The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Now read on

Meanwhile in the Senate Max Baucus had started an interminable process of attempting to obtain actual Republican input. This could have seemed to us here as a pure charade but the 6 Senators in Baucus's debating society had 30 ,2 hour meetings and the language in the emerging bill reflected input from the 3 Republican members and that convinced Lieberman and Ben Nelson to support that emerging bill.

There's nothing like the $1047 drug bill I paid today to

remind me why I can't afford to have Obama lose.

Perhaps six months ago there was a typically bad tempered exchange here not directly about Obamacare but about the reviewer in the Nation who discussed Paul Starr's Remedy and Reaction

with the sub heading

The peculiar American Struggle over health care reform.

I threatened at the time that I would read it and give you the benefit  of my reaction and in response to a complete ,and understandable, absence of encouragement here it is

Talking about Akin to Dan Callahan

More years ago than most of you have been alive I attended Dan and Sydney's parties on Carver Street,behind the DivinitySchool.

When W was angsting over his stem cell decision  a few weeks before 9/11 he called on Dan for advice , Which Dan described  later on Margot Adler's "Justice Talking" program.

Ryan's story's one drawback.It's wrong

according to Martin Wolf.

In the Aug 18 FT.Where he encapsulates Plan Ryan this way

The Ryan plan is (an) example...of the Republican   policy (of) cutting taxes in order to increase deficits and so justify cuts in spending

Then goes on to do what any self-respecting economist could ,and ought to , do ;actually read  Ryan's plan and add up the numbers to see whether it does what Ryan claims.

It doesn't.

Goodbye Paul Ryan

For the first time I think we've got a chance.

" We" being those of us who want to see Obama preside over the implementation of Obamacare. Could happen, now,

Until now I've felt our goose was Koched: the overwhelming financial advantage Romney will enjoy would be used to "Harry & Louise" or "Swiftboating" Obama..

Read 'em and weep

US healthcare is no laughing matter

Excerpted from Gary Silverman, Financial Times July 27


Comedy can be dangerous work in the US. I was reminded of this.....when I chanced upon a website seeking donations for...Caleb Medley (a victim) of the shooting in Aurora, Colorado.


The website tells the story of an affable..dreamer who wound up living a nightmare...Medley grew up in a. ...small town called Florence, married his high school sweetheart and put down roots in Aurora so he could try....stand up comedy


The Supremes approved the mandate

" Dude I owe you  big time .Come over one day after work and I'm opening a bottle of  Bollingers " FT 6/ 28*

"I'm opening a Bollingers tonight" Flavius,right here


* as part of a massive fraud to rig the Libor  to Barclays' advantage

Are the democrats too, well, democratic?

o just a month before the date scheduled for the Wisconsin governor's recall election , the democrats had a contested primary to chose their candidate.

o in a California district with a massive democratic majority the Congressperson will be a Republican since a multitude of democratic candidates so split the large democratic vote that the two winners were the (only) two Republicans who divided the much smaller Republican one.

where the money's gone




Consider the Walton family: the six heirs to the Walmart empire possess a combined wealth of some $90 billion, which is equivalent to the wealth of the entire bottom 30 percent of U.S. society. (Many at the bottom have zero or negative net worth, especially after the housing debacle.) Warren Buffett put the matter correctly when he said, “There’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years and my class has won.”


The Wisconsin Rep senator's recall could matter there

The media has mostly reported that the recall of one Rep senator won't matter since the senate won't meet again until November for an abbreviated session before the newly elected senate is seated.(I assume there'll be a new senate-if I'm wrong please correct)

Not really true. Walker is trying to negotiate an agreement with an iron mining corp  and if so he would want to have the senate to convene to approve it asap. Which might be such a long shot that he wouldn't  bother

No great significance-just a piece of data. 




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