The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    jollyroger's picture

    The Bed-Stuy Chain Saw Massacree

    From the annals of Brooklyn justice an illuminating tale, casting in bold relief the true venality of prosecutors trolling for easy pleas.

    As the charging documents would have it, defendant Shaborn Emmanuel was a particularly dangerous fellow. In a common commercial conundrum, he had accepted drugs on consignment and now found himself, through circumstances not made immediately clear, in possession of neither the inventory nor the money owed therefore.

    His supplier, evidently unconvinced by the bald assertion that a thief had unfortunately made off with the goods, gave Emmanuel a choice. "Present me", he said "with my money or the head of the thief".

    I think you can see where this story is going.

    Richard Day's picture



    Rush Limbaugh


    cmaukonen's picture

    The Earth vs The American Dream. At least one of them must go.

    My current vehicle has hit the end of the line. The clutch and throw out bearing expired in a puff of foul smoke. This is the 5th time I have had this happen. It's a 1998 Subaru and needs other work as well. It served me will taking me up and down I95 and around central Fl. but it's time to let it go. The replacement will be of a similar sort. Newer but not new. I do not require a brand new car as I do not drive that much, but do need to on occasion.

    Obama burned in effigy by Muslims

    Mitt Romney, our Christian President, Barack Obama, is as we speak being burned in effigy by angry Muslims across the world. In a flag draped coffin, no less. Don't you want to jump in with both feet and claim once again that Obama is coddling them? Pretty effective isn't it? Where is your outrage that our country has been demeaned and insulted by the angry Muslims? Perhaps you might want to have your five sons enlist in the military and go over to Pakistan and elsewhere to protect some American real estate---you might actually own some of it. What about you, perhaps you should personally visit the area, tell them again why they shouldn't be coddled. And by the way, you might mention that we won't tolerate any such actions as burning our President in effigy. Cat got your tongue? It's tough being out there in the ring, isn't it? Any of those white towels left over from the plan level at the Ritz Carleton?

    Great Chatham with sword in hand


    Stood waiting for Sir Richard Strahan                                                                                                                    

     Sir Richard, longing to be at 'em     

    Stood  waiting for the Earl of Chatham

    An 18th century verse on a battle which didn’t occur when it was supposed to as each  of the two British commanders waited for the other to make the first move.

    Roy Jenkins quoted it to Prime Minister Callaghan in hopes of  persuading him  Britain should join the common currency.

    Cousin Eddie is not backing down.

    I telephoned my cousin, Eddie, who moved down to a large retirement community in Florida. He's a Romney fan and I try to needle him whenever possible. Because of the recent Romney fund raiser tapes I figured I could really get under his skin this time. If there is anyone on government benefits who does not feel like a victim, it is Eddie. He is single, seems to have more spring in his step than a twenty year old, and is dating three widows.

    Italy gives U.S. new tool in war on terror


    BBC breaking news:

    Italy's court system has successfully convicted foreign intelligence agents for kidnapping. 

    The twist is they were tried and convicted in absentia, a technique that might limit the need to make arbitrary targeted assassinations from afar.

    The DoJ is reportedly studying the decision to see how it might affect high profile cases, such as the drone killings of American cleric Al-Awlaki and later his 15-year-old son.

    I am my own 501(c)(3) religious institution: why Christians and rich people are OK even if they don't pay taxes

    In my last post, I noted that the grating thing about Mitt Romney is that he seems to be like the person in one's office who believes he's the only guy doing any real work.

    This makes me wonder (in this post) why Mitt thinks he's so special, and why his supporters don't believe they're part of the "bad 47%,"  EVEN IF THEY DON'T PAY INCOME TAX THEMSELVES! The special-ness applies to them, too. Why?

    jollyroger's picture

    Free-Loadergate's hidden taper-Our hero: Sir or Madam, I salute you. Class traitor, true patriot, America's friend

    Willard no doubt wishes that he had been able to confiscate all cell phones at the door, but that's a non-starter.

    Withal, someone paying 50k to attend (or a beautiful "paid for" guest...), someone surely not in the reviled 47%, did a real number on the guest of honor.

    The floor is open for nominations.

    I rule out the disgruntled help as too visible and too harried to pull off the taping.

    The more I ruminate, the more I lean towards a female hand on the record button.

    I love you, baby.

    Private bankers and swimming pool orgies

    It seems to me that everyone (where everyone is, generally, "the Media") has chosen to go mute on the sex angle.

    Seriously, everyone: the Republican nominee for President speaks at the home of a private banker (you remember bankers, right, peanut gallery? the ones who screwed, basically, the entire world a few years ago?) who throws or allows or hosts orgies in his pool at the Hamptons...I take it the radio silence is some sort of modesty?


    What was the ratio of penises to vaginas?

    Was it het-on-het, or were multi-organed pansexuals allowed in?

    Romney's 46% gaffe.

    In my opinion it's way too early to conclude that Romney's fund raising video is a "game changer". While Romney's comments are reprehensible, the media coverage so far does not parse the victims to include the 50% of Republicans in red states who are low income and don't pay taxes---but distributes 100% of these folks to the Obama camp. Thus, on the media surface, Romney was correct. A lot of people pay no federal income taxes and they all vote for Obama. What else is new?

