The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    acanuck's picture

    North Korean missile launch: too soon to panic?

    After North Korea announced it will launch its first satellite next week, the West went ballistic, saying it's really a disguised test of the Taepodong 2 rocket. And that violates a 2006 Security Council resolution, passed in the wake of North Korea's half-successful nuclear...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table: THE SWORD IN THE STONE

    Lancelot had finished one of those foot long subways and felt woozy to say the least. Much more satisfying than dried venison butt. The One who is Mostly Shunned led our hero back to the glen outside the forest perimeter....
    Ramona's picture

    Dr. B to the Super Rich: When will you be rich enough?

    "There is a growing anger in this country," Dr B said, "a growing sense of resentment. There is a feeling of fundamental unfairness. . .We saw a list of people who have made more than a billion dollars in one year. A billion is a thousand million. Can you imagine making more than a thousand million a year? And how were most of those funds made? They didn't make them by creating new jobs, building new factories, making new technological innovations which then cumulatively enriched America. They made it by complex financial transactions which few people understand. Which, in effect, just sort of swooshed off money into private pockets. . .It's almost like a huge national ponzi scheme."
    Richard Day's picture

    Michele Bachmann: AN ODE

    Sometimes I am asea. I know not what to write about. Whereas, most of the time, I hold myself back or write something and hide it for awhile. The last three days have been remarkable. I arise and come to...
    Barth's picture

    Changes Nobody Should Have Believed In

    This may be the first lesson we learn: The most elemental obligation of a parent, beyond feeding and clothing a child, is to teach and, when she or he gets older, send them to be taught by others. There is...

    Andrew Cuomo: What a difference a political opportunity makes (update).

    Walk with me if you will down memory lane.  Back to a time before everyone had achieved selective amnesia that allowed them to blame everyone's problems on a small group of people working to fix them.The date is October 16,...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table: The Search for Thera Part Two

    Our two and a half heroes proceeded toward the castle on the hill.  Sir Tristan noted that although it was growing dark, he could see the top most turret of the castle just above the horizon. Elfin would have pointed...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table: THE SEARCH FOR LADY THERA

    Sir Tristan and Sir Quinn were now three days from The Wall, happy that the sun was out and enjoying the fresh air and aromas of the grasses and flowers.  I mean, they still liked girls and everything. But nonetheless...
    amike's picture

    Do You know Versus? You Should, Really You Should.

    I'm not sure what I might call Versus.  It's rather like a blog of musical satire, with out a place to put comments (wish there were such a place).  I love satire.  I love music.  Put them together and I...
    oleeb's picture

    John Hope Franklin

    In the past day or two you may have seen in the headlines that John Hope Franklin died.  His death is even noted on the TPM front page.  He lived a long and extremely productive life.  He was, in my...
    Barth's picture

    My midweek correction and another one long overdue

    Post under this name usually appear only on the weekend, since I am barely able to eat breakfast during the week, much less dispense gibberish. Last weekend, trying to put the issue of the week in some perspective, and to...
    acanuck's picture

    Associated Press has been taken over by space aliens who want to turn our brains to mush so they can eat them!

    There! Much better than my original headline: "Enough with the teleprompter bullshit, AP!" Washington bureau chief Ron Fournier began his analysis of President Obama's press conference last night: "What kind of politician brings a teleprompter to a news conference?" And...
    Richard Day's picture

    ALERT THE MEDIA; rush limbaugh has told the truth!!!!

    Wall Street's well isn't completely dry: The New York Times reports that, last year, the top 25 hedge fund managers made $11.6 billion. Leading the way was James Simons of Renaissance Technologies, who made $2.5 billion. John Paulson of Paulson...
    Ramona's picture

    Watch Out for Big Business Watching Out for You

    So a recession isn't a good time to be talking about forming unions. How about when times were good and Big Business was raking in the dough? When CEOs and COOS and stockholders were sitting on their satin cushions singing the praises of Free Market capitalism? When American jobs were being outsourced to third world countries, paying the lowest possible wages so that profits could go toward living the lavish life and not toward anything as mundane as sharing? Could they talk about forming unions then?
    oleeb's picture

    Rate the President's Press Conference Performance and That of the Press

    Two simple and short items here.  1.  On a scale of 1-10 (1 being worst and 10 being best) how would you rate the President's performance at the Press Conference?  2.  Using the same scale, how would you rate the...
    CVille Dem's picture

    It Is Time To Start Worrying About the Supreme Court (sorry, but it is)

    The financial crisis that is so obvious to all of us is no more important than the one we will soon face if the Supreme Court  continues on its current course. What follows is a list of our current Justices...

    Serious election fraud in Kentucky.

    Here's a little gem from last week.  Not as important as a total spaz over .001% of the financial industry bailout funds going to people who were *gasp* in the financial industry when it collapsed, but significant none the less. ...
    Richard Day's picture

    DIVINATION: Or How to Succeed in Life Without Really Trying

    There was a marvelous advertisement on PBS last year. I really do not know if they are still playing it since I usually check into a PBS show a few minutes after the hour so I do not have...
    amike's picture

    How Much Time and Attention does Democracy Take?

    I have to make this post a quickie, which in a way will prove its point.  I'm in the middle of grading papers, and I need to avoid a riot by returning them to the kiddies in the next day...
    Ramona's picture

    Obama, It's Krugman. Please Pick Up

    I don't see the tunnel, I see the light at the end. If there's a rainbow in the sky, I'll look past the dark clouds and find it. Pollyanna and I are BFFs, for God's sake. But when I see a Nobel-laureate in Economics practically self-immolating on the White House lawn in order to be heard, I'm not just scared, I'm petrified.

    Custom Essays: Four Things to Remember

    Ah, spam. I was tempted to delete it but it amused me, so I just changed the links. A word of wisdom to my "custom essay writer" friend, MaricarPatricio. If you want to sell grammatically correct student papers, it might be a good idea to write grammatically correct spam. Please consider revising the following lines:

    Students are required to write essays, as it’s a written piece that is easy to do.

    Professors give them the option to select a topic that would fancy them.

    acanuck's picture

    Another good reason to despise Fox

    Not that reasons are hard to find. The only thing I watch on Fox is The Family Guy, so I certainly don't ever stay up past 3 to catch Red Eye. But someone emailed me a link, and I thought I'd...
    oleeb's picture

    Hey Paul Krugman!

    This brief music video will warm the hearts of Krugman fans and drive those who don't want to hear what he has to say aboslutely crazy! I highly recommend it!  It's worth a couple of your minutes. Go here:
    Richard Day's picture

    How to Wright Good: Orwell & Twain

                                                                             Eric Arthur Blair You cannot rebel against a government unless you know something about that government. You cannot rebel against a set of rules unless you first understand those rules. If you wish to go where no man as...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Rollingstone Says We Are "Royally F@#%ked" (and I agree!)

    Ran across an article in Rollingstone that gives an interesting perspective on AIGs role in this mess. It is a little lengthy, but funny and disturbing and should be a "must read" for all taxpayers. I apologize in advance for the...
