Several days ago I received a bad report on the cottages I built last summer on country property.  Seems that not enough care was taken to insulate the pipes from the deep freeze that has engulfed the Great Plains. The pipes froze and burst. Now as the frozen pipes thaw out water is leaking everywhere and is not reaching, for example, the commodes--which is probably a good thing because the commodes are cracked.

    SleepinJeezus's picture

    American Strategists would have us inherit the winds that blow in Cairo

    I haven't seen any TV in a week, and have kept up with developments in Cairo via newspaper headlines and newscasts. Admittedly, this presented for me a "story among other news stories" kind of perspective on the matter.

    Ramona's picture

    Friday Follies: Miley's tattoos, Limbaugh's NYT joke, and other "news"

    I've been thinking for a while now of launching a new feature called "Friday Follies", where I would post each Friday some silly moments of the week past. Just some nonsense to pass the time.  Nothing earth-shaking, just a little fun.

    So this morning, when I opened My Google and grabbed a look at the top CNN headline, I decided I shouldn't wait any longer.  Today was the day "Friday Follies" would begin:
    Donal's picture

    What does it mean when you don't find something to eat?

    I tuned into The Takeaway at 7:10, while waiting for the bus. The topic was food inflation, and the hook was whether common American breakfast foods would be luxuries in a few years. Coffee, orange juice, grains, sugar all have risen sharply. An analyst from the NY Times, Louise Story, noted that common measures of inflation exclude food and energy, which amused the radio hosts, but said that was something economists debate a lot. She discussed whether Bernanke's Quantitative Easing 2 was to blame for rising food prices, thus for the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and unrest throughout the Arab world. Bernanke denies that, claiming that a weaker dollar means a stronger Egyptian currency for buying food. Story blames, "a little bit global warming, a little bit economic recovery, a little bit politics." 

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    GOP cancels Black History Month party, slices $372.68 off budget

    WASHINGTON – After making campaign promises that they’d cut as much as $150 billion from the U.S. budget, Congressional Republicans could only come up with $32 billion in savings for the remainder of fiscal 2011, a move likely to anger their Tea Party base. However, deficit-hawk Paul Ryan, the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, insisted their work is not yet done.

    “We’re just getting started,” Tweeted Ryan.

    Donal's picture

    Fill Yore Hands, Egyptians

    During the video and reporting from Cairo last night, I heard automatic gunfire. MSNBC said it was just the army keeping order because neither protesters nor thugs were likely to have firearms. It occurred to me that it could have been very different if they had our gun culture. Not surprisingly, numerous bloggers had the same idea, and they show the usual divide:

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    BREAKING: "Liberal" Blogger Joins Dark Side

    Friends, we have been betrayed. A blogger whom you have long trusted to deliver information untainted by the slightest hint of conservative doctrine, a liberal's liberal, a progressive's progressive, a man so far to the left that he has been compared to Mao Tze-tung, Che Guevara, and Susan Sarandon, is working for the king of right-wing propaganda: Rupert Murdoch.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    GOP to introduce “Nose-Cutting-Off” bill

    WASHINGTON – Having returned to prominence with a campaign dedicated to promoting job creation and cutting spending, Congressional Republicans have made repealing Health Care Reform and redefining the word “rape” their two most pressing issues since taking control of the House.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Staying Allied with Democracies

    There's an old chestnut that says that two democracies have never gone to war. It's not quite true, or only true if you aggressively redefine "democracy" until you've fallen into the "no-true-Scotsman" fallacy. ("No true democracy ever goes to war with another ...." ) But it is an instructive half-truth: functional democracies very rarely go to war with one another.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Snappy Gorebacks To Stupid Questions

    Then Why Is It Snowing, Mr. Gore?

    The former Vice-President and climate change activist offers a number of responses to this most pressing question.

    By your reckoning, the Earth is 6,000 years old.  Give it time.

    Because you keep voting for people who make sure that you can’t afford to retire some place tropical.

