The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Can a psychologist be "disbarred"???

    So I was browsing the newly released "Inquiry Into The Treatment Of Detainees In US Custody" and I came across this paragraph in the executive summary:On April 16, 2002, Dr. Bruce Jessen, the senior SERE psychologist at JPRA, circulated a...
    mageduley's picture

    Where were you? (Sheldon's Lament)

    In this Business Meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Whitehouse called on Committee Republicans to explain their opposition to Dawn Johnsen to be Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), after remaining silent during Bush's...
    Ramona's picture

    How to Use TPM: Is there a tutorial somewhere?

    I've posted several blog posts here in the past month but I'm still really confused about the workings of this site.For example, I'm sure there's a logical explanation for why some posts stay on the front pages without many comments...

    Sorry, Avvocato - it just struck me

    In the discussions regarding Arizona State Univ not giving Pres. Obama an honorary degree, Avvocato noted that "Raul H. Castro" stuck out like a sore thumb on the list of those who have rec'd honorary degrees from ASU.  I replied...
    Larry Jankens's picture

    Larry vs. Spring Festivals

    Spring is finally here! If you are as excited abou that as I am you are in the mood to celebrate. While cruising the internets for something to do i came across a bunch of really weird spring festivals. Some, in fact, so weird I can't help but post them on dagblog and gawk. So buckle your seat belt, and get ready for trip to funky town (and not the cool funky town from that one 70's song).

    Baby Jumping Festival of Spain

    oleeb's picture

    When Presidents Obstruct Justice They Disgrace Us All

    President Obama's morally indefensible decision to block investigations and prosecutions of those in the American government who planned and carried out torture both at home and abroad is a clear and disgraceful obstruction of justice.  When Republicans obstruct justice, Democrats are...

    Tweet, Twitter, Trifle, or Piss in the Wind For All I Care

    It is not that there is anything particularly new about twitter - other than it is horribly popular and it has unified two areas of communication and grew them into a social networking platform. We can debate the merits of social networking, but that is secondary to my thesis. Twitter represents (key word - represents) an expansion or development of how we manage information. We are always generating more data. Much of the data can be classified as garbage. In many cases we generate data that we have no idea of how to handle it or what to do with it.

    quinn esq's picture

    Luke 4

    I first preached in church when I was 17. Wore a light blue polyester suit. I had never spoken in public before. Never. Not even in school. Every year, my English teachers would insist that I go to the front...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    "A Republic, If You Can Keep it"

    It is troubling to see many among us who are willing to cut President Obama too much slack on the issue of human rights violations and his responsibility to "...preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." The...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table: THE TREE BANGERS BALL

      Public Servants: Persons chosen by the people to properly distribute graft. (M. Twain) The problem aint that there are too many fools. The problem is that bolts of lightning are not properly distributed. (M. Twain) ? Meanwhile, back at Camelot:...
    Barth's picture

    Holding Responsible Those Who are Responsible

    "And whose fault is that? Not really his. He didn't create this situation of fear; he merely exploited it -- and rather successfully. Cassius was right. 'The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.'Edward R. Murrow,...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Real America??? NOT!!!

    I am writing from Michelle Bachmann's "Real America," and if this is "REAL America" count me out!Normally I live in suberbia, but we have a 2nd home in the mountains, and that is where I am at the moment. We...
    amike's picture

    Hearing is believing: The torture memos.

    I'm not much more than a semi-fan of John Hockenberry's The Takeaway.  It's a bit too rushed, a bit too sarcastic, and a bit too New York for my taste: but the theme music does serve to jar me awake...
    oleeb's picture

    "I Was Only Following Orders"

    The President today did a good thing by releasing the Bush regime's "torture memos".  Sadly, at the same time he also chose to avoid doing what he was elected to do: bring change to the country.  Instead, he chose, once...
    oleeb's picture

    The Inevitable Result of Police State Powers? ABUSE!

    As today's front page at TPM makes clear, the executive branch of government cannot wield the sort of police state powers it has unlawfully and unconstitutionally claimed for itself without abusing those powers over and over again.  You can find the story...
    MrSmith1's picture

    What to do with a million tea bags ...

    Washington D.C. park service representatives said that the one million tea bags the protesters wanted to dump in the park, couldn't be dumped because they, (the protesters),  don't have the proper permits... So, one million tea bags and no place...
    MrSmith1's picture


    Ramona's picture

    The Myth of the 2nd Amendment: Shoot the damn thing already!

    The National Rifle Association, with their blind devotion to a lawless gun culture, has become the enemy as surely as if they were standing on our borders passing out heavy artillery to anyone with cash in hand. Their members--millions strong--are constantly, incessantly, being bombarded with dangerous faulty logic. They defend the supposed Second Amendment "right" to bear arms without feeling any accompanying obligation to defend the rights of the society in which they live.
    amike's picture

    Temples of Mammon Redux

    About two weeks ago I presented a piece entitled Temples of Mammon, the thesis of which was that political battles over the banking and credit systems are as American as Apple Pie, and the sub-thesis of which was that more...
    stillidealistic's picture

    A Day Without Dick...

    I suppose I'm not the only one to notice that DD (or Arthur, as I lovingly refer to him) hasn't been here for a couple of days...Would it be inappropriate to say that a day without dick is like a...
    oleeb's picture

    Gore Vidal And The Two Right Wings

    Bill Maher interviewed the incomparable Gore Vidal this past week on his show on HBO.  Vidal's wit and brilliance are still there despite his advancing age and obvious physical infirmities (he was in a wheelchair).  Seeing this great man for...
    jollyroger's picture

    John Bolton: "We should go after (the dead pirates') villages" What a degenerate scumbag!

    I have already busted myself for savoring the distress of the Foxniks. I was enjoying the all the schadenfreude you can stand to eat buffet, this time over the reluctance on the right to credit Prez with any chops in...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Is It Time To Reconsider The Two Party System?

    Over in ProfB's post a day or so ago, a discussion was started about the merits/problems with labels such as conservative, progressive, etc. and the two party system.The discussion got me to thinking about how we got to where we...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Tea Party Reporting

    Huffpo is asking people to report on April 15th TeaParties.  I have volunteered, and was surprised to note the large number of speakers scheduled for Charlottesville this Wednesday (including my neighbor, Lawrence Eagleburger).  To find out what was scheduled, I...
    Barth's picture

    An Emergency Post

    Obligations elsewhere mean that a full post under this name can only appear generally once a week, usually on Saturdays. This week's was published yesterday.  But it is hard to ignore a growing noise that could well become dangerous. As...
