"As long as the mind keeps silent in the motionless world of its hopes, everything is reflected and arranged in the unity of its nostalgia. But with its first move, the world cracks and tumbles: an infinite number of shimmering fragments is offered to its understanding." - Albert Camus
The campaign season is now in full swing as the Republicans seek to find the man who will challenge Obama, and then things will really heat up on the blogosphere. This brings to mind a general topic of interest: discussing how we discuss things. A particular incident on a recent thread when admonished advice of KISS: Keep it Simple, Stupid.
This general rule of thumb can serve one well. Some of us do have the tendency to complicate matters more than they need be. Keeping things simple can be a more effective means to a successful outcome, no less true when we get enmeshed in political discussions. Yet...if we are to actually have productive and meaningful political discussions in the coming year, we would also benefit from heeding the principle of KICS, or Keep it Complex, Sillyhead.