The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Obama's Director OMB Lands Citibank Job, Peter Orszag, To Take High Paying Banking Position

    President Obama nominated Peter Orszag to be his Director of Management and Budget in November, 2008, where he served a year and a half and resigned the position in July 2010.  His new position at Citibank may pay $2-3 million according to bankers familiar with similar positions. Orszag joins a former Bush cabinet appointee at Citibank.

    Richard Day's picture



                      SARAH PALIN ON THE READY

    Michael Maiello's picture

    The Mandate Stinks Anyway

    While I’m definitely not for the GOP ironically using the courts to reverse Obama’s signature accomplishment, I’ve never been a believer in the morality or necessity of the health insurance mandate.

    First, I’m skeptical because the industry demanded it.  Obviously anyone in the business of selling a product would love to have the government declare that everyone must buy it.  I’m sure Burger King would say yes to a whopper mandate.

    Corporate myths.

    1. Corporate ceo' s are changing how they run their companies in order to defeat Obama in 2012.

    This Ain't Your Father's Triangulation

    Not surprisingly, the Left is howling mad at President Obama's perceived capitulation to Republicans in agreeing to GOP demands for a two-year extension of the Bush-era tax cuts and a new cut in the estate tax. As much as those two compromises have infuriated many House Democrats and liberal bloggers, the fact that Obama maneuvered past Congress to directly negotiate with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is taken as liberal treason. Obama's genuine frustration with his liberal base seemed to add insult to injury.

    Barbarism, American Style


    crossposted at

    The New Year will see California all set for an execution. Nothing new, even though five federal court judges argue that Kevin Cooper was framed by the police. Aside from guilt or innocence, the verdict again raises the issue of the death penalty.

    Get him out of there

    In 1960 Bobby Kennedy was addressing a lunch/rally in Cincinnati  when in the middle of some comments about the impact of religious prejudice on Jack's campaign.  His voice broke and he began crying. 

    GotToBeMe's picture

    political Cartoon: "Truth Mower"

    Political Cartoon: “Truth Mower” by Kaveh Adel Copyright 2010

    Can humanity stand up for the Truth?


    Crossposted at

    Watt Childress's picture

    King Obama & The East India Republicans

    Fear not. This is not spam promoting a new holiday dance band.

    Richard Day's picture




    Some folks are really good at planning their bizarre behavior.

    Some folks are really good at offering excuses for their bizarre behaviors.

    Some folks are really good at offering explanations for their seemingly bizarre behavior.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    This Ain't 1936

    These days we see a lot of folks bringing up the class war, the working class folks versus the wealthy elite (corporate or otherwise) and their servants in D.C.  And in attempting to show just how much Obama and his administration has sold out the working class, people will turn to FDR as example of someone who took on the powers to be and the kind of leader Obama should be.  In a OrionXP's recent blog Effectively Skewering the Tea Party, SleepingJeezus makes such a point.  I t

    Barth's picture

    This is how it works...

    The founders of this nation did not, we have often been told, envision the formation of political parties and there remains a resistance to the idea that the party is more important than the actual office holder. There have been times, indeed, when the party label meant less than than the politics of the time. Stephen Douglas, for instance, was a Democrat when that party stood for slavery but, at best, it was unclear whether he did.

    Fox News Pundit Goldberg Proposes DC Granite and Stone Monument to Honor the Rich

    No this is not from The Onion. Its from Fox News.

    You can read the December 9th paean to the rich in print on Bernard Goldberg's website at this link, "Thank God for The Rich", or watch it on video it at link.

    Is Goldberg's contract coming up with Rupert Murdoch or does he emit worshipful blather about how heroic and wonderful rich people like Rupert Murdoch are all the time?

    we are stardust's picture

    15-year-old British Bernie Sanders Video



    From Paul Woodward of the Coalition:

    tmccarthy0's picture



    Have you seen this website? Protest Obama, I suppose many of you have signed the letter, right? Hah, you've been taken by Republicans! Do you know the man who runs this web site, the one with his name attached? Do you?


    Sandy P. Woodchuck was taken into custody in Montpelier, Vermont late Friday night.

    The Chief of Police, Sam Facteau, told reporters."He's being held under a Federal Sedition Statute" but mostly it's for his own safety. Since his You Tube post last week we got rednecks coming in here from all over the effing country. Not even in leaf peeping season have I seen this many out of state licenses--we're out of fuel, country store shelves are empty, people are sleeping in their pick-up trucks.

    SleepinJeezus's picture

    "Hey, Washington! Are you listening?"

    Hedge fund managers and other millionaires really ain't where it's at. Honest!

    oleeb's picture

    God Bless Bernie Sanders! Go Bernie Go!

    Hats off America to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont who is trying his damndest to save the country and stop the rotten deal the Republicans and Obama are trying to foist upon the nation!

    I urge one and all to call his office in Washington or in Vermont and literally voice your support for his effort to save the New Deal from it's longtime enemies and from the corporate/centrist Democrats. 

    The number in DC is: 202-224-5141

    Invisible Man


    In living rooms and public places, 

    In street and square, in church, 

    You may freely come and go-- 

    Stroll, loiter and pray, 

    Just as long as you behave 

    Just as long as you remain 

    A presence to yourself alone. 

    Reasonable people all agree 

    The rule must be applied: 

    "Don't ask, don't tell," 

    Don't advertise. Be invisible! 

    Oh, be invisible when you walk 

    among us. 

    Don't stand out. 

    Michael Maiello's picture

    A Constitutional Amendment I'd Like To See

    Even though the U.S. Constitution is a short and plainly worded document, I have to admit that I’m not as familiar with it as I should be.  So last night I went through it looking for this filibuster that has made the Senate completely useless for the last decade.  It’s not in there.

    “Ah ha!”  I said, startling my 8 month old son, who then became less startled and went back to banging his hands on the coffee table.

    oleeb's picture

    Lies My President Told Me

    Now I hate to think sometimes how long I've been around and paying attention to national politics but it has been one helluva long time.  I've seen a lot of water go under the bridge.  I've seen politicians pull just about every trick in the book and as a result I've developed a pretty damn good nose for when I'm being hornswaggled, bamboozled and otherwise lied to by the braying asses we send to Washington DC to look out for the nation's interests.  Now is one of those times.  But this is a time that will stand out because it is a pivotal moment for the natio

    coatesd's picture

    President Obama and This Generation’s “Sputnik Moment”

    The community college in my small North Carolinian city received a  presidential visit on Monday. The President came, spoke and left, in a visit that would have been only locally newsworthy but for the importance of what he said. Barack Obama came to Winston-Salem to celebrate America’s community colleges and to stress their importance in the re-energizing of the American economy. In a characteristically long and carefully constructed speech, the President made the case for greater spending on both education and research as the way to avoid U.S.

    Richard Day's picture


    I came across a nice little essay looking back at the Civil War in the Washington Post. Philip Kennicott concluded his short essay as follows:
