The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

¨ Imagine a summer evening if you please

with music underneath the trees"

....begin some Noel Coward lyrics from ¨ Conversation Piece ¨  and end  


Men and women , superbly clad ,stroll

sip tea ,

¨and lightly discuss their monarch ...who is mad¨.

More specifically, raved for 58 hours. Sound familiar?

Like Trump. Not    ¨idiosyncratic ¨    Mad.

I don´t use these terms  casually -a family member  is institutionalized- but soon for his own sake and that

of the country Trump must be stripped of his authority.

Sometimes Trump ´s right department

¨While Panasonic is the world ´s largest supplier of electric vehicle batteries globally, China ´s BYD and  CATL were just behind , according to figures collated by Bernstein ,the research group...............

In 2015 in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing,South Korea ´s LG  Chem opened a battery factory. The same year Samsung SDI followed suit. opening a plant in Xian in central  China and declaring that it would "forge  its foothold in the world'ś biggest  new energy vehicle market ¨. 

Just some numbers

             Presidential popular votes                    Elected to state assemblies                                                                   in millions


              Dem          Rep                                     Dem       Rep

2007                                                                2964       2399

2008         69.5        59.9                                      ?                                                                                  

Score card

              Presidential popular votes                    Elected to state assemblies                                                                   in millions


              Dem          Rep                                     Dem       Rep

2008         69.5        59.9                                      ?                                                                                  

2009                                                                 3058      2334                                                               

Trump's right.

We shouldn't import anything .

Not if we can make it here.

The things that we can make but don't,  we should  resume making here.

This obscenely rich country shouldn't  have 50,000 homeless in NYC tonight. In 2018 that should be

5,000.  And 45,000 people should be making replacements for the Toyotas we won't be buying.

That is the only way we can make America a country that is great for the working class. We can't Globalize our way to full employment. We have to import- replace our way there.

Senator Warren forced not to quote Coretta King

Around 9 30 pm Senator Warren, speaking  as part of the Democrat's opposition to  Sessions ,  attempted to provide relevant information about the 1986 Senate's  decision to reject him as a federal judge. After reading Senator Kennedy's  86 statement   she attempted to do the same with Coretta Scott King's 86 letter of opposition.

That's what did it?

During the campaign I thought Trump's chances would be affected by his "Grab a little pussy"  chat.

Or by has cheerfully agreeing  to allow Ivanka to be called on national TV " a nice piece of ass".

Or by the video of him in Australia humiliating Miss Australia  for not meeting his plane.

I was right,  It probably got him elected.

This is not a rehearsal

It’s the way things are going to be from now on. Theoretically two minority members are supposed to be present when a senate committee forwards a Presidential cabinet nominee to the full senate.Except when they aren’t. This past week.

Supposedly it takes  60 votes to stop a filibuster.   Think a Democrats filibuster will prevent  the approval of about- -to- be Justice Gorsuch?  Along with believing in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.

How could this have happened?

That's easy.   Bernie ran and Hillary lost.Take Pennsylvania for example


                                        PA      Election results in thousands


IMHO in specifying today that the "Illegitimate son of Obama care"  will be passed on the same day as the burial of its oft-mocked predecessor Donald the T is committing that Trumpcare will offer equivalent benefits.

Particularly since he was extremely clear during the campaign that he agreed with Obamacare's pre existing condition clause.

Since s

1 Accepting pre existing conditions is a money loser. In spades.

2 To offset that loss on (1)  Obamacare  permitted Insurance.Co   to overprice everything else

3 with UsSGOV  subsidizing  (2).


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogAs we were coming Flavius437 years 9 months ago
LinkHillary adds DNC to list of those she blames for her loss HSG377 years 9 months ago
Reader blogWhat do the numbers tell us? Flavius07 years 9 months ago
Blog entryA Simple Plea: Do Not Lay Hands Upon Our Children Ramona197 years 9 months ago
LinkKushner Wanted Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin barefooted487 years 9 months ago
LinkDemocrats’ Secret Weapon: Romney Voters Michael Wolraich457 years 9 months ago
Blog entryThe Moral Necessity of the Civil War Doctor Cleveland137 years 9 months ago
LinkHow American Practices Validated Nazi Race Laws NCD57 years 9 months ago
Reader blog¨He´s a good guy¨ Flavius27 years 9 months ago
Reader blogHating 62 million people Flavius837 years 10 months ago
Link(Any) Health Act Repeal Could Threaten U.S. Job Engine artappraiser97 years 10 months ago
Reader blogGet ready for President Pence Flavius07 years 10 months ago
Blog entryWar by Other Means: Citizens United v. Hillary PeraclesPlease67 years 10 months ago
Reader blogObamacare´s repeal/replacement Flavius367 years 10 months ago
LinkMacron Campaign Says It Was Target of ‘Massive’ Hacking Attack artappraiser97 years 10 months ago
Reader blogWhy Bernie Matters HSG477 years 10 months ago
Blog entryAbortion: Unifying Issue PeraclesPlease277 years 10 months ago
Reader blogThe Five Stages of Bernie Grief HSG77 years 10 months ago
Reader blogPotentially Fatal Mistakes and the Necessary Correctives HSG267 years 10 months ago
Reader blogA Plea to my Fellow Progressives HSG407 years 10 months ago
Reader blogBreaking: White man from Vermont dismisses claims of racism, sexism, homophobia, slams Democrats. armchair guerrilla2497 years 10 months ago
Reader blogWho's Really Woke? Danny Cardwell97 years 10 months ago
Blog entryInterview with the Umpire PeraclesPlease77 years 10 months ago
Reader blogEric Flavius447 years 10 months ago
Reader blogClose defeat in Kansas Flavius107 years 11 months ago
