The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Barth's picture


    Let's be clear on this. Your blogger has a strong connection to the district Congressman Weiner represents, but he does not live or vote there. The Congressman's value to those who see the New Deal as an irrevocable compact between the government and the citizenry, has been long apparent, but his interminable press conference on Monday and its shocking revelations about him, led to this post on Daily Kos:

    jollyroger's picture

    Robert Shiller:"Look for further housing price drop...Japan style economic plunge"

    Robert Shiller (He's a Yale economist, he knows more than you do...) already famous for the Case-Shiller housing cost index and for the prescient book "Irrational Exuberance", has a message for the masters of the universe, (and the remaining non-masters who are hoping to get out of their unfortunate real estate positions...)

    tmccarthy0's picture

    GOP in the HOR - Renewable Energy is Anti-Energy! Whaaaat????

    As usual the TeaBag GOP is going out on a limb to protect Oil, Coal, and Nuclear energy producers. NREL - the National Renewable Energy Lab in Colorado is on the chopping block. I did an internship while in graduate school at the Washington State Energy Office in 1993. The program I worked for was the Energy Ideas Clearing House which was funded by grants through the Department of Energy. The funding source was through the DofE's Office of Science and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs.

    FurudeRikaChama's picture

    Will Cities near Fukushima-Daiichi look like this someday?

    These are pictures taken of a city called Pripyat, which was near Chernobyl's reactors. Sadly, the town was abandoned due to fears of radiation. You can see that the photographer was taking a big risk by being in an area where there are high levels of radiation. Surprisingly, quoted from the article:

    There are some sane economists

    and  Brad DeLong’s does a daily summary , Here are a few ....


    cmaukonen's picture

    Our Adolescent Cultural Discourse or Twitter Me This

    When I was in Jr. High there was a fad. It was called Nosy Books.  Usually a legal pad they we passed around and in which we wrote down sill little things about ourselves.  We now currently have the high tech version of this called Twitter.  Now I will admit that it has played an important roll in certain situations as a communications medium.

    jollyroger's picture

    Gingrich: The campaign begins anew Sunday--Thelma and Louise have signed on to drive the bus...

    Many of us on the left used to grind our teeth at the frequency with which Newtie (hey, that's what his mama used to call him...) was invited to the sunday morning TV follies.  That is, until he self-destructed ("Anyone who quotes me is stating a falsehood..."  Huh?) after rashly speaking the truth about Ryan's kill-Medicare budget.

    Tommy Holmes's picture

    Plain and Simple

    The American government rips off its people. The money ends up in the hands of the rich. Hence the debt. This is a plain and simple truth. True or False ?

    Also American is run by Criminals. True or False ?

    America is no longer a democracy - but has become a Corporate State, which is a form of Fascism. True or False ?

    Richard Day's picture


    Sun-bong Choi is the Korean version of Susan Boyle.

    He is the street urchin who made good.

    You can read the article in Time.

    He has an operatic voice to be sure.

    And he was a bit of a set-up since he attended the Korean equivalent of Julliard whilst the audience is given to believe he is a homeless urchin wandering the urban streets in search of a mommy.

    FurudeRikaChama's picture

    The dictatorship of copyrights-how it's gotten ridiculous.

    I am sure that all of you heard about the RIAA suing people for taking music without permission, and how Warner Music Group and Viacom have attacked Youtube, and made Youtube remove videos that somehow violated their laws.

    Well, I have an account on Youtube, so when I log in and look at my favorites videos (the majority of which are anime), I keep finding that people keep on removing them for no reason-other than copyright infringment.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Capitalism FAIL

    Greece is once again rioting over the austerity cuts and the unemployment situation here is worse than the depression of the 1930s. 

    Capitalism as a way to trade goods and services - which it is in it's most basic form - works pretty well in certain situations. Just look in any school cafeteria. You will see goods and services traded like crazy. And it anyone tries to cheat the system, they are generally dealt with  - usually on the play ground. 

    And in most societies and countries for a long time this was pretty much the case. Where it did break down, it was caused either by some unforeseen natural occurrence - crop failures and the like - or because a few people got greedy and these were eventually dealt with. Sometimes quite brutally.

    From Brad Delong

    Peter Diamond unqualifed to be a Federal Reserve Governor: Peter Diamond: "Last October, I won the Nobel Prize in economics for my work on unemployment and the labor market. But I am unqualified to serve on the board of the Federal Reserve — at least according to the Republican senators who have blocked my nomination.

    Richard Day's picture


    In a video released today Al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn encourages terrorists to use American gun shows to arm themselves for potential Mumbai-style attacks.  Gadahn's video laid out a new tactic for Al Qaeda to continue their murderous terrorist agenda:

    America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?

    The Decider's picture

    Men With Naughty Names Have No Business in Politics!

    His name was Weiner, for goodness sakes! How could he be so stupid to run with a name that sounds like someone's privates?

    Quantum computers, Qubits, Entanglements

    World’s first commercial quantum computer sold to Lockheed Martin for $10 million! including service and support, of course.

    So what is a quantum computer?  From the article:

    jollyroger's picture

    Prez: Debt bargain in December? Nah, I'm dumb as a fuckin' stump--don't blame me for current (kabuki) coming train wreck...

    As we have so many times before, we find ourselves obliged to believe that Prez simply could not foresee the logical outcome of his actions.

    This time, the drama requires suspension of disbelief that beggars the imagination.

    Only months before having to crawl to the new repugnant majority for borrowing authority to fill a void largely resulting from the predictable outcome of their tax cutting demands, Obama studiously avoided requiring, as a reasonable quid  pro quo, that they raise the debt ceiling a commensurate amount back then.

    Richard Day's picture



                    PROFESSOR SARAH PALIN


    cmaukonen's picture

    Our Great Economic Disconnect or Recession Part Deux

    Well the administration has given the same old BS about the economy vis-a-vis jobs trying to spin it in a positive manner. Will we ever get the truth about what is going on ? I seriously doubt it.

    Oh the Disparity!

    For some reason, tonight my mind is pondering these two different HGTV (Home and Garden TV channel, via cable) specials.

    I saw both of these at some point last year.  They struck me then, and even more so now, as being the perfect illustration as to what is wrong with our country today.

    CVille Dem's picture

    President Obama has to make Medicare Solvent. Here's How:

    Medicare currently provides reimbursement for medical care to those of us who are 65+ years old.  There aren't too many in that group who have never had a health issue, and even fewer who have never had a chronic one (eg:  high blood pressure, arthritis, injuries, surgeries, and even cancer etc) --


    [insurance companies absolutely LOVE any of those things, because they get to charge more for premiums, or outright deny coverage, based on the fact that they would not be able to charge those unfortunate people enough to make a profit]
