tmccarthy0's picture

    Barney Frank Eviscerates CNS Reporter over Gay Soldiers Showering with Straight Soldiers

    Barney Frank, pretty much owns this dude, but hey, they kept the video up, so there I'll give them a hand for that, although I am pretty sure they think their reporter got the best of Frank. Not realizing, no one gets the best of Barney "arguing with you is like arguing with a table" Frank.

    we are stardust's picture

    FCC Passes Net Neutrality Rules: Plenty to Worry About


    Yesterday the FCC passed new ‘Net Neutrality’ rules along party lines: 3-2.  The full text of the rules haven’t yet been released, but the core proposals have drawn plenty of fire from both sides, and many experts predict different portions will end up in court soon after they take effect at the beginning of next year.

    Donal's picture

    <insert name here>Leaks

    What hath WikiLeaks wrought? Besides all the polarization and controversy - OpenLeaks. In, How OpenLeaks is Likely to Work, the Read Write Web blog doesn't tell us too much, but it doesn't seem like there's much to tell yet:


    I've seen the Trust Fund and it is

    not very impressive.

    Some years ago, probably around the start of W's second term, PBS did a program on his brief campaign to privatize Social Security--just in time for us to have diverted our payroll withholdings into securitized sub primes.

    At one point in the program they tried to make things more visual by showing the Fund. It was easy. It wasn't a room full of gold bars, or thousand dollar bills. Just a couple of filing cabinets about 4 feet by two feet.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Work, You Wretches!

    Meanwhile, back over at TPMCafe, Jon Taplin makes an interesting argument in his post "Merchants Of Fear."  Two, actually.  The first is that some people, especially peddlars of gold and survivalist rations, are purposefully overselling the state of American decline in order to make a buck.  Granted.  But then there's this:


    Obama to propose social security cuts in the SOTU

    according to Robert Kuttner, via destor.

    I'm almost without exception a defender of Obama here.  Not on this one if Kuttner is right.  Not just no but damn no.  In spades.  With bells on.

    Donal's picture

    Today you ... tomorrow me

    I was reading 3 Quarks Daily, then one thing led to another and I found this story on reddit. And it's a great story for so many reasons. The writer was commenting on a thread, Have You Ever Picked Up a Hitchhiker?:

    Nuke-related cables coming out

    The Guardian's feed of diplomatic cables from Wikileaks is just now putting out a cluster of them on nuclear security matters, and they have also published a couple of related articles So far, for me at least, there's some clues why Obama might be so fixated on nuclear regulatory issues. Especially if the PDB is full of this kind of stuff. Some links after the jump.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Assange, Irony and Secrets

    I agree that hearing Julian Assange's lawyers outrage that leaked information pertaining to the rape charges against him should have never been made public is funny.  I also agree with David Seaton that politics is politics and that anything that makes Assange look like a hypocrite is bad news for him.  In the game he's playing image is important.  You can't be for the release of all secrets except for your own.  All absolutists find their petards hoisted sooner

    we are stardust's picture

    How Badly Do We Want Liberal/Progressive Values?

    Some here at Dagblog are big on saying that ‘all of us want the same things’, and sometimes it’s been a little more plaintive than others.  I’ve found myself resisting that in any but the most shallow meaning of the phrase, and over the past few days I’ve been coming closer to why I don’t think that it’s altogether true.

    Hey, we just killed Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Anybody notice?

    This is a great achievement. Where's the applause?  Where's the commendations for Barack and Harry and Nancy?

    We are in full throat here when expressing our disapproval of some Administration fault or failure. And rightly so. But this great victory seems to have been welcomed with a resounding ho hum.

    Is it more fun to punish someone?  To write a stinging post dwelling on Barack's failure(s)?  Or some other targets?

    Barth's picture

    The Road Ahead or Barth Wants to Ruin Family Get Togethers

    There is nobody on "our side" of the political gulf who did not cheer, feel vindicated, or thought of the many people in their lives who just have to read the University of Maryland study of the misinformed viewers of what is laughingly called "Fox News." When we calm down a bit, it might occur to contemplate that a) what is being done is a deliberate political strategy and b) is working.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    The Season For A Purge?

    As a lead up to my next blog which explains why I accept that I am defeatist liberal, I offer today’s blog by Charles Blow in the NY Times:  Whose Party Is It?  He begins:

    The near-apoplectic level of agita within the liberal screeching class over President Obama’s tax-cut compromise has exposed a seismic crack in the Democratic monolith — outspoken liberal Democrats on one side and barely audible moderate Democrats on the other.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Jews for Christmas

    I'm not a Christian, but like many Jews, I've envied Christmas since childhood. I like the twinkly lights, pink-cheeked carolers, heartwarming television specials, and exuberantly ho-ho-ho-ing Santa Clauses ... pretty much everything except the endless renditions of "Jingle Bells" warbling from every audio speaker in the country.

    Most of all, I love the spirit of good will associated with Christmas -- smiles from strangers, charitable giving and other acts of kindness. We Jews have a holiday called Purim for spreading joy and charity, but Purim also involves raucously cheering the murder of 75,000 Persians, which is somewhat low on the good will meter.

    In recent years, however, I've been dismayed that the Christmas spirit I admire has come under attack. Angry people have been exploiting the holiday as an opportunity to vilify their opponents. Vilifying opponents is also low on the good will meter, albeit not as low as murdering Persians.

    Read the full story at

    Donal's picture

    Embedding Youtube

    A few of you have had trouble embedding youtube. Like some of you, I first tried to use the embed code from youtube. It didn't work for me, either. But I noticed that in the composing menu bar, to the far right is an icon (Insert/edit embedded media) that looks like two frames of film. Single-clicking that icon brings up a window. The first line in that window defaults to Type: Flash. Flash is right for youtube.



    "Make em beg for more, and then don't give it to them": Mama Rose's advice to Louise.

    You can uh, you can uh, you can uh...uh...uh

    I have been uh uh uh frustrated with the messaging from Obama, let alone what he is actually doing as President. While the Republicans have the single message of "cut taxes" Obama seems to be all over the lot in his effort to be bipartisan. Progressives are baffled and/or angry. What does the President stand for?

    Donal's picture

    Any shooting you can walk away from ...

    Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing. They say that because flying always involves risk.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The War on Christian Virtues

    Apparently, the dreaded "War on Christmas" now extends to having to work between the Christmas and New Year's holidays, at least if the taxpayers pay your salary and your job title is "Senator." According to Senator Jon Kyl, having work the week after the Christmas holiday would be "disrespectful" to Christians. Senator Jim DeMint called working the week before Christmas "sacrilegious." That's right.


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