by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
A delightful bit of instant karma has been visited upon the "ideas-for-sale" cohort of thinking humans (to which category of the population Deadbeat Don has been obliged to outsource his forebrain functions), viz.
As if they ought by now not know better, they agreed on the basis of verbal contracts made with Trump's agents (in the legal sense..) at the very highest level, to work up foreign policy briefings in prep for the (now immanent) debates.
Not unlike your teenage son who now really doesn't want those $500 sneakers he wore twice, Trump doesn't want to pay for his spur of the moment purchase.
Who could predict that he wouldn't sit still for more than a 10 minute briefing? (well, anyone who has heard his ghostwriter talk shit lately).
So now, there's another category of sympathetic laborer, deprived of his hire.
Along with the piano guy who took a quarter million dollar hit off the taj mahal, the angels will cry for revenge to heaven for the foreign policy staff who were robbed of their wages.
The Donald seems to be infected by the same hypercarotenemia that effects John Boehner. Donald is orange expect for a wide space around his eyes that is an odd mixture of pink and blue.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 7:54am
It happens.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 8:13am
The Donald loves black people so much that he spends time in the tanning booth trying to darken his skin.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 9:21am
The Donald loves the blacks so much that he spends time in the tanning booth trying to darken his skin.
Fixed it for ya!
by CVille Dem on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 10:48am
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 11:15am
Jolly, if you are going to traffic in this petty Clintonite spin you could at least use accurate figures. The piano guy was paid 70% of his $100,000 bill and lost his profit on the deal but was given a choice of that payment or being embroiled in the coming bankruptcy, he wisely took this early warning and accepted the offer.
Trump has learned the hard way that whenever he lets these policy wonks and handlers get between him and the public he looses support so these unnamed whiners claiming they are owed money is just sour grapes.
by Peter (not verified) on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 1:01pm
The 'coming' bankruptcy was over 10 years after the piano job was done. Meanwhile Trump conned investors of hundreds of millions to bail out other failing Trump enterprises while also lining his pockets with tens of millions, and flying around in his casino funded private jet.
by NCD on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 2:34pm
Peter, Donald Trump is s racist who came on the scene because he was head-birther-in-chief. Obama had to produce his full form birth certificate. As you are having your fun, are you at all appalled by the person you are defending?
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 9:06pm
RM, even you must realize that the Clintons have shown themselves to be the More Effective Racist even though they couch most of their proclamations as PC Newspeak. Trump would have to work at his racism overtime for years to even approach the level of racist effectiveness the Clintons have achieved with locking up those young Black predators and incinerating Brown people in the MENA.
We'll have to wait to see what the Red Queen will have in store for her minority subjects who if they are lucky and behave themselves will just be ignored and occasionally executed in the streets much as they have been for the last eight years under Obama.
by Peter (not verified) on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 3:27pm
As has been stated often enough for even you to grasp, Peter, most of the incarceration in the 90's took place at state level, out of the hands of the Red Queen and her Redneck King. And at the federal level this was done largely with input and coordination with black leaders.
As for Brown people in MENA, the Redneck King unlike the 2 Bushmen presidents managed to do overflights and containment for his 8 years in office, avoiding invading any of those MENA countries and only marginally using firepower against them (1 strike on Sudan, 1 on Iraq). For this, Gore was tarred by the intolerant far left as "just like (W) Bush", and through their peevishness helped elect George, who showed just how unlike Bill & Al he actually was, but rather than acknowledge their fucktardishness, the left has managed an amazing sleight of hand by blaming the war in Iraq not on George, but on Junior opposition Senator Hillary. How fucking stupid can this get? Plenty - they've managed to keep up this lunacy for 14 years now, and show no signs of stopping.
And no, the far left can't count. As much as I dislike the chaos in Libya, there have been fewer than 10,000 violent deaths there. To contrast, there were over 5 million violent or starvation deaths in the Congo around 1998-2003 (along with the famed rape militias); over 2 million killed in the 2nd Sudanese Civil War; and about 600,000 killed in Rwanda. Certainly the Clintons are very poor by any standards in killing dark skin people by these measures, but Peter won't get off his high horse long enough to find epithets for the folks who are responsible - he'd rather drone on about his favorite pariah, however distant she may be from the current activities.
Indeed, Peter would support Trump, who managed to make a blackened shell out of Chechnya (yes, those are brown-skinned people there, but the colonialist Moscow government didn't much care), and Putin's stood by Assad in helping him kill brown Kurds under the guise of fighting ISIS, and Assad's done pretty well at killing his own people, much like his more effective hard-ass father was in atrocities.
BTW, here's Hillary's full speech in 2002 as she begrudgingly voted for the Iraq inspections and AUMF that was shortly after approved by the UN Security Council and successfully completed in February only to be turned into war by Bush in 2003. Please advise which parts of her speech you disagree with.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 4:26pm
Peter, you speak nonsense. The majority of the Black Caucus supported the 1994 crime bill. Bernie Sanders voted for the bill. In retrospect, the effects of the bill were disastrous. Trump wants to bring back those good old days. Trump surrounds himself with white supremacists. It is strange that you cannot see these simple facts.Under Obama, police departments have come under federal review. Trump would back the officers who kill unarmed black people.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 4:32pm
But you two believe Peter's assertion that Trump, who said "the money I took out of there was incredible" couldn't come up with 30k for the Taj piano guy, right?
by NCD on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 6:25pm
NCD, Trump is a lying, racist scumbag who would steal gold from the mouth of a person on their deathbed.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 6:28pm
........Yeah ......but only if he really needed the money......hahaha.
by NCD on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 7:19pm
I'm not sure why you think that because the BC and Sanders voted for the crime bill that the Clintons are any less responsible for this effective piece of racist legislation and the Black Misleadership Class and Sanders continue to do whatever the democrat party tells them they should do. This crime bill was a right wing law and order concept snatched by Clinton for political gain and it was meant to be disastrous for the Black community and profitable for the business community creating guaranteed revenues for the new private prison industry.
Police departments have been under useless federal review/intervention for decades and the killings/repression continue just as they have under Obama's useless review/intervention but he has done more to arm them with military grade hardware than any other law and order supporting president.
Trump has attracted some small but vocal groups of white supremacists, who have no influence on his campaign or person, while Clinton works for and with and is funded by the more effective white supremacist elite who rule our racist economic system, national and international.
You only seem to 'see' what you want to see and while Trump has no control or choice about who may show support, for their own reasons, for his election Clinton has made her choices, about who she wants to represent, very public, obvious and ugly to anyone who chooses to see.
by Peter (not verified) on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 10:22am
Peter, Trump blocked blacks from renting his establishments, never apologized for wanting the innocent Central Park Five dead, was the leader of the birther movement, and surrounds himself with white supremacists. You are naive enough to believe that the supremacists have no influence on his campaign. The white supremacists are his campaign. ThinkProgress looks at the polling results and confirms that Trump supporters are bigots.
Your white privilege allows you to rant about a Black Misleadership Class. Trump's ties to white supremacists will have zero impact on you. You were not tuned in when Trump dog-whistled about the election being rigged. He told his white supremacist followers to "monitor" the election. Trump said this because he knew that courts were blocking white supremacist attempts to suppress the votes of minority groups.
Kansas, Alabama, and Georgia rulings
Ruling in North Carolina, the state where Trump told his followers to "monitor" the election.
Trump's campaign is all about white supremacy.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 11:05am