The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age


    What ‘s the matter with  ………….(fill in blank)


    So stick in  Kansas and get it over with. But we´re not in Kansas anymore Toto.  Or Sri Lanka, or Suriname. Or…….


    Take it in steps


    1. Joe and Bonnie  Lunchpail don´t want to accept  they ŕe  losing ground.

    Docudump Dos.

    Following are some articles that I have found interesting. Maybe some others will too. 

    Why is the media—including the liberal media—supporting these teachers’ strikes? By Corey Robin

    All the President’s Women   By Andrew Levine. 

    Citizens, Can We Game the Census too?

    If Republicans can game the census with citizenship questions, which may dissuade an entire family of citizens from participating in it if there is one non-citizen in the home.......can legal citizens counter-game it?

    Say you are a Democrat in a district and state that goes heavy Republican, should you decline to participate in the census?

    Richard Day's picture


    Stormy Daniels 2015.jpg

    Okay, so CBS 60 Minutes will present the storm of the year review.

    Trump's old pay for sex partner shall appear.

    Just waiting for the end of the NCAA Basketball thingy to end; it is now in overtime.

    No. 1 Kansas v. No. 2 Duke.

    I do not care even if I should.

    Speaking of overtime.

    This dalliance, as you might recall occurred just shortly following the birth of Donald's last kid (we think?) whom we never get to see.


    CVille Dem's picture

    Stormy Weather — Live Blog

    I was hoping DDay would do this, but I’ll step up to the plate.  I will pretend to care about the substantive issues:

    1.  Will she live up to expectations (I’m saying meh)

    2.  Will the dvd be shown?  Probably not. 

    3. Will DJT end up suing her for millions?

    4. Will Melania divorce him after this?  No.  (I think he is holding Barron hostage)

    5.  Will it matter to his base?  Ha!

    They want to help each other

    Brought tears to my eyes. Berlin, today:

    As I was saying

    and saying. And sa....

    We are failing #Metoo.

    It 's not failing. It 's put the turkey on the table.

    The assorted boards from H.Weinstein' s to the Met ,haven' t failed. They tried to deal with a challenge they   shouldn´t have been presented. Didn´ t succeed of course. Did so in a way that sets a dangerous precedent . But they tried.

    "Deep State"

    Just a thread to try to figure out what's going on with the newest most popular conspiracies, to post items over time. Because I recently saw these things that blew my mind:

    Richard Day's picture


    Maxine Waters: Devin Nunes Is A "Messenger Boy" For "Don the Con Man" Trump!

    I just love this lady!

    She is a low IQ individual?

    I have been thinking about 'themes' for next year?

    Maxine has kind of decided this issue for me.

    Some member of Rubio's advisory commission got him to go on a rage; attempting to use the same tactics as Trump.

    Oh look, he is orange.

    Oh look, he is an idiot.

    Oh look, he is a no-nothing.

    Obviously it did not work in 2016.

    Everything that rises

    ...must converge.


    ." a collection of short stories written by Flannery O'Conor....The ...eponymous  story derives its name from the work of  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin".

    Moat could probably tells us if not all we need to know  at least enough so we could fake it about Teilard de Chardin.

    I certainly can't but it's irrelevant because I'm heading in a different direction (sighs of relief from both  readers).

    All together now

    Governor Huckabee ( and daughter) never found any Arkansas evidence of Hillary's crookedness because, say after me :t h e r e   w a s n ' t  a n y. That's the only rational conclusion.

    Crooked as  NY Semator? And Pot Hole Al didn't notice?

    Well how about trying to guard her State Department  emails? As if  anyone  could  possibly  distort them. Or take them out of context. Or even give them to the russians! Give me a break.

    There's a guilty conscience for you. 

    All together now

    Governor Huckabee ( and daughter) never found any Arkansas evidence of Hillary's crookedness because, say after me :t h e r e   w a s n ' t  a n y. That's the only rational conclusion.

    Crooked as  NY Semator? And Pot Hole Al didn't notice?

    Well how about trying to guard her State Department  emails? As if  anyone  could  possibly  distort them. Or take them out of context. Or even give them to the russians! Give me a break.

    There's a guilty conscience for you. 

    Huckabee Sanders' dad

     Righteously pointed out today

    "One last, curious thing. Lewinsky acknowledges that what she did was wrong and that what the President did was a “gross abuse of power,” but she has nothing negative to say here about Hillary’s behavior. Instead, she says, “We watched a First Lady and First Daughter move through the year with grit and grace.” Um, this is the First Lady who graciously called her a narcissistic loony tune and worked behind the scenes to discredit scores of erupting bimbos. 

    Dianne Feinstein is vulnerable

    The California Democratic Party (CDP) declined to endorse anybody in this year’s U.S. Senate race. Since the two most popular candidates are Democrats - one of whom will almost certainly win in November - some may see nothing more than a decision not to upset an apple cart that’s rolling downhill.

    Still, the result is surprising if only because front runner Dianne Feinstein could muster only 37% of the vote of CDP delegates. Feinstein of course is the octogenarian San Franciscan who rose to national prominence forty years ago in the aftermath of the assassinations of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. Little known Kevin de Leόn copped 54% of the vote.


    not of the Dagblog security system but of the Dagbloggers'  ability to match certain well known  individuals with the good fortune that came their way.

    List A : dollars,  in numerical order. 

    $1 971 554, 1 968 714, 1 488 706, 1472 789 , 1 399 698, 1 231 079, 1 015 173 , 1 012 980 , 820 375,  800 544,     707 084, 543 612, 450 095, 419 651 

    List B :people, in alphabetical order.

    Blunt, Buck, Burr , Cassidy, Curtis, Cotton, Gardner ,Hill , Johnson, McConnell , Portman , Roberts ,Rubio, Tillis, Young.

    barefooted's picture

    Who Could Argue?

    I was a child in the sixties, and grew up with Billy Graham on our little black and white TV.  We weren't an overtly Christian family (far too admittedly dysfunctional), but he was my parental attempt at being mainstream, I suppose.  My Mom loved him, so I did. 

    In a past life I was very close to someone who worked for  Samaritan's Purse as first a missionary and then, eventually, a numbers cruncher.  As the former, his family suffered due to his long absences and meager pay.  The latter came to pass because four kids and a wife finally said no more to both.  Even as true believers, the family complaints (and questions) were eventually enough to make the difference.  He was able to stay closer to home, though his pay was still minimal.

    Richard Day's picture


    Graham in a suit with his fist clenched

    Billy Graham was a shyster.

    This man did not ever believe one goddamn thing he ever professed.

    This man hated Jews:

    This man hated Blacks.

    #metoo is wrong


    Due process is more important than  helping  women obtain redress for harms they've suffered. Or believe they've suffered.

    If NPR, or Google, or GE  is told an  employee thinks she's been harassed. ; or denied promotion ;or whatever, it  should  not   try to fix the problem .

    Been there done that. Called "lynching".

    Instead It should  help her  to use the legal system. If there's no way to do that  it should do nothing about past events. That's called  "ex post facto ".

    Orion's picture

    How America May Amend Its Gun Culture

    During the 1960s and 1970s, the Vietnam war dragged on for over a decade. Opposition to a military draft that required youth to become involved in it, regardless of what they thought of it, led to the burning of draft cards, marches on Washington D.C., and, eventually, the elimination of the military draft in the country, and the end of the war itself.

    That didn't mean America suddenly became pacifist. No, that would be naive to find possible. However, America never again tried drafting anyone. Wars proliferated after the Vietnam war on a smaller but more numerous and clandestine scale, including in neighboring Cambodia, throughout Latin America in the following decade, and in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa after that. War for the U.S. became more and more remote, culminating with Bush's all volunteer occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq and Obama's drone wars. Tours of duty were extended again and again and bombing done from thousands of miles away, with a draft being avoided as much as possible.

    Richard Day's picture


    Police at Sandy Hook.PNG

    Years ago I wrote a post satirically reviewing an accidental shooting in an elementary school.

    Some little kid took a gun to school and it fell out of his back pack, struck the floor and went off.

    No one was injured.

    A DocuDramaDrop

    Some reporters are better than others. One of the better ones, one whom I would rate among the best, recently died. I rate Robert Parry as among the best based on his decades long body of work and am not surprised to see that so many respected reporters  and pundits agree. I believe, as he did, that a good reporter, as well as every citizen who exercises his/her right to vote, should always be skeptical of anything being told by any government, especially his/her own government.

    Richard Day's picture


    Vicente Fox flag.jpg

    Vicente Fox is a great man!

    Here is the once, great, President of Mexico on Bill Maher.

    I always loved this guy.

    I have watched this bilingual leader for years!


    Richard Day's picture


    There are new proposals concerning SNAP coming from the right and the WH
    and the Repubs, but these proposals are not new.
    Repubs have despised the food stamp program for decades.
    I live on a small though median (it turns out) Social
    Security payment once a month.
    I also receive subsidized housing (30% + cable).
    I am doing fine.
    For some reason that I will never understand I receive
    fifteen bucks in food stamps.
