MH370 Goodfellow's Hypothesis

    Not seen anyone with this on DAG. Veteran US pilot believes the plane experienced a catastrophic in flight fire/smoke and/or decompression, the pilots steered immediately for the closest runway in Malaysia, and no one survived to land the plane. It continued on as a 'ghost plane' to points unknown. Goodfellow frankly makes more sense than most other theories from what little facts we know 'for sure' about the flight.

    Goodfellow's original post here.

    jollyroger's picture

    McCain: No reversal of Nikita Khrushchev shall stand!

    With his unerring instinct for military engagement, John McCain has not let us down in the current situation.  John McCain, destroying military assets in two different centuries...

    A Question about the Book of Ezra for Biblical Scholars

    So, on a discussion board elsewhere, someone posted the following Tom the Dancing Bug comic:

    Now, I'm familiar with the the 1 Kings 7:23-26 reference, and it's never fazed me: 10 cubits times pi (3.14159…) is 30 cubits, to one significant figure. No problem. The Ezra 1:7-11 reference is more confusing. Specifically, Ezra 1:9-11:

    CVille Dem's picture

    re: the Malaysian "Mystery Flight" A Very Curious New York Times Article that Everyone is Ignoring

    I found this article in a New York Times newsdump in my email.  I was struck by the reference to a Malaysian pilot who expressed an interest in terrorism and a second reference to another Malaysian who wanted to use a shoe bomb to gain access to a cockpit (and was given a shoe bomb).

    I sent this to Josh at TPM and also to MSNBC but did not get a reply from either.  Any thoughts from my fellow Dagbloggers?  It seems so odd to ignore this!

    Richard Day's picture



    In the law we find the principle of 'standing'.

    I cannot find my Black's Law Dictionary right now but Wiki will do.

    In the law, if my memory serves me, the term standing relates to the issue of whether or not someone has a right to bring suit against an alleged tortfeasor.

    jollyroger's picture

    Rahm was right (??!!!) Economic recovery should have come first

    Hindsight, as they say, is 20-20.


    We on the left who despise Rahm Emmanuel for his corporatist roots, his dismissive attitude towards the grass roots and his cramped and limited vision of political struggle, used to inveigh, inter alia, against his reported advice that health care reform should have been left until the shambles of the Great Recession had been remediated.


    From our perch 5 years out, does he not seem prescient?


    jollyroger's picture

    Hey, Prez (you worthless pig)...Stop the rapes!

    Perhaps I misconstrue the words "Commander-in-Chief", but I swear before Jesus that English is my native tongue, and the whole title is only three words long.


    Real care

    Today's TPM describes a couple whose infant died but take time to remark that due to the ACA  at least they don't have to deal with staggering medical bills. 



    Which prompts me to add my comments on the roll out of the ACA . Unlike the media and the Obama haters (thanks Wattree) rather than considering the roll out as a disaster I consider it almost remarkably successful.

    This time is different

    o In 1936 Hitler hosted the Olympics 

    o Later he invaded the Sudetenland  claiming  with some plausibility there was discrimination against ethnic Germans

    o The League of Nations had no ability to deter him


    o Last month Putin hosted the Olympics



    jollyroger's picture

    One Supreme Court seat turns it all around.

    Assume, arguendo, that the Dems hold the Senate in 2014.


    As now, the House remains, by virtue of crass gerrymander, out of reach of democratic pressure, with no visible hope of redress until the 2020 redistricting, if then.


    Must we accept, then, utter and complete stagnation until the congress elected in November 2020 is organized in January 2021?  That is seven more lost years.


    Perhaps there is another scenario.


    Who's Who


    nope by Auden


    A shilling life will give you all the facts:

    How Father beat him ,how he ran away,

    What were the struggles of his youth, what acts

    Made him the greatest figure of his day:

    Of how he fought, fished, hunted,worked all night,

    Though giddy, climbed new mountains; named a sea:

    Some of the last researchers even write

    Love made him weep his pints like you and me.


    With all his honours on, he sighed for one

    Who,say astonished critics,lived at home ; 

    Richard Day's picture


    North american slave revolts.png

    Granting that it’s “a radical idea,” Buchanan writes, “Suppose we repealed the civil rights laws and fired all the bureaucrats enforcing these laws.”

    Does anyone think hotels, motels and restaurants across Dixie, from D.C. to Texas, would stop serving black customers?” he continues. “Does anyone think there would again be signs sprouting up reading ‘whites’ and ‘colored’ on drinking foundations and restrooms?"

    Well suppose that someone finally exiled Ole Pat to some stud farm; forever freeing us from his communiques?

    Before I get to the real purpose of this post (involving another famous revisionist) I wish to take a short historical look at our nation's racist roots.

    jollyroger's picture

    Guns lawfully owned, must not be registered so as to facilitate the unlawful evasion of lawful confiscation.

    It is commonplace to respond to the fear of gun confiscation, (virtually universally voiced by anti-registration zealots) with a soothing tut-tut, coupled with strenuous oaths forswearing the passage of any law which might reach into the extant stash of any armed citizen in order once and for all to rid society of a manifest source of misery.


    Ramblin, Blabberin, and Confabulatin'

    Color coded revolutions right and left, so to speak. So many different points of view. So many reasons to guess one way or the other at what is happening and why.

    Richard Day's picture



    Widow-Stepmother: Even though he is gone, you can certainly refer to me as Mom!

    Stepdaughter: Are you kidding me? You sat behind me in 8th grade French!

    (L&O last night, I think?)

    An inside job

    This will be of minimal interest in this  venue so I’ll keep it short.

    The laws against “insider trading”  are as unenforceable as prohibition and should suffer the same fate.There’s nothing wrong  per se with an investment advisor learning as much as possible about a target. That’s his job.

    She can do it by trying to worm the information from an inside source. Or going to the favorite bar of any insider and just listening .  In fact D&B (I think) used to have a service called Key Reports-perhaps still do- where their investigator did just that.

    So it's 40 minutes

    Richard Day's picture


    You ever feel like holding a stranger in your arms and telling them that everything is going to be Okay?


    I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of an organization that advocates the violent over-throw of the United States Government.(I am not so sure about the future!)

    So read it, already

    I chose a Swedish contralto over a Kenyan American citizen last night so probably I'm echoing a million talking heads. But what else is new?

    What  most interested me could be summarized as............

    Obama's $10.10 wage proposal was a failure because.....(insert choice)

    A. It will only be available to 200,000 (cruelly underpaid )workers says the FT' s   Robin Harding 

    B. Obama's DOD budget can't afford the extra billion bucks.  Harding again.

    C.John Boehner,in his own words

