The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Limbaugh, Clear Channel, Bain & Romney, and finally...the Clear Channel decency initiative

    "Clear Channel's Premiere Radio Networks Inc. hosts Limbaugh's program, one of the country's most popular talk radio shows. "

    "Clear Channel's parent company was taken private in 2008 by private equity firms Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital."

    Richard Day's picture



    Aunt Sam gave me this comment regarding Breitbart and TPM:

    I have had it.

    Breitbart was a piece of scum.

    Richard Day's picture


    File:Collegiale-Thann-p1010106.jpgI wish to discuss shame; primarily in a political context.

    Shame of course is a personal variable.

    We are supposed to experience a different feeling for guilt than that of shame.

    I would experience guilt if I stole my neighbor's goods.

    But at some point in time, I would begin to experience shame; the shame of a being a thief.

    Thief being a status while thieving being the actual crime.

    ...through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.

    The idea of confession (from an idealist's perspective) is that somehow we get rid of our guilt and our shame through the action of the priest (the representative of God on earth). Although penance might consist of reciting a few rosaries; we are also asked to make 'amends'.

    Endgame in Afghanistan?

    Forget election year politics and polls for a moment, will the apparent negligent disposal by burning of Korans at Bagram signal the final conclusion of not only our 'fragile and reversible gains' there, (Gen. Petraeus, 2011) - but our entire mission? Perhaps speed an end to the whole campaign and occupation, and hasten our exit?

    Should Obama have apologized for the Koran disposal? Should he have waited for the investigation to be concluded, as the Korans in question may have already been defaced with messages written by prisoners, and as such were a security risk. On the other hand, did Karzai apologize for the deaths of 4 Americans by Afghan personnel this week? Should we be apologizing or leaving?

    Should Obama be quietly or loudly telling the Pentagon to speed plans for departure, leaving Afghans on their own sooner rather than later, while also withdrawing the billions in financing they get from the presence of US and NATO troops? Does Obama have the moxie to exit faster, or will he stick to the ridiculous plan to stay until 2014 or beyond? Would the Republicans pounce on an Afghan exit and say 'Obama lost the war'? Would voters say 'we left too early', or just 'we should never have gone in to start'? Are there enough non-fanatical Afghans, and do they care enough, to stay and stop a Taliban return, or will they just try to get out while they can?

    Richard Day's picture


     An Academy Award statuette, depicting a knight, rendered in Art Deco style, holding a crusader's sword

    Ah it's time for the Oscars once again.

    And we await the 38th GOP Academy Awards Presentation for 2012:

    For Best Actor; here are the nominations:


    jollyroger's picture

    Ramarley Graham, 18, shot dead in the Bronx, at the hands of an occupying army.

    The rules of engagement for the  New York City Police Department have changed.

    I'm not quite sure when, but it was, I think, shortly after David Dinkins was replaced as Mayor by Rudy G.

    It used to be that every cop carried what was called a "throwdown".  An untraceable gun, the purpose of which was to be thrown down (hence, the name) if the cop discovered that he or she had shot and killed an unarmed civilian.

    coatesd's picture

    Taking the Republicans to Task: (2) On the Regulation of Business and Labor

              In the standard trilogy of core commitments currently being made by Republican presidential candidates, the cutting of taxes and the pruning of government is invariably accompanied by the promise to deregulate business – and indeed to re-regulate labor. The Obama administration stands condemned, not simply for its tax-and-spend propensities, but also for its subordination to organized labor[1] and its associated over-regulation of private enterprise. Setting America free, restoring American prosperity, and defending the American way, is said by all four major Republican presidential candidates to require the same basic policy moves: the lifting of intrusive government controls on American businesses, the exclusion of the federal government from corporate bailouts, and support for right-to-work legislation in one state after another. We have already found weaknesses in the claims about tax cutting.[2] It is time now to examine the validity of the argument that American business will create growth and jobs just as soon as the heavy hand of federal regulation and intervention is lifted from its shoulders.

    Lovin' the Liberals

    Hello, all. Sorry I haven't been posting very much. I've been pretty busy since moving to Pennsylvania. As most of you know, I am living with my mother and helping her out a bit (driving her to appointments, overseeing her meds, etc.) and I also joined the Pike County Choral Society in late autumn. Finally, I got a part-time job (yay!!) last month, working the front desk at our community's administration office. I'm finally off unemployment and it feels SOOOO GOOD!!!

    jollyroger's picture

    Palestine-The One State Solution

    This is what ethnic cleansing looks like:


    An as-yet confidential report submitted by the European consuls in Jerusalem and Ramallah raises urgent concerns over the “forced expulsion” of Palestinians ...from Area C of the West Bank... the report mentions the fertile and strategic Jordan Valley (where the Palestinian population has declined from 250,000 to 50,000 since the start of the Occupation)...

