The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    amike's picture

    Quiz: Guess who wrote this?

    I'm too old for quickies...but this is just too good to resist.  Some folks have enjoyed my ventures into literature and history.  I've got something more substantial I'm working on-a multi-part look at popular media and the "common man," but...
    Richard Day's picture

    Craig Crawford: How to Properly Prepare Your Comments for Publication

    MESSAGE OR A MASSAGE?Craig Crawford is a fine reporter. I have almost always enjoyed his appearances on cable news. He is mostly liberal although it became clear that he is one of those Texas Dems who has been slighted too...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table--The Two Quests Continue

    Two hedgehogs are wandering through the grass, following a knight.Hey Fred.What Hilda?There is a wild boar following us. He is scary looking.They both had picked up the pace a little in their pursuit of Lancelot, but this new straggler began...
    jollyroger's picture

    Hannity, O'Reilly, Cavuto, Barnes to Prez: <a href="">"Happy Talk, keep talkin' happy talk"</a>

    To make this post, I am obliged to reveal something not entirely admirable about myself, but so be it. Since the election, I have been drawn to spend more and more time in an orgy of schadenfreude, listening to the...
    wws's picture

    What Women Think About Writing

    With apologies to Flowerchild. If I had posted all these quotes on her thread, I would have hogged it more egregiously than I did (in my enthusiasm).   Here, then, is what smart women I admire think about writing: "Censor...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Undeserving Poor

    Alex Koppelman of the famous War Room over at Salon on Friday noted that the people from the 'Right"...are in a tizzy over an Associated Press photo that shows a man taking a picture of Obama using a cellphone....The first...
    acanuck's picture

    Strange Mideast signals from Clinton

    Anyone interested in Mideast peace should read this Haaretz article carefully: I trust the reporters are accurately relating what they are being told -- and what the headline states: that the U.S. will recognize a Palestinian government only if...
    amike's picture

    Spring Ahead-But "Looking Backward"

    Does anyone read Edward Bellamy anymore?  I hope so, and not just as a quaint Victorian utopian novelist.  The right generally hates him, which means he must be right about a lot.  Else why try to paint him as a...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table--The Holy Quest Begins

    (National Geographic reports that Britain's Oldest Toy Found. The carved figurine--most likely of a hedgehog or a pig--was discovered during an excavation of a wooden fence near the prehistoric stone monument. The figurine is estimated to be over 2,000 years...
    Barth's picture

    Making the most of what is happening

    . Obligations elsewhere require that this week's post be somewhat edited versions of observations sent hither and yon during the week concerning how bad things are, how they got that way and what happens next.The best thing to come from...
    allsburg's picture

    Watchmen: Complex but Rewarding

    As DAGblog's newly self-appointed film critic, I've chosen Watchmen as my first foray into DAGblogging. And since I'm not an "established" critic, I didn't get courtesy press tickets a week in advance. No, I went to the theater last night at midnight and left this morning at three a.m. (Please, press guys, get me some of those advance screening passes next time, and maybe the review of your film won't be written on three hours sleep.)

    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table--A Tale of Two Visions

    Lancelot finished his rosaries, on a wonderful mesa, filled with green and a view of forests and a sniff of nature.  His Clementine awaited. She knew when he was in one of his moods.    To be able to follow such...
    wws's picture

    Ethics and Anger; Oh, and also, Feminism

    A few years ago I attended the funeral of a venerable Charleston grande dame whom I knew well. I respected her because she was a woman so sure of herself that, despite being a legatee of the old south,...
    Richard Day's picture

    Gandhi's Diaper

    Despite Protests, Gandhi Auction Is to Go On By Jennifer 8. Lee AND Robert Mackey Antiquorum An auction for Gandhi's possessions, including this watch, is scheduled to proceed on Thursday. Despite direct appeals from the Indian government and a last-minute...
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Question - TPM Edition

    This is the next TPM Challenge -- First, an introduction:  Quinn introduced me to a site that poses an annual question to erudite people.   Some examples are, "What do you think is true even though you can't prove it?,"...
    Barth's picture

    March 4

    After New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution on June 21, 1788, making it effective under its terms, the Congress operating under the Articles of Confederation set March 4, 1789 as the date on which the Constitution...
    Ramona's picture

    Slavery is Alive and Well here in America

    This is my first blog post here, and I hate being a newbie, but I feel as if I've come out into the sunlight from inside the Bushman's cave, and I just can't stop talking.  I started my political blog...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish table--The Confessional

    Lancelot wandered into the chapel ruing his sins. He was depressed lately about how he had been conducting his life. He felt he worked so hard. He battled so hard. He quested so hard. That he DESERVED to love so...
    amike's picture

    Fool me once, shame on you. No, I'm Not Quoting Dubya

    Among other things, one of the courses I teach is designed to introduce my kids to some seminal ideas about democracy, and especially the relationship between democracy and reason.  It's not a rigorous intellectual history course.  I'm not an especially...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table--The Great Race

    Meanwhile back at Camelot:The big day is upon us, said Gaharis, clapping his hands in great satisfaction. We must balance our bets on this a little. But your stallion is beyond compare. Old Yeller shall have the day.I dunno, Gaharis,...
    acanuck's picture

    Red alert! Canada has ability to make nuclear weapons

    For a full day, that's been one of the headlines over at the Drudge Report. Well, not actually about Canada -- it's about Iran, and it's attributed to Joint Chiefs of Staff chair Mike Mullen. As you might expect with...
    amike's picture

    Some Questions for the Economists in the House.

    I tell my history students to ask questions.  I beg them and implore them to ask questions if something is confusing them.  Some do, some don't.  It just struck me I'm not practicing what I preach, and that I should...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XXX)

        Sir Quixotic awoke. Refreshed. He felt so gooooood. At last he had found his love.As he awoke he looked around. The sun had been up an hour. A little chill but no clouds. He looked around. He was on...
    MrSmith1's picture

    What Limbaugh says, should remind us ...

    ,,, that whenever Rush or his minions in the GOP attack President Obama, they are attacking his strength, not his weakness. That is their way. ...
    Richard Day's picture

    Julian Jaynes and The Word

    Why do we need a god at all? Every single culture I have read about has at least one god. I do not enjoy reading the Bible. The first four Books of the New Testament are short and sweet and...