    I am not impressed by the way Democrats are addressing the video. Democrats have not properly responded to the "47% pay no taxes" charge in the past and I can't see that their response to this video so far has improved their messaging. So to turn this video into a game changer, Democrats need to improve their attacks. "Romney wrote off the 47%" doesn't, imo, move the needle.  

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Randy Newman's New Song about the Election

    He also did an interview with Slate. Read it because it is awesome.

    There is no better composer/songwriter than Randy Newman. 

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Mitt Romney is the 1% of the 47%

    Well everyone has heard about Romney's latest gaffe, which does make me wonder if he is or is not really a liberal undercover, cause, really??? I mean, one week to the day of his last biggest gaffe, he does it again, he inserts his both feet and his hands in his mouth, ending his presidential dreams. No more padding his resume. It's done. Most disconcerting is that he really seems to believe that the little people, 47% of Americans, just want a handout from the government, and they are victims, and that is why they will vote for the other guy no matter what, FREE STUFF!

    Richard Day's picture


    Mitt Romney Dark-haired man with graying hair at the temples, dressed in dark suit, at a nighttime indoor event



    That video of Romney, talking about his version of The New Scum

    To think I re-read Year of the Bastard by Warren Ellis just this weekend.

    For myself, I've wondered when (even if) the Smiler would actually show up in American politics via our tech level's version of source gas. It's actually kind of stunning to see it happen. But maybe I'm naive.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    Romney's Rock and Hard Place

    As the two the presidential candidates prepare for the first debate, Romney finds himself between a rock and a hard place.  Obama is dealing with the same rock, but unlike Romney he lacks a similar hard place. 

    The rock is the apparently small number of actual undecided voters, maybe as little as 2%.  This means to make significant gains in the poll, one has to go after the swing voters.  Romney is not going to pass Obama in places like Florida and Ohio just by grabbing all of the undecideds (many who could very well not vote at all).  He  has to convince those who have tentatively leaned toward Obama at the moment to change their mind and swing over to him.

    Richard Day's picture


    George Will kills me sometimes. Which is why I refuse to allow guns at my residence.

    Sometimes he shows his fascistic nuts.

    Sometimes he sounds reasonable enough.

    And sometimes he is just plain nuts.

    Now ole George is a sports nut and he, at one time, loved to write about baseball and appears in the Ken Burns documentary about baseball.

    Well, today he comes up with a blog about some relationship between 'progressives' and football.

    I have always enjoyed linking two unconnected subjects and I would never wish to interfere with someone else doing the same.

    But this one post of his at the Washington Post has me scratching my head.

    Is John McCain abetting our enemies?

    On an explosive day in the Middle East, John McCain has just appeared on Fox News telling the folks in Arkansas as well as those in the Islamic world that radical Muslims have properly perceived America's weaknesses.  According to McCain the U.S. is, in fact, weak and it is a known fact that we are withdrawing from the region. Taken at face value McCain's comments could be seen as encouragement to radical Islamist groups to keep testing our embassies around the world. Perhaps our enemies could scale additional compound walls, and sensing the opportunity for a kill, recruit even more radicals and increase the mob violence to a point where it is no longer controllable.

    The conservative way with death

    Do you remember the 1984 movie The Verdict: Paul Newman, James Mason, Charlotte Rampling? Opens with Newman a down-at-the-heels Boston attorney, attending a wake in a funeral home, probably in Southie. He leans over to say a consoling word to the grieving widow. And presses his business card into her hand. In case she wants to sue someone. He's angrily ejected for this tasteless intrusion.

    Benghazis kill man who helped them

    So much for gratitude - a mob in Cyrenaica smoked out the ambassador who for the 3rd time was serving in Libya.

    Ironically having helped arrange the US airspace protection that allowed Benghazi to survive attacks by Qaddafi and overthrow his government, Christopher Stevens was killed on a short visit to this bastion of freedom and self-determination. (2 other Americans & likely a Libyan security official also killed)

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Mitt Romney: Unfit to Be President

    This morning Mitt Romney has accused the President of  sympathizing with the people who killed the US Ambassador to Libya. In a statement released Tuesday evening but held back until 12:01 AM Wednesday, Mitt Romney said: “It’s disgraceful, that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

    Richard Day's picture


    All the President's Men




    If there is one line in the movie that I shall remember till I die; it was when Redford tells his partner that he is a Republican!

    Save your God Coins

    I've been worried about how much I'm spending on Obama contributions and had no idea how I was going to recoup the money---which is extra dear because it is "after tax" dollars. Going to Las Vegas is out of the question because the idea of being in the same state with Sheldon Adelson is revolting. I could cut down on the Chick-Fil-A combos but that would take twenty years to break-even. Fortunately Romney and Pat Robertson have revealed Obama's plan to take God off our coins once he's elected. And it looks as if Obama will be re-elected---unless God quickly sends down a Robertson-style intervention in the form of an attack on our Motherland or a hurricane hitting Washington remind us of the Almighty's potential vengeance if Obama were to win again.

    With the revelation that Obama will get rid of God coins the perfect bet, even better than Intrade, is to hoard God coins. Once Obama has taken all the God coins out of circulation, any which have been hidden will be worth a fortune to collectors as well as to religious sects. I can see something along the idea of Amish, Shaker and possibly even Mormon sects springing up in which the underground commerce will be conducted entirely in God coins. The Shaker option might be preferable since the sexes would be completely segregated, making moot Robertson's plan for male sect members to take their women out of the country to beat them into submission.  


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