    It snows on the righteous and the just and, well… you. 

    It’s not snow, it’s angel kisses. Feel better now?

    The Ski Resort Industrial Complex.


    cmaukonen's picture

    Why Egypt Matters - An Historical perspective.

    We - and by we I mean the Western world and most especially the USA - have a nasty habit of forgetting some of the past history that makes us uncomfortable. This is especially true when it comes to the Middle East. The current situation in Egypt can trace its roots back to just after WWII.

    David Seaton's picture

    How do you say, "Tienanmen" in Arabic?

    Bring on the goons

    Omar Suleiman (Arabic: عمر سليمان‎; born July 2, 1936) is an Egyptian politician and military figure who was appointed Vice President of Egypt on January 29, 2011. Previously, he was Minister without Portfolio and Director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate (EGID), the national intelligence agency, from 1993 to 2011. In his role as Director of EGID, the British Daily Telegraph dubbed him as "one of the world's most powerful spy chiefs". Foreign Policy magazine ranked him the Middle East's most powerful intelligence chief, ahead of Mossad chief Meir Dagan.


    Dr. Marouf Suleiman al-Bakhit (Arabic: معروف البخيت‎, born 1947) is the current Prime Minister of Jordan. He first served as Prime Minister from November 27, 2005 until November 25, 2007. He was previously the Jordanian ambassador to Israel and the national security chief. Appointed as Prime Minister by King Abdullah II less than three weeks after the 2005 Amman bombings, Bakhit's main priorities were to maintain security and stability in Jordan. He was reappointed as Prime Minister by the King on February 1, 2011, following weeks of protests.

    When an opaque "security state" (name for military and police backed oligarchy) is falling apart, it is much more important to observe what people do, than what they say.  Only a fly on the wall would really know what is happening inside the regime... quick bring me a fly on the wall! In  a military dictatorship even the flies, especially  the flies work for the regime.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Mitt Romney is the new Ronald Reagan – he died 7 years ago

    In the upcoming weeks and months, we’ll all be introduced to the new Mitt Romney. Or, perhaps the new new Mitt Romney. Or even the new new new Mitt Romney. All that matters is that whatever happened in the past, Romney is totally a serious strict Constitionalist hyper-conservative now and he won’t be changing until the wind changes direction.

    The Decider's picture

    Barbara Bush endorses gay marriage--and I agree with her!

    My daughter Barbara Bush, offered her endorsement of gay marriage in an interview. While my knee jerk reaction is to oppose it, I think I am beginning to understand her position. I mean, we want gays to change their sinful ways and how better to do that than getting married? The wife will be watching Mr. gay to see that he avoids hanky-panky and, in the meantime, he'll be developing the habit of living the straight life.

    acanuck's picture

    Tone-deaf: With every speech, Mubarak pisses more people off

    Hosni Mubarak had reportedly been preparing today's "concession" announcement for days. Man, does he need some new speechwriters! After the briefest nod to "the legitimate worries" of young Egyptians, he basically slammed the ongoing protests as the work of political agitators. Not a good start toward calming the waters and creating dialogue.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Federal Judge Rules Capitalism Unconstitutional

    AMERICA – A Federal Court in Florida has struck down Capitalism, ruling that the requirement for individuals to live under any type of economic system is unconstitutional.

    Watt Childress's picture

    Welcome to the Garden Party

    "Sir, are you a singer-songwriter?''

    The question came from a Greeneville High School senior who shall remain anonymous because I don't want to embarrass him. We were at a play-group reunion. Last time I saw him, 12 years ago, he was sporting a Batman cape.

    "Now think about it,'' I replied, "if I really looked like a singer-songwriter, would you call me 'sir'?''

    Batman didn't miss a beat. "Well, maybe if you were knighted, like Elton John.''

    Richard Day's picture


    An early Baroque artist's rendition of Claudius Ptolemaeus.



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