The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    stillidealistic's picture

    Rick Santelli Rant a Fraud?

    At risk of being a "too frequent" poster, ran across this and couldn't help but bring it to your attention, just in case you've missed it.Apparently there is some question about whether or not Rick Santelli's rant was as random...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Would "Less" Be So Bad?

    There have been a few posts lately about the potential for some some huge changes in our country with the election of President Obama and the horrific downturn in the economy. Most people are scared, and I think there is...
    Barth's picture

    We Were There

    As with most born in the decade after World War II to parents who understood what the New Deal and the GI Bill meant for their lives, the era of a forward thinking government started to end on that bleak...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XXIX)

    Our three dark age Musketeers (sans muskets) awoke and mustered their troops to attack a particular part of the Eastern Wall. The tattooed ones called the picts had breached the wall and were across it with some three thousand crazy...
    Richard Day's picture

    Mornin' Joke with Jughead

    And now Mornin' Joke with Jughead and Mika and Pat Buchanan and the gay guy who brings you the news that does not really matter in a courteous and conservative way and always agrees with Pat and Jughead even though...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Credit Crisis For Dummies

    Economics is not my strong suit, but it is my husband's, and some of his knowledge has rubbed off on me. So during this financial crisis I have understood enough of what was going on to have a semi intelligent...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Poking Sticks in an Anthill

    Well, to watch the financial shows today, you'd think that president Obama had just declared war on the upper class, by suggesting that the wealthiest 2% of Americans were going to be asked to pay a little more in taxes!...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Origin of Consciousness

                                                  A BOOK REPORTBook reports are done by amateurs. Book reviews are done by people who wish to sell books. Or unsell them as the case may be. This...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XXVIII)

        Meanwhile back at Camelot...The social season was upon the Royal Castle with a special dinner and entertainment.  Arthur was going to have to smile at people he could not stand. And bow to them and kiss their hands. Gwenivere...

    Prominent Economists Endorse Employee Free Choice Act

      Lots of distinguished names on this list of signatories endorsing the Employee Free Choice Act (scroll down below the article for the full list).  Notable for their absence are Krugman and Stiglitz--perhaps a fellow denizen knows the stories there. ...
    acanuck's picture

    Dennis Ross's shrinking world

    Steve Clemons posted yesterday at the Cafe on Dennis Ross's odd new appointment at State: as Hillary Clinton's Special Advisor for the Gulf and Southwest Asia. Not as the plenipotentiary envoy to Iran he'd been angling for. In fact, as I...
    amike's picture

    What would you rather do than Follow Obama to the Speaker's Podium?

    Anything!Well, nearly anything.  aMike, a.k.a anti-climax personified....
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XXVI)

    (Please note: No Mastodon were harmed during the creation of this blog)Shiteface began work early today. Sun not even up. This was a chance to get in some over time and get his hands on those early bonuses. They were...
    Richard Day's picture

    Quick Take on a New Leader

    I am watching him right now. I actually shed tears as they introduce THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.Just look at him. Nielson reported a while back that 2/3 of viewers WOULD TURN THE CHANNEL WHEN w SHOWED HIS FACE...
    stillidealistic's picture

    My Name Is Stillidealistic, And I'm An Addict...

    I resisted confronting that reality. As many of you know, I'm on an extended vacation. I never even considered going without my laptop. I need to stay in touch, I told myself. Week one, no problem. Just me and my...
    amike's picture

    The Law of Justice and the Law of Mercy

    I really have to stop reading TheraP's blog.  It gives me far too much to think about and whether or not my brain is up to the workout I don't know.  But I'm addicted, and perhaps the workout will keep...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Land of the Dead

    It was a chilly October day. I met her at the old courthouse. She was in her latter twenties and was very prim and proper but courteous and it was easy to get along with her. We were the first...
    Michael Maiello's picture

    Bill Gates: Hypocrite?

    This is pretty awful.

    So Microsoft overpaid severance to some laid off workers and has the gall to go to them and ask for it back?

    This really erases any good feelings I may have had for Bill Gates based on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation work. I think before Bill gives another dime to charity he should show that he can take better and more humance care of his employees.

    Richard Day's picture

    Fun & Nonsense with Johnny Nash

    Face in the Crowd thinks we need a song to begin the week. He suggested one of my favorite songs of all time to serve as the template. Once he suggested it I could not get it out of my...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XXV)

    I lost her again. Damn! said Sir Quixotic as he carefully blessed himself. He proceeded to the southwest on the path towards Justice as he remembered it.  He recalled his old estate as he proceeded on the quest.  He recalled...
    oleeb's picture

    Oscar Opinions Anyone?

    Departing just for a moment from politics, what do you think about this year's nominees and their chances on Oscar night? In my opinion, this really was one of the best years for films in a very long time.  The...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XXIV)

    (Notice, no animals were harmed in the creation of this thread)Announcer: And now welcome to Meet the Heralds with Sir GregoryHi I am Sir Gregory and I would like to welcome all you heralds in the audience for this segment...
    Richard Day's picture

    Office of Legal Counsel

    We are going to try this again. I will explain this amended blog in a comment.PROLOGUEI am sitting listening to a tape of a discussion with the Mississippi Freedom Riders on CSPAN dated July 19, 2008. There was present Lewis...
    amike's picture

    Confessions of a "Coward"

    I've been following the "controversy" over Attorney General Eric Holder's Black History Month speech haphazardly in the mainstream media for the past few days and yesterday I caught a piece on NPR where All Things Considered featured a "debate" between...
