The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Tommy Holmes's picture

    Real Intent

        I sure you've heard of the U.N.'s vote on possible engagement in the Libyan Civil War. As you know the vote is happening as I type. I'm also sure you know the reasoning behind this action. It of course has very little to do with just Libya; this is the beginning of the quest for Africa and all her wealth.

    cmaukonen's picture

    What's new ?

    I'm more than a bit of old fogy I guess and more than a bit of a curmudgeon as well, But I do remember when things were quite different than now. Some very disturbing changes have taken place and Sam Smith lists them here.


    My head tells me that a war is a war is a war and that the right policy is not to start one.But I know I want to draw a line and prevent the blood bath I fear would result if Quaddafi's troops occupied Benghazi.

    Got to go and see what Juan Cole thinks.


    cmaukonen's picture

    Frontier House

    When I read this about Republican Congressman Roscoe Bartlett saying that people should leave the cities and move out to the country because -

    cmaukonen's picture

    Best video of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

    "The Warp Drive is nothing but a useless pile of junk" - Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery Scott

    Richard Day's picture



    I am reviewing a 158 page report on the NOPD. The report was created by the Civil Rights Division of the Federal Justice Department.

    The Decider's picture

    Problem Solved

    I have found a win/win way out of this Japanese nucular problem.  Let's just give Mexico to the Japanese while their island is cooling down. The Mexicans can sure use the jobs--besides, most of them are up here anyway.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Electricity - nuclear and otherwise

    Electricity. We currently have three main methods of generating it. Through a chemical reaction with two dissimilar metals. Through mechanical means by spinning a coil of wire in a fixed magnetic field. And by photovoltaic action on some silicon substrate.  All three are as old as the hills.  Yes even the solar cell has a long history.

    Newsmax: False Neutrality in Thinly Veiled Attack on Labor and President Obama

    A conservative publication, Newsmax, posted an advertisement on my Facebook page for this thinly veiled "opinion poll" on Scott Walker:

    jollyroger's picture

    There's no sunshine now he's gone....

    I am surely not the only dagger who owes his soul to the late. deeply lamented, Augustus Owsley Stanley III.  If you loved the orange sunshine, if you bathed in purple haze, if you remember blue cheer, pause and grieve.

    Simply the finest. acid. ever.

    Taken from us by an auto accident (people don't kill people, cars kill people) at the age of 76, in the cultural history of the last century he will surely have his own full chapter.

    MrSmith1's picture

    The Death March of Dimes ...

    John D. Rockefeller, one of the richest men in the history of the world, used to give out dimes to people he would meet.   Many of the recipients cherished their "Rockefeller dimes" and kept them as inspiration (read hope), that the magic of his great wealth would somehow, even in just a small way, be transferred to them.  So much for wishes.

    Today, the super-rich have nearly everything. Their accumulation of wealth boggles the mind.  The richest 400 people in this country have more than the combined assets of over half their fellow countrymen.

    The old line about "The rich get richer ..." has gone from humorous rejoinder to sadly ironic statement to pathetically cruel redundancy.

    So, I believe it's time to respond in the only way the working poor can respond to a situation which is totally out of their control, with defiant sarcasm.

    Richard Day's picture


    Pete Seeger
                                MY FAVORITE COMMIE!!!


    "TALK DOESN'T PAY. . ."

    cross posted from Dennie's Blog


    So rang out a headline on the front page of the New York Times, followed by a full page story. What was talk? And why didn't it pay? As it unfolded, the exposé concerned the shift from what we once knew as psychotherapy—"talking therapy"—to medications. 

    On a Potential Sanders Primary Challenge

    Having made an offhand remark in another thread (indicating that if the Virginia primary were held today and it was Obama and Sanders on the Democratic side, I'd vote for Sanders--still true as of today, BTW) I want to elaborate a bit, partly so as to do what I can to avoid being misunderstood. 
    Two thought experiments. 


    cmaukonen's picture

    Japan earthquake: Impact on US nuclear energy future?

    This piece on the BBC website kind of says it all.

    John Rowe, the CEO of America's largest nuclear producer Exelon, has said his firm is reluctant to invest in new nuclear plants because they are increasingly cost prohibitive when compared to natural gas, which is relatively cheap.

    "The nuclear industry was in trouble in the US long before last week's earthquake and tsunami," said Ellen Vancko of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Japan Earthquake - Must follow Twitter users.

    Here is a list of must follow twitter users provided by the UN.

    In response Google has created an information page on the earthquake and an tool to help find missed persons. Below are a list of Twitterers who have been reporting on the disaster.

    Watt Childress's picture

    March Hare meets the Mob

    This post was first published as a column in the Cannon Beach Citizen, in the 1st congressional district of Oregon.

    “We’re all mad here.” -- Lewis Carroll

    Actually, Mr. Carroll didn’t say that. He merely put those words into the mouth of a furry character in one of his children’s books. Surely the man was as sane as the average deacon.

    we are stardust's picture

    Two Indictments of the War on Drugs Targeting Blacks and the Underclass

    Author and producer David Simon created the HBO serial ‘The Wire’ about life in Baltimore that ran from 2002-2008, a total of sixty episodes that many critics claim was the best television series ever aired.  His background was as a journalist covering the police beat of Baltimore, and his reportedly unerring eye looked into the depths of the personal lives of Baltimore’s residents as they interrelated with others and were bumped into the institutions and systems, both official and unofficial, of the city.

    Simon said that the show was …"really about the American city, and about how we live together. It's about how institutions have an effect on individuals. Whether one is a cop, a longshoreman, a drug dealer, a politician, a judge or a lawyer, all are ultimately compromised and must contend with whatever institution they are committed to."

    There otta be a law

    Gillian Tett in today’s FT

    Why have so few bankers gone to jail in the wake of the financial crisis…Why….  Bernard Madoff (is) now sitting in jail, while all those faceless people who conjured up subprime loans or dodgy .collateralized debt obligations are not?

    ……To be sure the financial industry is dangerously powerful; and some bankers have behaved in ways that were immoral. But whether (they) have actually broken the law is less clear cut.

    Barth's picture

    Fingers on the Scale

    Nothing in the following post is intended to or can be read to suggest that any political organization or affiliations as exist in the United States of America are offshoots, related to, intentionally emulating or seeking to impose a fascist or communist system in this country. It just seems that way sometimes.


    by trying to face facts.

    This started as a comment elsewhere but I decided to nail it to the church door.

    Of course I don't defend our system, who does? But I plead guilty to being defeatist about changing it. In all sincerity I'll wish good luck to those who try, but from the sidelines.

    Not that I'm always there. I spent an hour yesterday with my state representative and days in November going door to door for another candidate. Despite all the things that are wrong with our system, I believe in try to fix things that I think can be fixed.

    Maybe I'm Amazed

    Maybe I'm amazed.

    Or maybe I'm just a barfly who is waiting for closing time...but without the hair commercials first..LOL.

    I grew up in NY and I grew up with music.  And music will always be what touches me first and what I reach out with to others.

    Billy Joel, for instance, he used to touch my soul.  After years of seeing him almost get away with murder because LI loves him so much, I no longer really give a damn.

    tmccarthy0's picture


    I know my many fans who follow me here at Dag, realize I am the greatest living democrat. That is why there is so much love for me here. Well to make you all more jealous I attended the Emerald City Comicon March 4 - 6, with all the other greatest living democrats and comic book hero's and lovers. As a group we are fun, and we consider ourselves the greatest living Democrats of all time. As evidenced by this book I purchased while at Comicon.
