The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Tim Tebow’s mom didn’t get an abortion so no woman should have choice – a Super Bowl Special

    While the team’s are still undecided, this Super Bowl XLIV promises to be a truly spectacular event where all Americans can come together and be thankful – for the fact that Tim Tebow’s mom didn’t abort him.

    From the Denver Post:

    Focus on the Family will air a 30-second “life- and family-affirming” television spot, featuring University of Florida star quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam, during the coverage.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Sarah Palin's Favorite Founding Father - It's Not Who You Think: VIDEO

    As you know by now, Sarah Palin is now a pundit on Fox News.  Oh - cruel irony - she has now become the media elite that she blames for everything.  Is it just me or does she sound like she is constantly making sh*t up off the top of her head and even though it sounds asinine she convinces herself that it sounds super smart and then goes with it?  Maybe it's not the media's fault that some people think she is an idiot, maybe it's because she answers questions like an seventh grader doing a book report on a book they didn't read.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    NBC names Newt Gingrich new host of the ‘Tonight Show’

    BURBANK – Following a week that saw its late-night line-up explode in controversy, NBC has now announced that ex-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich will be the new host of the “Tonight Show,” and that the show will be moved to Sunday at 8 a.m.

    Orlando's picture

    Temporary Protection Status for Haitians in the United States: The Right Thing to Do

    On Friday, the Obama administration granted temporary protected status to any Haitian immigrants in the United States that were awaiting deportation. That means that about 30,000 Haitians will be able to stay in the United States and work legally for up to 18 months. And in yet another example of Republican projection, Rep Steve King (R-IA) suggested that the order was an example of the “Never let a crisis go to waste” philosophy.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Review: The Patrick Byrne & Show

    For those of you that enjoy a good serial, I whole-heartedly advise you to spend a little time paying attention to CEO Patrick Byrne. Because, day-in, day-out, Byrne delivers the goods.

    Orlando's picture

    Indonesian Travel Journal: Best Suggestion Ever

    On my way to Jakarta, I had a nine hour layover in Seoul, Korea. As I was planning my trip, I considered spending that time sight-seeing or finding a restaurant with some excellent bi bim bop. But then I realized I would be tired and grimy, so then I decided to try to find out if there was any place at the Seoul airport where I could take a shower. I was explaining this idea to a friend who frequently travels to India and she made a suggestion that changed my entire trip. She said, “Why don’t you look for a day-rate hotel?” Whichever hotel maven thought up this idea was a genius.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Haiti Earthquake News, updates and links with updates

    As the world tries to comprehend just how horrifying the situation is in Haiti, news of the fall-out from the 7.0 Earthquake has steadily been coming in throughout the early morning.

    acanuck's picture

    Pat Robertson's soul fails to sell on eBay; devil says he expects reserve price to drop. True story

    Considering what's just happened to the poor, sick, malnourished and misgoverned Haitian people, it may seem an irrelevant distraction to focus on the words of one arrogant Christian bigot. But it needs to be done. It's time for Pat Robertson to just go away.

    Conjuring up bogus causality after the fact is his recurring shtick. Feminists and gays caused 9/11. Abortion caused Katrina. Evacuating Gaza caused Sharon's stroke. Health care reform probably caused swine flu. Teaching evolution no doubt led to Fort Hood and the underpants bomber. Enough.



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