    Cookies for Communism


    If you support my 6-year-old daughter's radical lifestyle, please let me know and I'll hook you up with some Girl Scout Cookies! We've got all the good flavors:

    --Secular Hu-Mints
    --Tree-Hugger Shortbread
    --Shout "Out of the Closet!" Shortbread
    --Peanut Butter Prides
    --Peanut Butter Parenthood Planners
    --Radical Samoas (also known as Islamist De-Lites)

    Mitt Romney is looking Christ-like.

    After listening to the Jesus-trumpeting of Rick Santorum for the last week and then having bile rise up in the back of my throat at the obscene remarks of Franklin Graham on MSNBC this morning, Romney, by comparison, is looking like a saint or even Jesus Christ Himself.

    Richard Day's picture




    jollyroger's picture

    Security? Security? Yes, we need some people up here right away. Three shifts of 18 please.

    The recent encounter of a vacationing civil servant and a mugger offering deadly force has caused me to revisit a question that had piqued me obliquely when one of his shiftmates, while on his way to work, rear-ended another c

    Foster Friess & viagry for the larynx.

    This past week has seen such an outburst of psychologically disturbing sexual and gender references by old white men---and for that matter, old white women---well connected to the socially conservative Republican Party that I have been puzzled as to what chemicals might have been put into their water supply---but I doubt that it is estrogen, because estrogen would presumably make men effeminate and cause prostate cancer whereas the outburst has seemed more like an overdose of testosterone.

    jollyroger's picture

    In praise of smoke filled rooms. Why can't we have a meritocracy like China?

    If you paid any attention to Xi Jinping, the president-designate (interesting that they even have such a position, rather like scholarly associations) of China, you might have been struck by the efficiency with which the Chinese political system finds and promotes individuals of talent.

    Consider, after all, that Xi Jinping was not the product of a democratically premised electoral politics.  He was selected by cadres who themselves were selected from ever wider pools of aspirants.

    Richard Day's picture





    Saladin's picture

    So, who's up for a brokered convention or does the GOP really not want this one?

    As it is becoming increasingly clear that everybody hates Romney--especially the GOP base--and there is little chance that women will allow the election of Santorum--much less the practicing polygamist Gingrich--talk of a brokered convention has begun to bubble up from the disgruntl

    tmccarthy0's picture


    I thought we might be finished, I thought Republicans might retreat from some from their extremist anti-womyn, anti-contraception, anti-human medieval belief that females are chattle. Did they, nope, they doubled down dug themselves a trench of quicksand.

    coatesd's picture

    Taking the Republican Candidates to Task: (1) on Taxes

              One consequence of the Republican Party’s current propensity to select its presidential nominee by the political equivalent of American Idol is that we are regularly exposed to sound-bite answers designed to differentiate one candidate from another. Both the brevity of the answers, and the enthusiasm for differentiation, come however at a cost. They obscure the degree to which the candidates share common positions; and they obscure the extent to which each candidate already has a well-developed policy package to offer to the American electorate.

    Romney, you need a speech coach.

    While I'm not going to vote for you I certainly don't want Santorum to get the nomination because in an American Idol electorate like we have, a fluke could happen and Santorum would be a much worse option than you. So I'm offering you a few pointers on your speech, your body language, the telling of homilies---and suggesting you spend at least one weekend at Outward Bound.

    The first thing you need to do is slow down your presentation. You look flighty, and fidgety, like you need to go to the bathroom. Stop all that. Stop looking like you know everyone in the audience---you don't, and you can't. It looks disingenuous. The best presenters pick one person in the audience and stay with him or her. A good speaker will have an image or person in mind. I would suggest Todd Palin, he is today's Mr. Republican, not you. He's the voter you need to hang onto.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Distorting Reproductive Health: The Anti-Woman Beltway Media

    There has been a frenzy of media discussion about a recent Health and Human Services decision regarding birth control. Let's go over some facts:

    The regulation:

    Requires employer who offer health insurance with prescription drug coverage that contraception would be required coverage. If and only if the insurance offered already covers prescription drugs. What they were saying is that contraception is one of those drugs that must be covered. This had nothing to do with a co-pay or any other media driven distortion of the issue. This is a fact.

    jollyroger's picture

    Medicare funds no abortions. Did the "Public Option" die to avoid a Hyde Amendment donnybrook?

    Watching in stark amaze as the issue of contraception coverage (contraception!) proves fraught enough with controversy that it troubles, still in the 21st century, the councils of the great and mighty, I am moved to reconsider some of my prior analysis of the great health care reform fiasco.
