The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Barth's picture

    When there is no time to blog...

    There is, thank goodness, Rachel Maddow to pick up the slack. And slack picking up is required this weekend, and probably the next two what with the demands made on a person's life outside these posts. (There is barely such...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    On Financial Reform: "Way to go, Mr. Dodd! You Rawk!"

    (This was written originally as a comment, but is re-posted here)At least our pols in Washington allow us to PRETEND we operate in a democracy. They go through the motions and try (Really, really try, they do! Honest!) to pass...
    we are stardust's picture

    British Petroleum's Project Liberty...Off the North Slope in the Beaufort Sea

    Petroleum News reports that BP's new Liberty Project off the North Slope of Alaska is not (was not) covered under the Obama Administration's Deep Water Moratorium. Frank Quimby, spokesperson for the Department of the Interior said:   "The deepwater...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                             3 days after the Exxon Valdez ran agroundOkay, so rules have to be broken sometimes. George Will likes to wax about the time he accompanied Ronny Reagan to some repub gathering during the '80 campaigns. Seems something was...
    tmccarthy0's picture

    Joe Scarborough Eviscerates Elizabeth Hasselbeck...

    Just watch this clip. All I can say is, why does Elisabeth always insist on acting the fool? Only to be treated the fool by a dude I don't generally agree with.

    Ramona's picture

    The Lunatic Fringe is No Longer Amusing. Let's get Serious.

    We have to stop pretending that what is happening in our country is a cyclical blip in our journey toward glory. We're being destroyed from the inside by our own citizens, and our real enemies couldn't be happier. They don't have to lift a finger. All it takes for them is patience.
    Richard Day's picture


                                                         POLITICAL FLUFFYou may have heard about it; The Civil War. The North fought the South to preserve the Union and free the slaves--except for those conscripted to work on the railroad for ten cents an hour. It has always...

    Can we keep red-colored link text in the cafe, please?

    Hello. Meta-post here. Directed to the powers that be controlling the CSS, PHP and HTML that rule our blogging/commenting lives on the TPM Cafe site. Sure, I could have just sent an email. And this email may or may not...
    we are stardust's picture

    Grab a Headline; Add a Music Video to Illustrate It: New Rule: Snark or Die! (We're Gettin' Pretty Pissy Around the Café Lately; time for a leetle bit o' fun, yes?)

    I stumbled into this headline this morning: BP Magazine Discovers Bright Side to Oil Spill (an outtake)   "But in Planet BP -- a BP online, in-house magazine -- a "BP reporter" dispatched to Louisiana managed to paint an even...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                               KENTUCKY CHICKENRon Paul is no fan of the so-called 'Gold Standard'. Yet Paul has a quirky obsession with the gold standard that just doesn't add up... Paul sent a lengthy email to supporters attributing his recent success to...
    Richard Day's picture

    PIRATES & BURGERS--Rated R for Raunchy

    I had not seen Monty Python's The Meaning of Life for some time (1982). The beginning is all of four minutes and then the credits are shown as if the movie is over before it began; normal Python really....
    CVille Dem's picture

    If Kucinich Had Won

    I have been struck by the multiple blogs and comments that give the President no credit at all for anything he has done, and disparage him relentlessly for all that he has not accomplished.  I have said repeatedly that I...
    Richard Day's picture


               Mythbusters! You hear some strange myth in the urbanhood; Who will test it out? Mythbusters! Jamie's stache is weird, Andy's beard less rude Who'll remove all doubt? Mythbusters! They will make no idle boasts Tests are run by our...

    Happy Fathers' Day to All the Cafe Dads Out There

    As anxious, terrified, distraught, outraged, pick-your-adjective as so many of us are about what is going on in our world...I hope the dads out there will find a way today to reflect a little on, and hopefully cherish, the gifts and opportunities that go...
    we are stardust's picture

    Israel Investigates Herself with a Little Help from Her Friends

    The world wants the IDF's attack on the Mavi Marmara investigated, preferably by an international Panel.  Israel wants to investigate itself.  The world demands that non-Israelis be part of the investigative panel.  Israel yields.  You with me so far?  The...
    Barth's picture

    "I can't make real life as good as television"

    The woman who wrote and sings these lyrics is not the SUNY/Purchase graduate whose work seems to worm its way into these posts so often, but another graduate of the same school, which either attracts, nurtures or teaches its children...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                              Vincent van Gogh, 1890Compassion:  (from Latin: "co-suffering") is a virtue --one in which the emotional capacities of...
    amike's picture

    A Short, HIGHLY unscientific survey.

    I while back I wrote a piece about how the American Dream has bifurcated into a Horatio Alger version and a Martin Luther King version, and how the Alger version had led to a segregation by social class which made...
    we are stardust's picture

    Soliciting Opinions on an 'Internet Kill Switch' Bill

    I saw this on Raw Story this morning; googled a bit, and saw many tech sites are adamantly opposed, mainly on the grounds that Government doesn't know much about tech, and also from civil libertarian groups worried about freedom of...
    Richard Day's picture

    LOUISIANA 1927-2010

          TWO LOVES I HAVE OF COMFORT AND DESPAIR (SONNET144)What has happened down here is we are lost againThis time the crude got loose and it's causin' a lot of painThe crude gushed real hard and gushed for a...

    My name is Taysir Al Burai. I am 5 years old. I am severely disabled. I require round-the-clock medical care. If I could leave Gaza, I can make a full recovery. But Israel won't let me.

    Taysir Al Burai with his uncle, Yahia The inhumane blockade of the Gaza must come to an end, if for no other reason than a child named Taysir Al Burai'...Taysir Al Burai is severely disabled. He requires round-the-clock medical care. If...

    Strange goings on in North Idaho.

    Disclaimer: nazi stories are so not usually my cup of tea, but this is far too good to pass up - it's all over local front pages here in Coeur d'Alene. In fact, I've really gotta call "SCOOP" on Justin...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                     RAND PAUL                                                    ONE OF THE WEE PEOPLEOkay, so it is the bottom of the 9th,...
    quinn esq's picture

    That's A Nation.

    The growth of the Federal Government equals... tyranny. During Ike's America, the Feds took 15% to 18% of GDP. But now? They eat 20%, 23% of what the nation produces - maybe even 25% or more in the next few...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sometimes I Feel Like I Live in an Alternate Universe

    I was up late last night going back and forth with a few of the night owls around here over the president's address, then after a few fitful hours of sleep woke to comments that made me wonder if I...
