The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Mark McGwire admits to steroids! Also, Pope admits to Catholicism

    Mark McGwire has come out and admitted the one thing everyone knew about him – that he took performance-enhancing drugs. Of course, as has been his wont since his retirement from baseball, McGwire did so in a cowardly and milquetoast manner.

    “I was given a gift to hit home runs,” said McGwire, who is attempting to return to baseball as a hitting instructor for the St. Louis Cardinals. “I believe I was given this gift. The only reason I took steroids was for health purposes.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Sarah Palin & Fox News: One Heartbeat Away

    With the announcement of her deal with Fox News, Sarah Palin is now one Glenn Beck stroke, aneurysm, or cardiac event from being the most* batshit crazy person on TV.


    * Media Version. Overall, Charlie Sheen is still the most batshit and likely to commit a violent felony at some point.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Man being evicted from Home doesn’t care what Harry Reid said in 2008

    SALEM, Mass. — L.T. Johnson was busy tying a sofa to the roof of his Pinto hatchback, when he was forced to think long and hard about the most recent political controversy.

    “Harry Reid said the word Negro when talking about Obama? And Apologized?” said Johnson, now unemployed for 24 consecutive months. “Yeah, I just don’t care, I need a place for my family to live, so I`m not all too interested in stuff like this.”

    Larry Jankens's picture

    VIDEO: George Bush Gets Verbally Assaulted - and not in a good way

    Picture yourself going to your favorite restaurant only to see former President George H.W. Bush also grabbing a bite to eat.  You can: A) Tell him what a great job he did; B) Ignore him; or C) Get your camera from your car and call him a zionist murderer.  I was going to give the option of throwing your shoe at him, but as we know he has reflexes like a cat and would dodge it.


    Larry Jankens's picture

    Fixing the Middle East: Simple Economics

    There is no other force that can strike strong accord to the most disharmonious parties than money. For two basic reasons: 1) Money makes people content; and 2) Contentment breeds tolerance. Accordingly, the best foreign policy the United States can undertake is one that recognizes the awesome power of dolla-dolla billz y’all.
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Persecution Politics: Civil War Rages in the G.O.P., but Watch Out What You Wish For

    In the wake of resignations by Democratic Senators Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan, Democrats may be taking some shortsighted solace in the prospect of a brewing conservative civil war between the Republican Party establishment and the revolting Teabaggers, no pun intended. The differences between the warring camps are not ideological - the G.O.P. long ago purged its dissenting moderates - but attitudinal.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Sources: Underpants Terrorist Kid printed full-page ad in NY Times promising to attack a U.S. plane

    Ok, maybe not quite that over the top, but the Intelligence Industry really dropped the ball on the Underpants Terrorist kid. And by “dropped the ball,” I mean “Put thousands in needless risk.” I do expect there to be attempted attacks that will get past authorities somehow, but this is sounding quite abysmal.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Japanese Man Surprises No One by Marrying a Video Game Character

    On Sunday Sal9000 married the love of his life, Nene Anegasaki, who just happens to be character in a Nintendo DS video game, Love Plus. Aside from the obvious irony that the video game character has a more normal sounding name than the actual person, this is a notable union because it is a step in the direction of respectability compared to the Japanese raping video game that we have discussed here at Dagblog.
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Jesus Christ far too cool to sweat over Brit Hume, Tiger Woods

    HEAVEN – The heavenly perfection of Downtown Heaven was disturbed once all Hell broke loose following the news that Fox News Real-Live Journalist Brit Hume advised golfer Tiger Woods to become a Christian to overcome his cheating ways. The ruckus was quelled, however, when Jesus Chist stepped forward to say that he did not care.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Jesus Christ he was enormous

    Bill’s Beginner’s Bible Presents:
    Jesus Christ Was He Enormous

    By William K. Wolfrum

    Chapter 1

    Genesis 6: 1-4 tells us that “there were giants in the Earth in those days.” Like all statements coming from the Word of God, this is factually true. There were, in fact, giants. And none were more giant than Jesus Christ.


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