2011 it was dictator-toppling.

    This week, thanks to Charlie “Tiger Blood” and “Adonis DNA” Sheen  it has been demoded to a publicity stunt.

    Today, I offer my condolences to the  animal kingdom and Greek mythology!


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