The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Confusing Blogger Vows to Quit Using Emoticons in 2010

    BRAZIL – Blogger William K. Wolfrum today vowed to cease using emoticons on the Internet, in any way, ever again.

    “If feel that they had become an intruder into my soul,“ said Wolfrum, who also vowed to act more “High-Fallutin’“ in 2009. “In real life, I wink maybe twice a year. This is out of hand.’’

    Many critics have come forward to complain about Wolfrum`s decision, claiming he is often to self-important and vague in a lot of his satire.

    acanuck's picture

    Favorite things: wall-to-wall hockey

    Don't mean to step on anyone's franchise (no need to lawyer up, Deadman) but I simply have to share this armchair fan's elation at tonight's orgy of televised hockey fare: four games to choose from, spread over the next seven hours -- and much of it top-notch.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Internet’s Top-3 Commenters in Nation announced by Prestigious Blog

    When I started my blog, it was because of my burning desire to affect change on a world troubled on a wide variety of fronts. Or it was because I had too much time on my hands and needed amusement. One of those.

    But something strange happened – no one came. For about a few year, I`d celebrate on days where I had 15 hits, even if 14 of them were me, logging on to different computers around the city so I could click my own Google Ads.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    MNFW: Judgement Edition

    It's been a while since I posted on Dagblog.  I'm not going to apologize for my absence or explain why, I just wanted to point it out.  Anyway, welcome to another exciting edition of My New Favorite Websites (MNFW): the judgement edition. Join me in relishing these two websites that help you look down upon other people - it's fun!

    The People of Walmart

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Tiger Woods SEO Tip

    Here`s the tip? Just mention Tiger Woods. And Elin. And Affairs. Toss in a helping of steroids, and Britney Spears (because you`re a rebel), and you`re in the money. It`s a new Tiger world we live in. Maybe we can pray it away.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Wine & the Arts: Raquel Arantes & Simone Bischoff – Genius I know

    Quite often, I sit around the house reflecting on my own genius. These are times of focused contemplation. They are also times that usually take, say, 42 seconds or so, ending in self recrimination and a modicum of depression.

    Because all I need to do is look toward my family to see true genius. Take for instance my Mother-in-Law Raquel Arantes and my cousin Simone Bischoff.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Barack Obama wishes all Americans a “New Year”

    WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama today officially wished all Americans a “New Year,” breaking with the tradition of U.S. Presidents wishing U.S. citizens a “Happy New Year.”

    Orlando's picture

    Indonesian Travel Journal: How to Pack

    Step 1: Wake up early, determined to finish packing up at least one room.

    Step 2: Check email.

    Step 3: Check Dagblog.

    Step 4: Check Facebook.

    Step 5: Read news.

    Step 6: Shower.

    Step 7: Head next door to see what the family is up to. (Wii!)

    Step 8: Play Lego Star Wars on the Wii

    Step 9: Play Just Dance on the Wii (FREAKING AWESOME!)

    Step 10: Have lunch with a friend you won't see for a couple years at least.

    Step 11: Get home from lunch determined to finish the room by dinner.

    Step 12: Order some shoes online.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    U.S. Officials: "Happy New Year" greetings likely originated in Yemen

    ITALY - Blogger William K. Wolfrum today sent Happy New Years greetings to all his friends, family and readers. Upon hearing this news, U.S. officials quickly surmised that the greeting likely originated in Yemen.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Progress and the Pendulum

    I'm watching the snow through an airport window, thinking about the posts I've meant to get to in the last hectic week or so, and about the things I have to do and the places I have to fly over the next ten days. But for today, it'll have to be a short one, and mostly a metaphor.



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