The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Elusive Trope's picture

    The Howl of a Defeatist Liberal

    I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,

    dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,

    angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starvry dynamo in the machinery of night,

    Social Learning in a National Tragedy.

    In my postEmpathy in Politics” (November 5, 2010), I reiterated the lack of empathy that others had noted in the President: “Empathy . . .




    Did you know that


    >>     Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees per capita in the world!
    >>     Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation!
    >>     Israel has the highest number of scientists and technicians per capita in the world!

    >>     Israel has the highest number of engineers per capita in the world!

    Decader's picture

    American Exceptionalism

    With the daily violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, an attack that killed 6 people would be rather unremarkable, unless possibly one of the few names we know in the West.

    Wasn't that long ago that the head of Pakistan was offed, as was the head of Lebanon.

    jollyroger's picture

    "If someone took your home away, how would you feel?" (Signed) Mike, Age 13

    This poignant question, scrawled on the wall of a foreclosed house, opens the broader topic:

    Thinking of getting a real steal of a deal in a foreclosed home, now listed by some bank's Real Estate Owned Department?

    If you have a heart, (or a soul...) better think again.

    Richard Day's picture


    Fyodor Dostoevsky


    In Birmingham THEY loved the governor

    Well we all did what we could do.

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Cartoon: The Red Light and the Bull

    Political Cartoon: "Red Light and the Bull" Copyright 2011 By "Kaveh Adel"

    The recent events in the United States, the Middle East and now Northern Africa have been on my mind.  I am saddened that humanity is increasingly acting like a BULL.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Afghanistan Forever

    There's a little fight brewing between a couple of media lights -- Joe Klein of Time is angry that Ed Schultz of MSNBC held up a sign that said "get out now," during a segment the two did about Afghanistan.  Joe found the action, the sentiment and the policy idea to be trivializing.  The two have traded barbs ever since and you can read Joe's latest recap here.

    The Decider's picture

    Bush family letters

    Recently, my Dad disclosed the contents of the letter that he left in the White House for Bill Clinton to read. Here is the text:

    we are stardust's picture

    Speaking of Socialism and Good Policy Ideas


    (from Oct. 2009)  Wow; how ironic!

    Some if us been discussing the limits of capitalism, and what models or changes to our economic system might be more sustainable and beneficial to more of us than the 5% or so it seems presently designed to serve.

    Richard Day's picture


    File:Magi (1).jpg

    Sometimes I reach an epiphany.

    A great light shows in the universe of my mind and I exclaim:


    Socrates came to an important conclusion that was counter productive as far as selling his place in the universe as a great professor:

    cmaukonen's picture

    This is not America - View from across the pond.

    I like to read what others are saying about events here. Other publications and sites from around the world. It gives one a better perspective or at least a different one. Here is something that has been put on the DW World site out of Germany. A review of some of the European Press.

    The shooting of Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords has reignited a debate in the US over the dangers of extremist political rhetoric. The discussion is no less heated in the European press.

    The Decider's picture

    I had something funny to say

    It involved the fact that first and second amendment solutions weren't working out so well so maybe we should invoke a third amendment solution (take it to another level) and start quartering soldiers in the homes of liberals. But some things are just so rotten that even humor can't help us to deal with them. The shooting of Rep. Giffords and the other victims in Arizona is one of those. It being Monday, the merchants of hate are back on the air, and their outrage is not directed at the shooter. No, it's directed at the Arizona sheriff who dared to speak the truth.

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Political Cartoon: "Violence and threats target democracy"

    Political Cartoon: "Violence and threats target democracy" Copyright 2011 Kaveh Adel

    In the East or the West, it does not matter.

    Whether it is the thought or the practice of voicing democracy. It does not matter........

    Democracy is the Target.

    CVille Dem's picture

    National Rifle Association Meeting -- We're Under Attack -- Our Response -- Talking Points

    OK, we all know that the NRA is crafting a response to this latest example of GUNS RUN AMOK in the USA.  We have dismissed the horrific murders in Mexico of untold thousands, because they are in Mexico, even though the guns (and more) were supplied by US.  Whew!  Dodged THAT bullet -  hahahahahahahaha!

    But this Giffords thing -- we need a real strategy.  OK, this dude bought the gun legally.  Been there, done that.  VA Tech?  We skated, as usual.  But people are really pissed about this one.  Who has suggestions?  Yes?

    cmaukonen's picture

    Perpetual Insanity - Growth with out limit is abusive at best.

    We constantly here from the government and the economic wizards how great it is for our economy to have growth. Not just ours, the the whole world as well. However we live on a finite planet. How then can we sustain growth forever ?

    Decader's picture

    Chickens Coming Home to Roost?

    When JFK was killed, the papers came to Malcolm X to hear how sorry he was. "Chickens coming home to roost", was his famous reply.

    Richard Day's picture


    File:GP K100 MARK6.jpg



    Howard is being reasonable again. Let us not all lose our heads now. Let us tone it down. Oh some nutjob out of the blue shoots some peeps and everyone starts blaming the right wing and such.

    Let us all calm down.

    The left wing talkers are as bad as the right wing talkers.

    Barth's picture

    November 22 (a repeat)

    To try to repeat or somehow add to what Articleman posted last night or what Sheriff Dupnik, a hero way before yesterday, but his heroism renewed last night, told the nation, is an absurdity.  They said it all.  Yet, all of us with a keyboard need to vent, and to say what we all know to be so.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    Life Out Of Balance

    The tragedy that unfolded today in Arizona is one of those events that both leaves one speechless and unleashes a torrent of words trying to make sense of it all.  That it appears to have political motivation only intensifies the reactions. 

    At this point, I will say this: this tragedy is a reflection of us.  There are those who are more culpable than others, but we collectively own this.  This is us.  The blood is on our hands.  This is our society.

    Iraqi Leader Who Killed His Own People Returns to Power in New Democratic Middle East

    The touchy subject of the triumphant return of Moqtada al-Sadr, a radical anti-American Mullah, to Iraq from his four year sojourn in Iran was handled differently in headlines:

    The New York Times had a positive spin
    : Iraqi Cleric Embraces State in Comeback Speech

    Barth's picture


    If, as seems reasonable, you read everything posted under this name and carefully consider all the biases expressed here, you would know how much Rachel Maddow has contributed to what gets regurgitated every week. Hers is the most significant broadcast there is, and the sanity she projects in this land of crazy may be all that keeps us from just running outside and screaming into the night.
