The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    FHFA will sue Bank of America and other banks

    It is being reported that the Fannie and Freddie conservator known as FHFA will sue B of A and about 10 other banks for losses stemming from improper origination and servicing of loans. Goldman, JPM, Deutshe Bank and others are expected to be included. The FHFA has a deadline of next Tuesday to file the suits. The deadline is a statute of limitations provision in the formation of FHFA itself on Sept 7, 2008. FHFA was given six years to bring actions under Contract law and three years for tort claims.

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Political Cartoon: “Getting Out of a Date Excuses”


    ..........There is no solution or resolution when both parties have excuses to get out of a Date with the future of their country.

    jollyroger's picture

    Obama "Agonistes"--shoo-in for the 2011 Fortney

    Update in bold

    The last vestige of self respect has been stripped.  This guy is hapless and hopeless.  I pray that he is being blackmailed, because otherwise he is the worst kind of punk. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

    FDIC files objection to B of A $8B settlement.

    There is a tangled web of litigation against B of A/Countrywide which preceded the FDIC's decision to intervene in a $8.5B settlement between B of A and a group of 22 "investors" in MBS's securitized by Countrywide.

    In February a group of investors (known as Walnut Place) in Countrywide MBSs (three MBS trusts) filed an action against BNY Mellon - who is the Trustee. The action is meant to force the Trustee to sue Countrywide to take back the non performing MBS's. The case was assigned to Judge Kapnick in the New York Supreme Court.

    On June 29, an $8.5B Settlement between B of A /CW and 22 large investors, engineered by BNY Mellon, was announced; simultaneously BNY Mellon filed a petition with the NYSSC to approve the settlement. The 22 investors represent less than 51% of all the investors in the subject 530 trusts. The  petition was filed under Article 77 for the purpose of trying to make the settlement binding on all the investors in a total of 530 trusts, including those in the 3 trusts at issue in the  Walnut Place filing. BNYM requested Judge Kapnick to be assigned, under the premise that Walnut Place's prior filing re three trusts would be adjudicated under the overall $8.5B settlement for all 530 trusts.

    Richard Day's picture



    File:Justso elephantchild.jpg



    I feel that my purpose in life is to state the obvious which explains why I am not a current member of the NYT editorial opinion staff.


    coatesd's picture


    Labor Day looms, and with it the official end of summer.[1] Labor Day – the day we celebrate the strength and importance of American labor. But in truth, on this Labor Day what will there be to celebrate – certainly not the strength and importance of American labor.

    Things, after all, are not good for labor in America these days.

    Alan Krueger Appointment: It's about the public spectacle, stupid!

    A few minutes ago Fox News announced an on-line survey: "Will the appointment of Alan Krueger make any difference at all?--the words in italics delivered by the blonde dim witted woman in the smarmy, sarcasm-dripping-monotone voice typical of Fox News.

    Here is my response to Fox News. YES. But not for the reasons you think.

    MrSmith1's picture

    Swimming across the Mediterranean Sea ...

    I have written before about Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), the chronic, degenerative inflammatory arthritic disease which I was diagnosed as having back in 1985.  According to new figures from the CDC, there are as many as 1.4 million people with AS in North America, and possibly as many as 2.4 million. AS affects more people than Multiple Sclerosis, Cystic Fibrosis and Lou Gehrig's disease combined.  According to the new CDC figures, it also now affects more people than are affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    AS is a devastating, often painful and debilitating disease which can fuse the neck and spine and cause a variety of other problems.  My neck and spine have been totally fused since 1989.

    Beetlejuice's picture

    Arab Spring => Caveat Emptor

    Here's an interesting read on the NYTimes web-page ...


    If the Arab Spring Turns Ugly


    Red Planet's picture

    Don't Rebuild NYC: The case against rebuilding the soon-to-be flooded city of New York

    Adapted (with intentional and extensive plagiarism) from "Don't Refloat, the case against rebuilding the sunken city of New Orleans," a Sept. 7, 2005, article in Slate by Jack Shafer

    [Note: Do not read if you are offended by satire in the face of human adversity.]

    jollyroger's picture

    Wisconsin Judge cops to battery granted temporary insanity pass.(update) Prosser:" My shit don't stink"

    William ("I don't need no stinkin' recusal") Prosser, who squeaked back into the Wisconsin Supreme Court in his recent election contest, has been granted a "pass" based, I suppose, upon the awesome discretion that our system grants to the prosecuting attorney in any criminal investigation.

    Basically presenting a defense that should properly be the subject of jury deliberation, Prosser confessed to committing a non-consensual touching (the crime of battery) on  Ann Walsh Bradley, a fellow Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice.

    Earthquake - A Warning to Republicans?

    Pat Robertson speaking today:

    ".... it seems to me the Washington Monument is a symbol of America's power, it has been the symbol of our great nation, we look at that monument and say this is one nation under God," he continued. "Now there's a crack in it, there's a crack in it and it's closed up. Is that a sign from the Lord? Is that something that has significance or is it just result of an earthquake? You judge, but I just want to bring that to your attention.."

    I agree, there may be clear evidence of a sign from above.

    Buffet and the Bank of America Conundrum.

    Buffet is swimming in more Bank of America cross currents than an ocean salmon fighting his way up the Rogue River to spawn.

    Buffet's announcement today of a $5B investment in preferred shares of BOA is a monumental event in a raucous day on the stock market. Despite the gyrations today, partly on European news and party positioning for Bernanke's speech tomorrow, Buffet's actions should have near term favorable implications for BOA, bank stocks in general, the stock market in general, and as all boats are lifted and affluent consumers step up to the Christmas season, the re-election of Obama--and the pressures on Ben Bernanke.

    The Liberal Mob's picture

    In Memory of Jack Layton

    Jack Layton, 1950-2011.

    Jack Layton was only a man.  That is clear.  But he was a very rare sort of man, and a very rare sort of politician.  He was sincere in a way that few in his profession ever are.  He was optimistic and forward-looking.  He was a man who garnered the respect of his political opponents in a way that would be nearly unfathomable in America.  (Indeed, it was nearly unfathomable in Canada.)

    But sadly, he was indeed only a man.  Mortal.  His death on Monday may not have been a shock in light of his long-running battle with cancer, but it was depressing nonetheless.  And now we are left to reflect on what is missing from the world as a result.

    jollyroger's picture

    Underwater mortgages (1 in 4). How deep underwater? We're talkin' Marianas Trench

    We have become more or less inured to the horrific statistics that comprise the foreclosure meltdown follies.  One mortgage in four underwater, no equity left for the homeowner as far as the eye can see, vast swaths of Detroit given up for dead, etc.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    Reinventing the (Discourse) Wheel

    As I read the comments over the blogosphere regarding the unfolding events in Libya and the US involvement in those events, as well as the Republican chase for the nomination, I am reminded that in spite of the advantages of the web, we are still reinventing the wheel just about every time we blog.

    republicans proffer a secular governor from New York State

    I use the word "secular" to differentiate between Christian Theocracy candidates such as Rick Perry and candidates who do not carry the cross of Jesus Christ around with them on the campaign trail.(I mean a very very large cross, the kind you need a bus to carry) 

    And I mean Thomas E. Dewey, not George Pataki. But Pataki is going to Iowa and may be called to Christ in a corn field--which may erase even the faintest resemblance to Dewey.

    Juan Cole taking a victory lap

    Here's Juan Cole's summary of why he thought in March we/Obama were right to support the Libyan rebels.

    And still does.

    The Liberal Mob's picture

    I Don't Want Uncle Sam To Be My Best Man

    As the token black guy at of The Liberal Mob blog, I have been informed by my cohorts that it is my responsibility to conform to their pre-disposed stereotypes and be against all things “gay", including same-sex marriage. However, being the token gay guy of this blog I am also required to be pro gay rights. But I think I have found a way to split the difference. Please feel free to leave a comment telling me if you think I have failed to live up to either of these stereotypical roles that have been laid out for me. Worst case scenario: Even If I fail I will still be a gay black guy which increases the chances I will get a scholarship for graduate school, right? If only I were an impoverished, blind, Jewish, Native American, lesbian in a wheelchair with a learning disability. The scholarship money would be rolling right on in! But alas, nobody is perfect.

    DISCLAIMER: If you are either easily offended by political incorrectness or do not have a sense of humor you should not have read that introduction.

    Libya - Was Obama Right?

    Following are excerpts from Dagbloggers on the Libya intervention from March through 1 June. Who got it right? Who got it wrong? What do the naysayers of a few months ago say now?
