Donal's picture

    A Less Obtrusive Wind Device


    This video Resistance linked to is also interesting - recovering oil from plastic. Again, you have to evaluate whether he is spending more energy melting the oil than he is getting back, but it sounds good.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Noted William K. Wolfrum blog source Tim Johnson missing

    Tim Johnson and the bear

    TUPELO, MISS — Tim Johnson – a vital source to journalist and blogger William K. Wolfrum – has been declared missing after disappearing a week ago following a camping excursion. Johnson, 43, was last seen doing arm curls with a baby bear last Friday. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

    Johnson has been a featured source in numerous blog posts by Wolfrum, including:


    Geithner's latest FSOC report attempts to buttress JPMorgan but unwittingly provides Progressives a road map to real reform.

    Simon Johnson made mince meat of Geithner's latest report which blatently attempts to enable the, imo, Daley-Dimon plan to expand JPM.

    But thanks to Geithner, the report is the perfect bogey for Progressive bank reformers to dissect for years to come. In other words if this is the best they can do in defense of the status quo, it's a rich target.

    Ramona's picture

    Honoring Boundless Hearts

    Sarge was an idealist, a man of boundless heart, and a hard-headed businessman who from the ground up built a government program—and he was never afraid to call it just that because he disdained anti-government stereotypes—that has become an enduring force for American purpose and compassion, vastly popular at home and around the globe.
    cmaukonen's picture

    Little Republics - Why local is generally better

    I am what one would call a liberal-libertarian. At least that's what the political compass says. I tend to be socially conservative and economically very left of center. I don't like the terms progressive or liberal since their means are too open to interpretation.  I do favor more local control and implementation of various social and economic programs, and this piece by Sam Smith sums up my thoughts on this quite well. here are a few excerpts from it, with my thoughts as well.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Home Economics With Destor

    So I got paid on the 15th and something bugged me about the number I took home.  It was lower than it was in December and yet it shouldn't have been.  This pay cycle was the first one where I benefitted from the 2% payroll tax holiday, something I believe I touted here before when Obama agreed to it.

    David Seaton's picture

    Freedom in America: as plain as the nose on your face

    The most obvious things are often the hardest to see: for example, without a mirror it is impossible to see the nose on your face... unless of course you suffer from severe concomitant esotropia, in which case you hardly see anything else but the nose on your face.  Much of American political discourse is victim to both mirrorlessness and mental esotropia.
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Pope John Paul II's final miracle - making child molestation seem like no big deal

    VATICAN - Pope John Paul II will be beatified on May 1, after Vatican officials judged that the deceased pontiff's ability to make child molestation and sexual abuse charges seem like no big deal was officially a miracle.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Answering the Stupidest Questions: Do Dead Cows Mean Biblical Prophecy is coming true?

    Hello everyone, and welcome to today’s episode of “Answering the Stupidest Questions.”


    Today, Time Magazines dares to ask the question ringing in hardly anyone’s mind: “Does the Death of 200 Cows in Wisconsin Confirm Biblical Prophecy?”

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Happy Gulf War Day

    Maybe that's a flip way to say it, but the one thing I remember most about the first Gulf War was all of the hyperbole around it.  Saddam Hussein was Hitler.  Kuwait was Poland.  If we didn't stop him then, we'd never be able to stop him as he rampaged throughout the region, taking over Saudi Arabia and Iran in the process.  Saddam Hussein had, we were told again and again, the fourth largest army in the world.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Martin Luther King's Civility

    We've been talking a lot lately about civility, for obvious and painful reasons. And our public conversation on that topic tends to go astray pretty quickly, because we don't all mean the same thing when we say "civility," and often aren't even sure what we mean by the word ourselves.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The Love of a Dog in Brazil

    caramelo- a dog's love

    A story of a dog’s dedication to its family, following their deaths last week in Brazil. Translated from

    The former street-dog Caramelo helped rescue the bodies of its owners, whose were killed during last week’s rains, then did not want to leave the makeshift grave of his owner.

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Cartoon: The Thinker and the Choices

    Crude as it may be, best thoughts come to us in unlikely places.

    Alas, the choices are not as easy to come by.

    The Thinker must be creative with his choices.

    Crossposted at

     Artwork 2011©

    Social Learning in a National Tragedy.

    In my postEmpathy in Politics” (November 5, 2010), I reiterated the lack of empathy that others had noted in the President: “Empathy . . .

    Ramona's picture

    Why aren't these two women in jail?

    In a righteous world, someone in control would watch this video and then use it as evidence in a courtroom.  Instead, because the victim is a child and the perpetrator is her mother and they're participants in a reality show, it is aired as a part of a segment and nothing happens.

    Donal's picture

    Foodflation, Food Insecurity and Civil Unrest

    My wife and I noticed several months ago that the food we chose to buy was getting much more expensive. I was probably more inspired by Michael Pollan and she by Mehmet Oz, but years ago we agreed that we would cut out the hydrogenated stuff and the high fructose stuff and the high sodium stuff.



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